The Soul-Deep Interrogation from Mother

Upon closer reflection, tonight's banquet, no matter how you look at it, is akin to a "Hongmen Feast"! Su Chen understood his mother, Chen Qing, all too well. Claiming she missed her son and wanting him to come home was merely an excuse.

Behind this, there's definitely a scheme. The last time he merely met with Yang Yuxin, their engagement was immediately re-established. Returning home now, it's not hard to foresee the potential outcome; Su Chen was worried!

He immediately made a call to Su Xian'er, explaining the situation quickly. Afterwards, Su Chen waited at home for her. Most of the company's affairs are now managed by Su Xian'er.

She nearly holds the decision-making power. The company's matters are very demanding; the rumored transactions of millions every few minutes seem all too real. Yet, not long after receiving Su Chen's message, she was back.

Upon entering, her expression was incredibly serious. "Is Yang Yuxin really coming over? Mom and dad are planning to match you two, and I don't approve!" Su Xian'er, agitated, had changed color.

And because she had rushed back, she was drenched in sweat, even her clothes were damp. Yet, in such a state, she presented a different kind of charm. Su Chen thought to himself, "Indeed, her panting appearance after some exertion is quite enticing."

"You disapproving won't change anything; this has been decided by mom." Su Chen gave Su Xian'er a sideways glance. He felt a bit helpless.

Even though there's already a relationship between him and Su Xian'er. He still felt somewhat hesitant to discuss it with Chen Qing and Su Long. Such a topic, anyone would feel embarrassed discussing it.

Su Xian'er's gaze shifted, a killing intent emerging, the surrounding temperature dropping instantly. "Don't worry, I'll take care of Yang Yuxin quietly." 

Su Chen's face paled, "No, no, no!"

"Don't fret. Whatever I do will be discreet!" Su Xian'er thought Su Chen was worried for her, so she said these words to reassure him. Su Chen was taken aback.

Having his left and right hands fight, how could he let this happen? Yet, he couldn't outright tell Su Xian'er either. Or else he would be the one getting a beating later.

Su Chen explained, "It's just my speculation. What if I'm wrong? Perhaps mom simply misses us and wants us to come home for dinner! And besides, even if mom likes her, could she like her more than you? Don't worry for now, we'll talk when the time is right."

Su Xian'er nodded her head. Because everything Su Chen said made sense. Her initial murderous intent had also subsided.

"Brother, you like me more than her, right?" Su Xian'er suddenly asked a seemingly naive question. It seems that no matter how aloof a heroine is, once in love, she can instantly become sweet and naive. In front of you, the answer to this question has always been clear.

Su Chen nodded. Upon hearing this, Su Xian'er became elated, her voluptuous figure swaying with an enticing charm. Perhaps after Su Xian'er's coming-of-age ceremony, her entire demeanor began to carry hints of a mature allure.

"Indeed, I still prefer Su Xian'er's irresistible aloof and majestic demeanor, especially when she gives me those cold looks." The more Su Chen pondered, the more he felt something was amiss. "Could I be some kind of deviant?" "I wonder if there are others like me?"

With a chuckle, Su Chen grabbed Su Xian'er's delicate hand. "Let's go, we should head out now!" Su Xian'er frowned and pulled her hand away, stating assertively, "Let me dress up first."

"Why bother dressing up? We're not going anywhere special, and you're already beautiful enough. Yang Yuxin won't be there!" 

"Shut it! Don't mention her to me!"

Leaving behind a glare that could kill, Su Xian'er hurriedly went to her room to dress up. "Well, she looks best when she's both sweet and salty." Su Chen, of course, knew what she was thinking.

Indeed, men and women are the same in this aspect. No matter how strong they usually appear, when faced with a romantic rival, they always feel insecure. They fear they might lose due to some minor detail!

Su Chen was slightly better off because he's acted as a villain so many times. While Su Xian'er was in her room changing, he pondered if he should also dress up. Otherwise, wouldn't that be dropping the ball?

By the time Su Xian'er dresses up beautifully, and he appears raggedy, it'd be a disaster. A protagonist's archetype! So awkward. The first time Su Chen met Qin Yu, he was put off by the latter's attire, and immediately beat up the protagonist.

This ultimately led to a collapse in the storyline. Thus, Su Chen wouldn't allow such a scenario to unfold on him. "Zhao Menghan, come out and help me with my bath and attire!"

Su Chen called out. Increasingly, he felt like a young master from ancient affluent households. Bathing and dressing up, with the aid of beautiful maids for everything.

Speaking of bathing, Su Chen always had a doubt. Zhao Menghan took thirty minutes to bathe, he took ten, yet combined, they never took forty minutes. Strange. Su Chen chose an informal yet luxurious black suit.

Wearing it accentuated his demeanor. Looking at himself in the mirror, he felt somewhat narcissistic. No wonder the heroines fall for him, who could resist this face?

The one most entranced was Zhao Menghan, who was helping him get ready. She looked as if bubbles were about to pop from her eyes. She even hesitated to glance at Su Chen, her face radiating shyness.

Of course, Su Chen caught all these reactions. He thought, "This is bad, one of the heroines is completely smitten with me."

It's truly astounding. Zhao Menghan, since childhood, had been trained to kill, so she wasn't very familiar with many societal norms. In simpler terms, she was naive.

This meant Su Chen could easily influence her, and she would happily accept. Especially a woman like her, appearing daily in varied attire with those cheeky and cute expressions. Su Chen considered himself devoid of peculiar tastes.

But seeing Zhao Menghan in such a manner naturally elicited a reaction. After all, he wasn't playing the role of a villain now and felt no guilt. He gently pinched Zhao Menghan's smooth cheek and then... He left the bedroom.

Su Chen had long realized that kissing heroines didn't seem to disrupt the storyline. So, he had no reservations. His main concern was any potential issue with Zhao Menghan.

After all, her long-term martial training could have some adverse effects on her body. And Su Chen's primary intention was to check on her well-being. Exiting the bedroom, he found that Su Xian'er was already waiting in the hall.

She had her hair tied up, exposing her smooth forehead and fair, delicate neck highlighted by her black hair. Su Xian'er's neck retained its fairness. Thanks to Su Chen's discretion, otherwise marks might reveal all. After all, Su Chen didn't fancy visiting German orthopedics.

"Why did you take so long?" Su Xian'er seemed different, giving him a cold stare. "Cough, cough." Su Chen cleared his throat, changing the subject, "Let's hurry up, or we'll be late." Saying this, he took Su Xian'er's hand and left the house.

Of course, Su Chen was the one driving. Because Su Xian'er knew all too well about his driving prowess. The two remained silent throughout the journey.

Because this trip home was clearly not going to be easy. The identity with which they returned home was significant. Though their household registration hadn't been transferred out yet, returning home had its implications.

A son and sister returning for dinner versus a son bringing home his potential wife carried distinct connotations, even if it's about the same person. The Su Family Mansion!

The last time Su Chen was here, he was acting as a villain at the beginning of the storyline. In just a short span of two months, the plot had evolved to a point he could barely keep up with. While the Su Mansion was vast, it was primarily inhabited by Chen Qing and Su Long, with the rest being servants. So, upon entering, Su Chen's main concern was for the elderly duo.

"Mom, how have you been lately? Has dad been treating you well?" He began with words of concern and warmth.

Perhaps due to Yang Yuxin's absence, both Su Chen and Su Xian'er heaved a sigh of relief. Chen Qing rolled her eyes, "Talking back to me now, huh?" As she spoke, a mischievous smile appeared on her face, "My son has truly made a name for himself. I've heard of your recent achievements, and I'm quite impressed."

"Do you need any help dealing with that Qin Yu fellow?" "No need," Su Chen shook his head. Given Qin Yu's current pitiable state as the protagonist, if Chen Qing took action, he would undoubtedly meet his end.

This put Chen Qing at ease. Much of her anger seemed to subside. In truth, it proved that a daughter-in-law would never surpass the importance of a son in Chen Qing's eyes, or she wouldn't have addressed these concerns to Su Chen first.

However, Chen Qing suddenly glanced at the stunning and graceful Su Xian'er and casually asked, "Xian'er, perhaps I shouldn't have let you take over the company. You're not getting any younger. What about marriage?" "I'm still waiting to hold a grandchild, you know!"

Su Chen was taken aback. Who was she hinting at? Su Chen increasingly felt a sense of foreboding.

"Marry?" Su Xian'er responded irritably, "Why should I? None of those men measure up. Not when compared to your son who has made the company so much money in such a short time." This unconscious comparison of her brother to other men slightly raised Chen Qing's eyebrows.

Su Chen felt even more helpless. Speaking of Chen Qing's tactfulness, She must've noticed the abnormality between him and Su Xian'er. And now she was testing the waters.

Little did she expect Su Xian'er to fall for it. How had Su Xian'er, this usually smart woman, become so naive when it came to love? But in her heart, Su Xian'er was pleased.

While Su Chen could discern Chen Qing's probing, how could she not? He had told her that they couldn't divulge their relationship to Chen Qing. But he never said Chen Qing couldn't guess on her own.

Internally, Su Xian'er prayed, "Mom, please figure it out!" Indeed, the corners of Chen Qing's mouth twitched. She seemed to realize that something was amiss.

Su Chen played it coy, "Mom, these things can't be rushed. Everything comes down to fate." Chen Qing didn't dwell on the previous topic but shot Su Chen a stern look, declaring, "Don't feed me that line. How do you plan to handle your marriage? I'll have you know, I'm not fond of Lin Qingyan."

Oh great, so you're implying you favor Yang Yuxin? Su Chen internally retorted. Seeing Su Chen remain silent, Chen Qing's anger intensified, leading her to pose a profound question, "Choose between Lin Qingyan and me. It's either her or me." She didn't mention Yang Yuxin, but the implication was clear.

From her words and tone, it was clear she was hinting at Yang Yuxin, and with Lin Qingyan thrown into the mix, Su Xian'er immediately grew displeased. Her lovely face instantly fell, and without uttering a word, she returned to her room. Clearly, she was upset.

Su Chen noticed this, but he couldn't immediately go after her; it would be too obvious and give them away. Chen Qing was probably only suspicious at this point, so he needed to avoid any unusual behavior. "If you don't want to answer, that's fine. Tell me, when will I get to hold a grandchild?" Chen Qing's questions were always so direct and forceful. Such a commanding presence. Su Chen was somewhat at a loss for a response.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, "If you want to hold a baby so much, why don't you and dad practice making another one?" Upon hearing this, Chen Qing's commanding demeanor instantly crumbled, her skin breaking out in goosebumps. But Su Chen sensed an impending explosion of anger and quickly added, "Well, I've recently established a new company. I should go discuss some things with Xian'er." With that, Su Chen swiftly made his exit.

By the time Chen Qing reacted, Su Chen had already disappeared. Frustrated, she slammed her hand on the table, muttering discontentedly, "That rascal, I can't even manage him anymore." At this moment, Su Long stepped in to mediate.

"It's normal for children to grow up. However, I think the boy's suggestion earlier wasn't too bad. Maybe we should really consider having another baby?" Great, just as Chen Qing's anger had no outlet, Su Long seemed to have made himself the target to bear the brunt of it on Su Chen's behalf.