Murphy's Law

Inside the bedroom.

After their skirmish, both were left battered and bruised, eventually leading to an uneasy truce.

The sisters found themselves side by side on the bed.

Zhao Menghan gave a dissatisfied hum, remarking, "Did you notice that Su Xian'er seemed odd today? Maybe Su Chen upset her. If that's the case, I might have my opportunity."

"Maybe," was all Chen Yuxin offered, her enthusiasm noticeably lacking.

"What do you mean by 'maybe'?"

"No matter what, Su Xian'er will never be on Su Chen's marriage certificate, so I'm not worried!" After declaring this, Chen Yuxin playfully smacked Zhao Menghan's behind, laughing, "Now I understand Su Chen's joy."

Instead of taking offense, Zhao Menghan smirked, "Of course, I've been specially maintained."

Shifting topics, Chen Yuxin suddenly inquired, "By the way, what's that beast Qin Yu up to?"

"How would I know? After our last encounter where I bested him, I've not paid any attention." Mention of Qin Yu ignited a clear murderous spark in Zhao Menghan's eyes.

It's an enmity so deep it can never be reconciled.

Were it not for fear of ruining Su Chen's plans, she'd have killed Qin Yu ages ago.

"Recently, Qin Yu's been rather active. I've received news that he's collaborating with the Ye family," Chen Yuxin conveyed, anger evident.

"We need a plan to deal with Qin Yu."

"Are you sure you can defeat that brute?"

Chen Yuxin wasn't the demure type. To her, a life of gentility was tediously uneventful.

Seeking thrill seemed a more enticing path.

"Of course, the young master even gave me the Kunlun jade pendant."

Gripping her fist, Zhao Menghan asserted, "Even with his newfound strength, killing Qin Yu would be child's play."

"That's reassuring. At least that pesky Su Xian'er won't overshadow us," Chen Yuxin chuckled.

"In the next few days, I'll consider how to deal with Qin Yu. I have heaps of evidence against him."

Even after their prior disagreement, the two sisters now seemed as close as ever, hand in hand departing.

Su Chen looked on, puzzled and alarmed.

He recognized the inherent danger.

Though presently living a protagonist's script, he'd eventually revert.

Possibly even after today ends.

As such, his perception remained rooted in the antagonist's viewpoint.

Hearing the lead females openly discuss Qin Yu's fate left him baffled.

Also, there's the issue of the Kunlun jade pendant.

He'd passed it to Zhao Menghan to subsequently give to Qin Yu.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Menghan retained it, intending to use its power against Qin Yu.

Considering the circumstances, he pondered if he should, given his temporary protagonist role, eliminate Qin Yu now?

By doing so, maybe a more consistent protagonist would emerge.

Yet, there's a glaring downside: potentially throwing the entire storyline into chaos, leaving him utterly powerless.

Inside the bedroom.

Following their bout, both found themselves worse for wear, eventually agreeing to a temporary ceasefire.

Yang Danxuan, seeing the two depart, felt safe to raise her voice, "Su Chen, who would've thought? You're popular enough to have so many come to your aid during confrontations."

Su Chen shot her a glance.

Then, he set her down and opened the wardrobe door, "Let's leave it at that. I should get you home now or we might get stuck again later."

Stepping out, Su Chen mused how, despite the allure of fresh air, the milky scent wasn't bad either.

Yang Danxuan slowly made her way out as well.

Su Chen's gaze inevitably landed on her.

Her hair, styled in twin braids reminiscent of rabbit ears, coupled with a rosy complexion and her outfit accentuating all her perfect curves, left Su Chen with a sudden realization of how fitting it seemed on her.

Or to be precise, how appropriate.

It felt as though the outfit had been tailor-made for her.

Who would've guessed that the nation's sweetheart, an idol whom countless adore on-screen, would be seen donning such a modest maid outfit?

"Let me change first before we leave," Yang Danxuan's face flushed with embarrassment.

Especially under the heated gaze of Su Chen, she felt like breaking into tears.

Chuckling, Su Chen thought, "Never expected you to be shy. I assumed you were bolder."

Are you worried I might take advantage?

However, a mischievous idea crossed his mind. Imagining the storm it'd cause if Yang Danxuan were seen in her current attire.

Perhaps, should he sneak a photo?

Su Chen seriously suggested, "You can change if you want, but I can't step out. What if we get caught?"

The implications of Su Chen's words were clear.

If you want to change, do it here, in front of me.

"You!" Yang Danxuan's eyes flared with anger but held back her words.

Upon reflection, she found truth in his statement, "Then at least find me something to drape over this."

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Blaming Su Chen for her rash decision to wear such attire.

She worried about the potential consequences if seen in public in that dress.

Su Chen sighed. He wondered where he could find a piece of clothing suitable for Yang Danxuan to drape over her current outfit.

Left with no other option, he rummaged through the wardrobe.

To his surprise, he found a white, ladies' wool coat.

Yang Danxuan slipped it on, obscuring her meticulously adorned maid outfit.

Yet, Su Chen found himself appreciating this newfound obscured beauty, thinking it had its own charm.

They dashed out.

Eventually, Su Chen escorted Yang Danxuan to his car, "Drive yourself home."

Su Chen needed to eavesdrop on Chen Yuxin and Zhao Menghan to learn how they intended to confront Qin Yu.

In this way, he could respond accordingly. But clearly, Yang Danxuan wasn't going to let him leave easily. "I can't drive. You have to take me home," Yang Danxuan said, feigning innocence.

Su Chen responded exasperatedly, "Stop lying. I know you can drive." She persisted, "No matter what, I just won't do it. You drive me home." Perhaps because of the dress she was wearing, Yang Danxuan felt genuinely scared.

Especially after stepping outside, her heart raced uncontrollably. Su Chen noticed her anxiety and, with a plan in mind, threatened, "If I take you home, you won't be able to take off that dress easily." He purposely put on a sinister face.

All he wanted was to scare Yang Danxuan a little. Even though he now held the aura of a protagonist, his true nature was still that of an antagonist. Su Chen believed that Yang Danxuan had feelings for him.

However, she surely wasn't foolish enough to let a wolf into her home, was she? His words were clear. "Then, you better take me home," Yang Danxuan suddenly exclaimed just as Su Chen was about to turn away.

This left Su Chen a bit bewildered. Initially, Yang Danxuan didn't really want to invite Su Chen to her home. It was just a playful tease. She feared he'd meet Yang Yuxin.

But she realized Su Chen never mentioned his younger sister, Su Xian'er, throughout. Instead, thinking about what Su Chen said earlier, Yang Danxuan's pale face turned crimson in an instant. "Quickly, take the driver's seat. I trust you more with driving," Yang Danxuan said with a smile.

Su Chen gave Yang Danxuan a reproachful look. As soon as he got in the car, he drove straight to her home. "Yang Danxuan, you're a celebrity. Don't you have any defenses? Are you not afraid to bring someone like me into your home?" Su Chen asked hesitantly after a while.

"Of course, I trust you completely. I know you're not that kind of person," Yang Danxuan responded with a radiant smile. Su Chen was rendered speechless.

He thought it was just the aura of his protagonist role working its magic. What's going on here? Isn't Yang Danxuan supposed to be a smart woman? Why would she say something so naive now?

It seems female leads under the influence of a protagonist's words tend to become senseless. Of course, Yang Danxuan wouldn't easily put herself in danger. That's just how people are. Having recently reincarnated, Yang Danxuan felt indebted to Su Chen.

She hoped something would happen between them. But after all, Yang Danxuan had never been in love before. Even opportunities to meet Su Chen were rare. Most of her adoration was formed in a meditative state.

When Yang Danxuan finally saw Su Chen in person, she immediately felt a pang of regret. But after seeing how close Yang Yuxin seemed with Su Chen, her feelings began to shift. The intimate contact she shared with Su Chen inside the wardrobe, however, left her feeling fearful.

What worried her was how she'd react if Su Chen couldn't control himself. Yet, she wasn't at all concerned about bringing him to her home. This was because Yang Yuxin was there, and she trusted that Su Chen wouldn't dare do anything inappropriate.

Upon reaching her villa, Yang Danxuan felt a weight lift off her chest. She was very comfortable around Su Chen, but now she hurriedly wanted to dash back to her room to change. She was in such a rush that she didn't even consider her high heels.

Watching her wobble on her tall shoes, Su Chen couldn't help but chuckle. "Even though you're afraid, you still dared to invite me here. Where's your courage, silly girl?" But then he thought, "Wait! Isn't Yang Danxuan's home also Yang Yuxin's?"

Realizing this, Su Chen felt a jolt of surprise. No wonder she wasn't afraid. Turning on his heels, he intended to leave promptly. "Geez, I thought I was the tiger here, but it turns out I might be the prey." Given Yang Yuxin's current mood, being caught would likely result in a serious beating.

The mere thought terrified him. Sometimes, it's best to retreat when in danger. But before he could make his exit, a loud crash echoed. It sounded as if something—or someone—had fallen.

Could it be Yang Danxuan? Su Chen wondered if his protagonist's charm was at play or if Yang Danxuan was simply being clumsy. When he reached her room, he found her sprawled on the floor, still dressed in her maid outfit.

Swiftly, Su Chen lifted her onto the bed, muttering, "How can you be so careless, tripping over nothing?" He felt a hint of guilt. Even though his storyline wasn't intertwined with Yang Danxuan's, the protagonist's aura seemed unavoidable. Any interaction between the lead male and female characters was bound to lead to some complications.

Twisting her ankle might even be considered lucky, all things considered. Yang Danxuan was a gentle soul. Unlike the fiery Yang Yuxin, she was molded by traditional values. Otherwise, she might be cursing right now.

Today really wasn't her day. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Whatever she tried to do, the outcome was the opposite. It was truly frustrating.

"The floor was too slippery," Yang Danxuan admitted, her head hung in embarrassment. It was a mortifying situation. Especially in front of Su Chen. She had rushed to avoid his gaze, and now he had to help her up. If word got out about this, she'd be utterly humiliated.