Women Will Suffer Sooner or Later

At this moment, Yang Danxuan was lifted by Su Chen and placed on the bed. He then took off her high heels. Su Chen could clearly see a large swollen area.

By now, tears of pain streamed down Yang Danxuan's face. Evidently, this young lady had never experienced such pain before. "Su Chen, can you help me?" Yang Danxuan asked with a coquettish tone, biting her red lip.

Su Chen was stunned. How could he help? Seeing that Su Chen had no reaction, Yang Danxuan quickly became angry, thrusting her injured foot towards him. As a reincarnated person, Yang Danxuan knew in her previous life that Su Chen had exceptional medical skills. With such an injury, he could heal it instantly. So Yang Danxuan said reproachfully, "Stop pretending, I know you have medical skills. What are you afraid of? Am I so injured that you still don't want to help?"

Su Chen was taken aback by her words. How did this woman know about his medical skills? Had he accidentally revealed it at some point? Although Su Chen was puzzled, he couldn't keep it a secret anymore, so he responded, "I apologize. I was anxious and momentarily forgot about the medical skills." This was strange. He had just acquired advanced medical skills!

Even though Yang Danxuan felt a little pleased inside, she still shot Su Chen an unhappy look. She silently vowed not to believe anything Su Chen says in the future. This guy was clearly insincere. Su Chen was speechless. He had become a doctor for no reason.

He squatted down, fixing his gaze on Yang Danxuan's foot. It was delicate and smooth. As soon as he touched Yang Danxuan, she noticeably shivered. Su Chen gave her a stern look and said, "Stay still, if it gets worse, I won't be responsible." Hearing Su Chen's words, Yang Danxuan's breathing became more careful. She was waiting for Su Chen's treatment.

However, after a while, Su Chen hadn't done anything. This left Yang Danxuan puzzled. She didn't understand why Su Chen was frozen in place, but she dared not ask, fearing she might disrupt his treatment. Over time, Yang Danxuan no longer felt the pain. She was completely captivated. "I never expected not only are you handsome, but your medical skills are also so superb. I don't feel any pain at all," Yang Danxuan said with a shy smile on her face.

"Huh?" Yang Danxuan's call brought Su Chen back to the present. Amidst her puzzled gaze, 

Su Chen blurted out, "So you like cartoon patterns! Honestly, I think white lace might look better." Su Chen hadn't given any treatment to Yang Danxuan. It was just that their earlier posture had given him quite a visual treat.

Yang Danxuan was sitting on the bed, while Su Chen was squatting beside it, with one hand supporting her foot under her pleated long skirt. Ahem. Following Su Chen's train of thought, Yang Danxuan naturally understood what he meant. She gritted her teeth in anger, wishing she could beat him up on the spot. This wretched man, taking advantage of treating me to sneak peeks!

In a huff, Yang Danxuan tried to kick Su Chen with her other foot. But of course, Su Chen wouldn't let such a thing happen and caught her foot with his other hand, not giving her any chance to move. "Su Chen, have you seen enough? Can you start the treatment now?" Yang Danxuan, suppressing her anger, decided she'd get her revenge after her recovery. 

"Okay." Su Chen mumbled internally that if it weren't for her constant chatter, he would've healed her by now.

Hearing Su Chen's response, Yang Danxuan became nervous again, even closing her eyes, not daring to look directly. "Will it hurt a lot?" 

"Of course it will, but bear with it for a moment. It'll feel very comfortable right after the brief pain," Su Chen patiently comforted Yang Danxuan. But after hearing about the pain, Yang Danxuan became hesitant. She had always been afraid of pain since she was young and wanted to refuse.

But who was Su Chen? He had seen many women afraid of pain. He immediately explained, "It's better to endure short-term pain than long-term suffering. You'll have to face it sooner or later." Yang Danxuan thought about it and felt it made sense, so she nodded in agreement. Su Chen smiled, holding the delicate foot in his hand, which was restless due to nervousness. He couldn't help but take a few glances, admitting it was quite tempting. He then began the examination.

It wasn't a bone injury. Given that Yang Danxuan wasn't heavy, even if it was a sprain, it wouldn't bear much weight. "Ouch, it hurts! Su Chen, why didn't you say anything before starting?" Yang Danxuan's face changed from the pain. It's normal for women to be afraid of pain. Su Chen expressed understanding. Zhang Li screamed even louder than you did.

Su Chen then continued the treatment, rubbing his hands on Yang Danxuan's ankle.

Tears streamed down Yang Danxuan's face. At the same time, she let out painful moans. "Su Chen, stop... stop, I can't take it anymore." She also was uncooperative, her foot continuously moving. Su Chen was left speechless. He was asked to treat her, and now she's resisting during the treatment. Moreover, her screams made it seem like he was harming her.

Su Chen was utterly dumbfounded. Honestly, he felt like knocking Yang Danxuan unconscious. That would make the treatment process so much more straightforward. After a few minutes of effort, Su Chen finally used his skilled techniques to satisfy Yang Danxuan thoroughly. However, Yang Danxuan still glared at Su Chen resentfully, tears swirling in her eyes, looking utterly wronged.

"It's done. You can now walk properly," Su Chen confidently stated about his medical skills. Even though it's only advanced-level and far inferior to his past life, treating a foot sprain was still easy for him. "I'll give it a try!" A sly glint flashed in Yang Danxuan's eyes as she tried to kick Su Chen, attempting revenge. 

Sadly for her, Su Chen caught her foot again. Although the swelling on her ankle had subsided, there was still a reddish mark, making it appear even more beautiful. Now, as Su Chen held onto it, he wasn't about to let go easily. He had to collect some "interest."

To be honest, he had come into contact with the feet of many female characters. If he had to choose, Yang Yuxin left the deepest impression. His mind subconsciously recalled a scene from a car encounter. At that moment, Yang Danxuan noticed Su Chen staring at her foot, making her a bit elated. Thinking that Su Chen was fascinated, she confidently asked, "Su Chen, do you find my feet pretty?"

Without thinking, Su Chen muttered, "Not as pretty as Yang Yuxin's." This immediately furrowed Yang Danxuan's beautiful brows. She was clearly upset by Su Chen's statement. Why was she not as attractive as Yang Yuxin? They came from the same mother after all. 

Without hesitation, Yang Danxuan asked, "What makes Yang Yuxin better than me?"

Su Chen bluntly replied, "Because I've played with hers! Unless you let me play with yours too." Yang Danxuan shot Su Chen a furious glance, her lips parting slightly, and spat out two words, "Get lost."

Su Chen felt a sense of loss. "Why do I feel a little disappointed?" he thought. Since Yang Danxuan had said no, Su Chen had no choice but to let go.

Yang Danxuan breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Su Chen, unable to resist temptation, would act impulsively, leaving her unsure how to react. But while they were both distracted, there was a noise from the room next door. This startled Yang Danxuan; if Yang Yuxin saw the current situation between her and Su Chen, explanations would be difficult. Her anxiety increased.

Hastily, she said to Su Chen, "Stay quiet. I'll go and distract Yang Yuxin." Su Chen pointed at the outfit Yang Danxuan was currently wearing and reminded her, "You plan to meet her in that?"

Yang Danxuan was in a dilemma. She couldn't possibly go out looking like this. But if she changed, wouldn't Su Chen see? Su Chen sensed her worry and quickly said, "Relax, I'll turn around. You can change on the other side." With that, Su Chen truly turned his back.

Yang Danxuan stared blankly at the back of Su Chen's head, her mind going blank. She stood frozen, unsure of her next move. "If you don't change soon, Yang Yuxin will come in, and you can explain to her then," Su Chen remarked. He wasn't trying to take advantage of the situation. In fact, he was more nervous than Yang Danxuan and wished she'd hurry to stop Yang Yuxin.

"If you peek, I'll…" Yang Danxuan struggled to find harsh words to threaten. Su Chen laughed, "Don't worry, I won't sneak a look." Biting her lip, Yang Danxuan finally changed and went out, angrily tossing her maid outfit onto the bed. Su Chen commented, "Why? The outfit looked so nice."

Outside, Yang Yuxin, having not found Su Chen and Zhang Li after searching all night, had slept until now. After freshening up, she still seemed listless. "Darn it, I can't believe I let that awful Zhang Li get away because of a momentary lapse," she fumed. She stared at the photo Zhang had sent to the group, stomping her feet in anger and even breaking her toothbrush.

"Yuxin, you're up? Are you going out again?" asked Yang Danxuan, visibly flustered. "No, I took a day off," Yang Yuxin responded seriously. 

"By the way, sis, I'm really hungry. Could you buy me something to eat?"

Yang Danxuan hesitated. She always accommodated her younger sister's requests. But given the current circumstances, she wasn't keen on leaving. However, she couldn't resist Yang Yuxin's pleading.

At the same time, Yang Danxuan felt a bit guilty towards her younger sister. "Alright, I'll be back soon," she said. Yang Danxuan smiled, "You wait in the living room. You should be able to eat soon."

Yang Yuxin readily agreed. However, as soon as Yang Danxuan left, a sly smile appeared on Yang Yuxin's face. "Sis is so bad at lying. Her guilty demeanor surely means there's something fishy going on," she thought. Yang Yuxin immediately focused her attention on Yang Danxuan's room.

"With my years of experience as a police officer, there must be a surprise inside," she mused. Yang Yuxin tiptoed to the door and opened it, her eyes widening in shock instantly.