Caught in the Act

"Turns out this sneaky woman, Yang Danxuan, was hiding the good stuff in her room." Yang Yuxin couldn't help but let a mischievous smile play on her lips. She then picked up the maid outfit that was laid out on the bed, her face a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

"I knew it! My sister is not as prim and proper as she appears on the surface; it's all an act." In her heart, Yang Yuxin had already planned out how she would tease Yang Danxuan once she returned. Lost in her thoughts, she suddenly found the outfit appealing and, on a whim, decided to try it on.

Gazing at her reflection in the sunlight-brightened window, Yang Yuxin nodded approvingly at her appearance. "Not bad. I wonder if Su Chen would like it." Her expression suddenly changed, and she scoffed, "I'm not wearing it for him to see."

Yet, unbeknownst to her, Su Chen was observing all of her actions from his hidden spot. Watching the oblivious woman preen in front of the mirror, Su Chen had to resist the urge to comment. Considering his current situation, he couldn't help but sigh. Twice in one day he had been hiding in a wardrobe; the situation was too absurd to believe. Especially when Yang Yuxin mentioned his name, Su Chen broke out into a cold sweat.

The only relief was the quick return of Yang Danxuan. She rushed into the room, her face flushed with panic. Especially seeing her sister's mischievous grin, she assumed she'd been found out.

"Sister, you came back so quickly. I've found out everything." Yang Yuxin teasingly approached Yang Danxuan and, with a flirtatious flutter, said, "I never knew you had such... interesting tastes. How does this outfit feel when worn? Comfortable, I assume?"

Yang Danxuan's face turned a deeper shade of red, but she also let out a sigh of relief. At least Yang Yuxin hadn't discovered Su Chen. Did he leave, perhaps? It seemed probable to Yang Danxuan.

"It was actually intended for you. I was just trying it on," she replied, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

Yang Yuxin, of course, wasn't buying her sister's excuse but decided not to press her further. "By the way, aren't you attending a concert tonight? I want to come too. Let me do your makeup!"

Yang Danxuan usually wore minimal makeup, but occasionally, she'd have a light touch for certain events. Typically, it was Yang Yuxin who would assist her.

"I don't think that's necessary. I don't want to wear any makeup," Yang Danxuan responded firmly.

"Alright, then. Why don't you get that princess dress? I think it would look absolutely stunning on you."

Confronted with Yang Yuxin's suggestion, Yang Danxuan fell silent. She pondered for a moment, thinking that she indeed needed to dazzle Su Chen tonight. That outfit was undoubtedly her most captivating attire. Convinced, Yang Danxuan believed that once she wore it, Su Chen would be completely smitten. She recalled that it was stored in her wardrobe.

Su Chen, still hiding in the wardrobe, was utterly dumbfounded. Seriously? Was she doing this on purpose? Unexpectedly, she wanted a dress that just so happened to be in the very wardrobe he was hiding in.

Yang Danxuan had a clear memory of where that particular dress was located since it was one of her favorites. However, when she opened the wardrobe door, she froze. Her pupils dilated in shock, disbelief written all over her face. She hadn't anticipated that Su Chen would still be in the room, let alone hiding inside the wardrobe.

But Yang Danxuan managed to compose herself almost immediately, especially with Yang Yuxin nearby. If her sister found out, it would be hard to explain. Yang Danxuan then looked at Yang Yuxin and seemed to have an idea. "Xin'er, did you change into that dress here in this room?"

"Of course, why?" Yang Yuxin noticed her sister's odd behavior.

"No reason," Yang Danxuan smiled, "I was just wondering, how would Su Chen react if he saw you in that outfit?"

"Why are you bringing up Su Chen?" Yang Yuxin looked down at her attire, struggling to imagine Su Chen's reaction. She secretly felt triumphant, thinking he would surely be stunned.

Su Chen? Was Yang Danxuan doing this on purpose? Yes, he did witness Yang Yuxin changing, but it was all because of Yang Danxuan. If she hadn't invited him home, none of this would've happened. How infuriating!

"Xin'er, change back into your clothes in the bathroom," Yang Danxuan, choosing not to expose the situation, advised her sister.

"Why the bathroom? Can't I just change here?" Yang Yuxin did indeed want to change as the outfit felt odd. She was puzzled by her sister's insistence on using the bathroom.

Despite her confusion, Yang Danxuan didn't give her the chance to question further and ushered her towards the bathroom. Once her sister was briefly out of sight, Yang Danxuan approached Su Chen and whispered, "Su Chen, how could you peek at my sister changing? Promise me one thing, and I won't tell her."

Su Chen was in disbelief. Yang Danxuan, are you serious? I thought you cared deeply for your sister. Now, after taking advantage of the situation, you want to negotiate terms with me? When did you become like this? I never expected the female lead to have such a character!

What kind of script is this?

"Alright, tell me, what do you want?" Su Chen had no choice but to comply. He certainly didn't want Yang Yuxin to know about the recent events. So, he decided to see what Yang Danxuan had in mind first. If she expected something intimate, there was no way Su Chen would agree.


Yang Danxuan whispered into Su Chen's ear, "Actually, it's nothing much. I just want someone to sing a duet with me at tonight's concert. Will you help?"

"I can't..." Before he could finish, Su Chen noticed Yang Danxuan's serious expression. "Though I can sing, performing with you would be a joke. The audience would never be pleased."

Su Chen thought it over and believed his rationale was flawless. There was no way Yang Danxuan could find fault with it.

"No worries, even if you sing off-key, it will only highlight how good I sound," Yang Danxuan said, her face flushed.

"Alright then," Yang Danxuan didn't give Su Chen any chance to refuse further and promptly shut the wardrobe door.

"I'll distract Xin'er now. You should leave quickly."

Although Yang Danxuan appeared relaxed, she wasn't. She genuinely wanted to sing with Su Chen. To have him beside her during her most radiant moment, felt undeniably romantic to her. Who wouldn't want to experience such a romantic love story? But it was vital that Yang Yuxin didn't attend the concert, or everything would fall apart.

How could she prevent it?

Just then, Yang Yuxin, having changed her clothes, reappeared. Yang Danxuan turned to her, "Oh, I've prepared the food you asked for. You should eat now."

"Okay!" Yang Yuxin left the room with a smile. It wasn't just a ploy to send Yang Danxuan away; she was genuinely hungry.

Su Chen eventually decided to attend the concert - Yang Danxuan's concert. He was sure Qin Yu would be there. There was no reason for him not to come. Thus, Su Chen planned to humiliate Qin Yu that day. Firstly, to ensure that Qin Yu held a stronger grudge against him. When they revert to the antagonist script, it would be more effective. Well, Qin Yu already despised him enough. Secondly, with 33 cycles of reincarnation, the resentment was overwhelming. Su Chen certainly had to get his revenge.


Peeking through a slit in the wardrobe, he saw the bedroom was empty. Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, he could leave. He had already spent too long hiding in that wardrobe today.

However, just as Su Chen stepped out of the wardrobe, the room's door opened again. This time, it was Yang Yuxin who walked in.

Caught completely off guard, Su Chen didn't even have a chance to react. Even worse, he was holding several of Yang Danxuan's more intimate pieces of clothing that had been kept inside the wardrobe.

In that split second, their eyes met.

Su Chen saw Yang Yuxin's beautiful face turn beet red instantaneously. Emotions flashed in her eyes, her breathing became rapid, and she seemed extremely displeased.

Su Chen thought, I'm doomed.

Damn it!

He hadn't expected to be discovered by Yang Yuxin in the end.

How infuriating!

Is this system playing tricks on me?

When he was in the antagonist's script, he could get away with such actions, and the female leads acted as if nothing had happened. Now, in the protagonist's script, the misdeeds are unexpectedly exposed.

And Yang Yuxin was one of his mission's female leads.

He's truly in trouble now.