Mysterious Power

"If I told you I woke up and found myself here, would you believe me?" Su Chen genuinely didn't know what else to say. This was the only thing he could think of after drawing a blank. He thought, "It's over."

[Why isn't Yang Yuxin saying anything? Did I scare her senseless?]

[It's just her sister's room; what's so odd about that?] 

[And wait, what's the deal with these clothes?] 

Su Chen noticed the unsavory items in his hands and quickly discarded them. Just when Su Chen assumed Yang Yuxin would be very upset, a peculiar scene unfolded. Yang Yuxin quickly locked the door, seemingly afraid of her sister, Yang Danxuan, coming in. She then approached Su Chen. For a moment, Su Chen was at a loss for words and tentatively asked, "You're not mad, are you?"

"Of course I'm mad! Are you an idiot?" Yang Yuxin stared at him with wide eyes, leaving Su Chen feeling quite embarrassed. "What's going on in this life? The antagonist lead doesn't cooperate, and now, as the protagonist, the female lead gets mad too easily."

"Are you an idiot? If you wanted my sister's clothes, why didn't you just tell me? Why sneak in?" Yang Yuxin's words were unexpected.

Su Chen was taken aback. "Is this the male lead's halo effect?" But this left Su Chen in a dilemma. No matter how he chose to respond, he was in a very disadvantageous situation. Admitting that he came to steal Yang Danxuan's clothes would be downright sleazy. However, while he was pondering, Yang Yuxin suddenly pushed him onto the bed. From her higher position, she demanded, "Tell me, what were you doing with Zhang Li last night?"

[My God, how did she know I went out with Zhang Li last night?] 

Yang Yuxin rolled her eyes. It seemed not just she, but the entire world knew. The more Yang Yuxin thought about it, the angrier she became. It was one thing for Su Chen to go out with Zhang Li, but his nonchalance was infuriating. Even the worst of men would lie and try to appease at times like this, but Su Chen made no move.

In anger, Yang Yuxin directly pinched towards Su Chen's waist. Su Chen quickly turned to dodge her grasp, feeling a rush of panic. "It's over," he thought.

He had assumed that his presence in Yang Danxuan's bedroom would anger Yang Yuxin. However, he didn't expect that what truly angered her was something related to Zhang Li. Su Chen genuinely didn't know how to explain himself. Having no other choice, he remained silent. In both reason and emotion, he genuinely didn't want to upset Yang Yuxin. Yet, it seemed he was in the wrong here. This situation was akin to being caught cheating by one's fiancée. But there was nothing he could do at this point.

Yang Yuxin glared at Su Chen. He felt that continuing this way wouldn't solve anything. Thus, he approached the window, opened it, and swiftly climbed out. Even though it was the second floor, for Su Chen, the exit was effortless. Yang Yuxin was well aware of this. She assumed Su Chen was leaving for good. Deep down, she wanted to call out to him, urging him to stay. However, her pride held her back, leaving her words unspoken. Not until Su Chen's silhouette completely disappeared from the room.

After a while, Yang Yuxin felt a deep emptiness in her heart, feeling incredibly wronged. She wanted to voice her feelings but couldn't find the words. Slowly, her eyes began to moisten. She held back her tears, afraid that Yang Danxuan would hear her. She didn't want to worry her sister. More so, she feared that if her sister found out about their quarrel, she might blame Su Chen. Thus, covering her mouth, she sobbed in silence.

After a bit, there was a noise at the window. Surprisingly, Su Chen was climbing back in. Yang Yuxin assumed he had forgotten something and had returned to retrieve it. She tried to maintain a cold demeanor, not even sparing him a glance. However, deep down, she held some hope. As Su Chen observed Yang Yuxin's icy demeanor, he thought to himself, "Damn it! If I had known this would upset you, I would've done it long ago." Of course, this was just a fleeting thought. Deep down, he wished not to upset Yang Yuxin.

Approaching her, Su Chen began to speak.

"This is for you."

Yang Yuxin had noticed something in Su Chen's hand for a while. However, she hadn't expected it to be a flower. She recognized it at a glance. It was the Blue Enchantress rose. Roses have always been symbolic of love. Su Chen giving her such a flower surely meant something. The thought alone made her elated.

After seeing the rose, any resentment in Yang Yuxin's heart vanished. Of course, she wouldn't admit it. Instead, she grumbled inwardly, "In this day and age, who still gives flowers to girls? That's so outdated." However, the curve of her lips and the fact that she subconsciously accepted the Blue Enchantress revealed her true feelings.

[Don't get me wrong, Yang Yuxin.]

[If it weren't for seeing you about to cry, I wouldn't have given you any rose.]

[I can now fulfill our engagement with you, but you're also being quite excessive.]

[Damn, it's lucky they have rose plants in their yard. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to appease this crybaby.]

"What do you mean I'm a crybaby?" Yang Yuxin was instantly displeased. 

However, there seemed to be a problem with this Blue Enchantress! "Who, who picked my Blue Enchantress?" A woman's furious voice came from outside the window.

Yang Yuxin felt so aggrieved. She finally received a gift from Su Chen, only to realize it was stolen from Mrs. Li next door. Su Chen also realized the problem at this point. Earlier, he was only thinking about pleasing Yang Yuxin and forgot that the flower might belong to someone else. Su Chen turned to Yang Yuxin and suggested, "Should we return it and I'll buy you a new one when I have the time?"

"No way!"

Yang Yuxin firmly declined. How could she return something she now possessed? At this moment, Yang Yuxin seemed to be holding something very precious, clearly not willing to let go. Meanwhile, her face bore a continuous smile.

[I've calmed her down, now I need to find an excuse to leave.]

Su Chen was genuinely wary of Yang Yuxin. Look at how good Su Xian'er is. She always listens to him and never causes any disturbance.

Wait a minute, Su Chen suddenly realized a very serious issue. Since Yang Yuxin already knew about his affair with Zhang Li. Then, with Su Xian'er's methods, she definitely must have known about it too.

So, Su Chen quickly sent a message to Su Xian'er on his phone. To his surprise, Su Xian'er responded immediately. 

"Are you there?" 


"What are you doing?" 

"Thinking of you!" 

Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief, figuring everything must be okay. Little did he know that at this moment, Su Xian'er was gearing up to make a move against Zhang Li's company.

Meanwhile, Yang Yuxin, who was being ignored on the side, was not pleased. She clearly hadn't been appeased yet. Su Chen was already thinking of leaving. When had she ever been treated like this? Originally, she didn't want to pay any attention to Su Chen. But for some reason, after seeing him, she couldn't resist. In a bold move, Yang Yuxin lifted Su Chen and threw him onto the bed. 

Su Chen had not expected this move from Yang Yuxin at all. He was caught off guard. "Yang Yuxin, have you gone mad?" Su Chen firmly grasped Yang Yuxin, not giving her any chance to misbehave. "Since you're going to marry me sooner or later, why not now?" 

Yang Yuxin was extremely agitated at this point. She didn't want things to continue like this. She wanted to push things further. Especially with Su Chen, who clearly liked her, yet kept his distance. It was quite unbearable. 

"This is your sister's bed. Are you sure about this?" After being reminded by Su Chen, Yang Yuxin quickly came to her senses. The fog in her mind slowly cleared. Yang Yuxin got up, glaring at Su Chen, "I'll let you off this time." 

Su Chen became interested and retorted, "Or should we go to a hotel?" 

"Get lost!" Yang Yuxin gave Su Chen a classic rolling of the eyes. 

"Hotels aren't safe. I've dealt with numerous cases of hidden cameras in hotels." Yang Yuxin was still somewhat reluctant. It was just a momentary impulse earlier. 

Now that she had cooled down, she regretted acting so hastily. She should at least wait until their wedding night. That would be the most meaningful moment. Even if she had to compromise, it still had to be significant. As for Zhang Li.

Yang Yuxin chuckled lightly. She comforted herself by saying, "Su Chen is just lusting after you. After all, she's already thirty. She only has a few good years left. Once she loses her charm, let's see if Su Chen still plays these games with you." After understanding this, Yang Yuxin still felt unsatisfied, and exclaimed, "What did you come here for today? You didn't come to steal, did you?"

Yang Yuxin's gaze darted to the few clothes in the wardrobe. "If you can't help yourself, I can give you a taste of something good first." Saying this, Yang Yuxin moved her face closer. "I'll make do then." It's the male lead's script. To pass up a good thing would be foolish. Yang Yuxin's eyes sparkled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and licked her crimson lips. Su Chen, not to be outdone, wrapped his hands around Yang Yuxin's slender waist. Maybe it was because Yang Yuxin had practiced martial arts since she was young, but her waist felt incredibly strong to Su Chen.

However, just as they were getting to know each other better, a sudden ringtone interrupted them. "What is Happy Planet, what is Happy Planet." Both of them were startled. Su Chen was especially shocked, even his legs went weak. He picked up the phone. Yang Yuxin, with her twinkling eyes, looked a little resentful. 

"It's from Su Xian'er," Su Chen explained, then cautioned her, "Don't make a sound." 

"What's up Xian'er?" "You were the one who messaged me first, now you're asking me?"

Hearing Su Xian'er's complaints, Su Chen remained calm. "I just wanted to see what you were up to." 

"I'm in the office," Su Xian'er paused for a moment before playfully suggesting, "Do you want to come over?" Su Chen was immediately excited. 

That's thrilling. However, he was soon pinched hard on the arm by Yang Yuxin beside him. Swiftly changing the topic, Su Chen joked, "It's a dark and windy night, perfect for mischief." Yang Yuxin, who had been eavesdropping, looked utterly confused. 

"Alright, alright," Su Xian'er didn't say much else and hung up. Yang Yuxin, unsatisfied, clung to Su Chen and commented, "Su Xian'er is always annoying, no matter when." Only then did she realize the gravity of the situation. Su Xian'er was indeed the biggest threat. 

Because when facing Zhang Li, she had the confidence to ask Su Chen who he loved more. But when it came to Su Xian'er, she had no confidence at all. "Su Chen, let's not bother and just continue!" 

"Continue what? I always feel there's a mysterious force intervening. No matter how many times we try, something always interrupts us." 

Su Chen nodded, trusting his intuition. But Yang Yuxin was the kind of person who didn't care about such things. She simply ignored it.

She immediately latched onto Su Chen's neck, thrust out her chest, and started to act provocatively. However, there came a knock at the door. "Xin'er, what are you trying to do in my room? Why is the door locked?" 

Su Chen reached out to pinch Yang Yuxin's cheeks, pulling them apart playfully, and laughed, "See? I told you, some mysterious force is trying to stop us."