The Long-Absent Female Lead

Yang Danxuan was evidently upset. She complained to herself, "I knew I shouldn't have come to this restaurant." Yang Yuxin does have some prestige. Such a popular establishment. The restaurant manager went out of his way to arrange a lavish private room for Yang Yuxin. The dishes were quickly served. Yang Danxuan was clearly hungry, and without any ladylike restraint, she was stuffing food into her mouth voraciously. As for Yang Yuxin, it goes without saying. She always maintained her poised princess demeanor in front of others. But Su Chen had never seen her gentle side.

Yang Yuxin was eating. Su Chen's gaze, however, was fixated on Yang Danxuan. She noticed his staring. Initially, she just kept her head down, blushing, and ignored Su Chen. But she couldn't help but react when he continued to stare. Flustered, she looked up and asked, "Why are you staring at me, Su Chen?" Yang Yuxin frowned, wanting to chide Yang Danxuan for her presumptuousness. But Su Chen spoke first, "Actually, I genuinely have a question for you." "What?" Yang Danxuan was becoming uneasy under Su Chen's gaze. "How did you know that song?" Su Chen was genuinely puzzled.

Why would Yang Danxuan know a song from the real world? And she seemed so familiar with it. It was almost as if she wrote it herself. Hearing Su Chen's question, Yang Danxuan was not flustered, as she was prepared with an answer. "It's just a song I composed spontaneously. It's very popular online." Yang Danxuan replied meticulously with a glint in her eyes. But Su Chen wasn't going to let it go that easily. He continued, "Then how did you know I knew the song?" "I didn't!" Yang Danxuan, touching her chin with her delicate fingers, replied with genuine curiosity, "I've been wondering why you know it."

To her counter-question, Su Chen was taken aback. Yes, he just sang along when he heard the familiar melody. As for why Yang Danxuan would create that song, it made sense. The novel's author is from the real world, so it's only natural to incorporate real elements. However, explaining his own knowledge of the song was more complicated for Su Chen. Yang Danxuan didn't press further, but switched the topic. "You sang my song so well, have you studied it for long?" The underlying meaning of her words was clear: Do you like me? This question left Su Chen speechless.

Because that explanation seemed plausible. But Yang Yuxin didn't see it that way. "No, I told Su Chen about it. Remember the night we slept in the same bed?" 

She lifted her alluring face and said, "Everything about you, I've told Su Chen. He doesn't know you at all," she loudly mocked her sister. "You might be pretending to be gentle and virtuous now, but it's laughable." 

"You told him everything?" Yang Danxuan felt her image in Su Chen's eyes had been seriously tarnished. Infuriated, she yelled, "Damn it, I'll make you feel the pain of a woman today." 

Su Chen just thought, bring it on.

Yang Danxuan scoffed, "It was just a childhood misunderstanding. And I didn't do anything, just had an engagement which I've already called off." Only then did Su Chen understand. So, it was about Yang Danxuan's engagement with Qin Yu. Wait, the engagement was off? Su Chen was perplexed. Why was it called off? Hearing that Yang Danxuan and Qin Yu's engagement was canceled, for some reason, brought an inexplicable joy to Su Chen. "Su Chen, you sing so well. Would you consider entering the entertainment industry?" Yang Danxuan suddenly asked, a deep-seated wish of hers. In her past life, she discovered that Su Chen not only had a powerful singing ability but also many amazing compositions. She hoped he would showcase his talents to the world.

[The idea sounds appealing.] 

[When I was on stage today, the feeling was indeed intoxicating.] 

[Surrounded by female fans, taking in their sweet scents.] 

Yang Yuxin kicked Su Chen. She then shot him a displeased look, clearly irritated. Su Chen was puzzled. Why did this woman kick me out of the blue? Nevertheless, he declined Yang Danxuan's offer. He wasn't interested in showcasing his talents. Finishing the script was his main focus. However, he could consider it when using the antagonist card without any restrictions.

Elsewhere, Qin Yu proudly approached the entrance of the Wang family's auction house. This place had once subjected him to humiliation. But now, he had returned, intending to leave triumphantly. At that moment, Wang Bingbing was seated in a leisure area of the auction house. The place was surrounded by mountains and rivers, with lush greenery. The view was truly beautiful. And with Wang Bingbing, a stunning beauty herself, the scene was even more captivating. However, amidst this peaceful ambiance, there was a disturbance.

Wang Bingbing appeared very serious. She was contemplating how to approach Su Chen. She's a proud woman. Otherwise, in her past life, she wouldn't have used such ruthless methods against Su Chen. But the results showed her that it was useless. In this life, she wanted to change, but her pride stood in the way. She wondered if being too forward with Su Chen would make her suspicious. After all, from their previous interactions, he didn't seem very friendly towards her. If she's too forward and he rejects her, it would be embarrassing. As she was lost in thought, an annoying, mocking voice chimed in.

"You truly are the Wang family's young miss. The beautiful scenery around seems insignificant compared to you." Wang Bingbing snapped back to reality. She knew the person was Qin Yu. But his appearance puzzled her. After the cruel way she treated him before, how could he return, and with such a jovial demeanor? Yet, she suppressed her anger and calmly asked, "Who are you?" Hearing this, Qin Yu's face turned livid. Wang Bingbing's dismissive remark infuriated him. But seeing her unchanging expression, he began to wonder. Had she genuinely forgotten him? The idea that the stunning woman before him could forget him angered Qin Yu.

In his subconscious, Wang Bingbing couldn't possibly forget him. After all, Qin Yu believed he was unique and unforgettable. So, Wang Bingbing's behavior caused a significant emotional disparity for him. However, he quickly deduced that she was pretending. Thinking this, Qin Yu displayed his usual sly and confident smile. He boldly sat down next to her, deliberately taking a sip from her half-drunk tea, assuming she had drunk from it. Such a move was meant to further their bond. He even prepared himself for her anger. However, Wang Bingbing's indifference puzzled him even more.

As long as she makes a move, Qin Yu will show her what real tactics are. This is Qin Yu's way of courting, especially for a proud woman like Wang Bingbing. He deliberately tries to provoke the other party.

His intent is to at least leave an impression in her heart. But then, he realized that Wang Bingbing's expression hadn't changed at all. He found it very odd, feeling like his plan didn't come to fruition, causing frustration in his heart.

Qin Yu frowned, saying, "Wang Bingbing, there's no need to pretend. I know you still remember me. Last time you confronted me, and although you didn't harm me, it was very unpleasant. Don't you think you owe me an explanation?"

Wang Bingbing was taken aback. She hadn't expected Qin Yu to be so brazen. He was clearly beaten senseless.

Yet now, from his words, it sounded as if she had shown restraint. Wang Bingbing felt profound contempt for someone like Qin Yu. At the same time, she was puzzled, not understanding how Su Chen could be defeated by such a person.

She was very familiar with Su Chen's capabilities. While he often downplayed his skills, Defeating someone like Qin Yu should have been a breeze.

For a moment, Wang Bingbing was confused. So, she decided to watch and see. Wang Bingbing didn't immediately reject Qin Yu; instead, she countered.

"What do you want here?" As expected, all his previous actions were just a facade. At this moment, Qin Yu was extremely confident, smiling at Wang Bingbing and saying, "I'm here to discuss a partnership with you."

"A partnership?" Wang Bingbing scoffed, suppressing the anger inside her. She calmly responded, "I am but a frail woman. What qualification do I have to collaborate with you?"

"Our collaboration isn't based on what you have but what I want," Qin Yu asserted. Of course, this was deliberate. The purpose was to show Wang Bingbing his strength.

Qin Yu laughed, "It's precisely because you're a frail woman that we need to discuss a collaboration. I'll help you eliminate the Black Dragon Gang, and my only request is simple; I want you."

Qin Yu made his intentions clear. He was indeed feeling rather thirsty. Especially since his body had received Ye Lanxiang's assistance, he felt no need to restrain himself anymore.

His martial prowess had reached its zenith. He ardently desired a rare beauty like Wang Bingbing. With greedy eyes, Qin Yu didn't hide his intentions at all.

Having learned from his previous misstep, He directly revealed his identity to Wang Bingbing. "To be frank with you, after tonight, the Black Dragon Gang will no longer exist, and you will no longer have this competitor in the capital."

"All of this is because of me! I am the war god, possessing the power to decimate the Black Dragon Gang. Overseas, I have a force capable of effortlessly eradicating the Black Dragon Gang, and enough strength to challenge the Su family. Wang Bingbing, you are fortunate to become my ally in my conquest of our homeland." Qin Yu was boasting of his strength. 

Yet, Wang Bingbing's face remained unchanged.

There wasn't even a hint of a reaction. Was Qin Yu planning to enter the domestic market? Then he must be planning to take down the Su family.

Upon hearing Qin Yu's words, instead of feeling rage, Wang Bingbing actually felt a sense of elation. Because Qin Yu was giving her an opportunity to get closer to Su Chen. Wang Bingbing seemed contemplative for a moment.

After a while, she spoke, "Words alone are not convincing. You need to show me your capabilities. Otherwise, aren't you treating me like a fool?"

"The Black Dragon Gang is mighty. You say you'll eliminate them just like that? I care about results. Don't forget, the strength you showed at the auction wasn't nearly enough to deal with the Black Dragon Gang."

Wang Bingbing was trying to provoke Qin Yu. At the same time, she wanted to gauge how capable Qin Yu truly was. Knowing oneself and one's enemy is the key to victory.

From the beginning, she never considered Qin Yu as a partner. But rather as an enemy, an arch-nemesis. Yet she couldn't eliminate Qin Yu on her own.

She had to let Su Chen know. Only then would she have a chance to get close to Su Chen. And she wanted Su Chen to personally eliminate this enemy, Qin Yu.

She believed in Su Chen's capabilities. However, Qin Yu didn't get angry at Wang Bingbing's refusal. Instead, he looked at her confidently, a triumphant smirk in his eyes.

"Good, it seems I chose the right person. You're a smart woman. Rest assured, after tonight, you will receive the satisfying news you're waiting for. I believe you'll make the right decision."

Picking up a cup of tea in front of Wang Bingbing, he drank it all, flashing a charming smile and remarked, "This tea is delicious." With that, he turned and left.

Wang Bingbing softly called out, And her maid came forward. Wang Bingbing instructed, "Throw this cup away."

"Huh?" The maid was surprised. She had always been by Wang Bingbing's side and knew the cost of that cup; it was bought at a very high price not too long ago.

Yet now, she was being told to dispose of it. Wang Bingbing coldly explained, "The cup is dirty. I don't want Xiao Pao to drink from it."

The maid nodded and took the cup away. After a brief silence, a figure emerged from the nearby bushes. A small, white dog.

"Xiao Pao, where had you gone? Even your drinking cup was taken away." Wang Bingbing held the dog, petting it affectionately, and complained, "You're just as annoying as Su Chen, always disappearing from sight."

"Miss, do you have any instructions?" The Wang family's butler arrived. Wang Bingbing nodded and began to explain her plan. On the other side,

Su Chen was still caught in the middle of the tussle between the two sisters at the street stall. If Yang Danxuan touched him once, Yang Yuxin would do so twice. If Yang Danxuan served him food, Yang Yuxin would serve him twice as much.

Watching the once affectionate sisters behaving this way now, Su Chen felt a bit aggrieved. And he struggled to look up, feeling a bit irritable. Was this the trouble of being the male protagonist?

The only downside was that he couldn't show off too much. But, of course, that was normal since Su Chen wasn't truly the main character and had to be carefree. To put it simply, he still had the antagonist's script to worry about.

He couldn't be too ostentatious. But at that moment, his phone rang with a familiar ringtone. An unknown number.

Su Chen thought it unlikely for a stranger to have his number. Operating under the belief that a male protagonist receiving a call must be a good omen, he answered. But as soon as he did, the caller hung up.

A few seconds later, a message arrived, "Tonight, Qin Yu is going to eliminate the Black Dragon Gang!"