Qin Yu's Murderous Intent

Sitting nearby, Su Chen watched the two sisters' quarrel, almost laughing out loud. However, with Yang Yuxin's capabilities, she was completely restrained by Yang Danxuan, a delicate beauty who hadn't learned any martial arts. This was somewhat unexpected for Su Chen; after all, an elder sister is always an elder sister.

Evidently, Yang Yuxin was not happy with the current situation. She tried to regain the upper hand but was completely pinned down by Yang Danxuan's long legs. Yang Danxuan's legs were truly exceptional; they were long, slender, and fair.

"I won't accept this defeat! Let's start over!" Unable to break free, Yang Yuxin began to act coy towards Yang Danxuan. This tactic had always worked for Yang Yuxin in the past. But now, Yang Danxuan wasn't going to let go so easily.

"Yang Yuxin, it seems I've spoiled you too much. Who gave you the audacity to disrespect me like this?" 

"I can't breathe!" Yang Yuxin exclaimed. 

"Hmph, I was so embarrassed earlier, all because of you," Yang Danxuan finally released her. 

"It's all your fault! My Su Chen was taken up on stage by you. What were you thinking?" Yang Yuxin shot back with a deadly retort. "You still consider yourself a sister? Aren't you fond of Su Chen? Now I'll strip you down for him to see," Yang Yuxin countered.

Su Chen, who was watching from the side, initially felt annoyed. Who is "your Su Chen"? Can't you phrase it differently? But after hearing Yang Yuxin's subsequent words, he wanted to cheer, "Go Yang Yuxin!"

Upon hearing Yang Yuxin's words, Yang Danxuan seemed to deflate instantly. She didn't know what to do. Initially, she had forgotten about Su Chen and saw their squabble as routine. But now, regarding Su Chen, it indeed seemed like she, the elder sister, was in the wrong. She had no words.

"Enough, enough!" Seeing Yang Yuxin about to get physical, and fearing an accident might occur, Su Chen quickly stepped forward to help Yang Danxuan up. Honestly, he had no ulterior motives. Initially, Su Chen intended to lift Yang Danxuan, but he didn't anticipate her soft physique, which felt so pleasant to touch. Coupled with Yang Danxuan's disheveled state, he naturally wasn't eager to pull his hand away. 

Yang Danxuan, never having been so intimately touched by a man before, blushed fiercely. Now, she didn't know how to face Yang Yuxin. Ah, it's all Su Chen's fault! My perfect sister image is shattered. In the future, I can't discipline this wild child, Yang Yuxin.

Of course, Su Chen didn't know Yang Danxuan's thoughts. Otherwise, he'd definitely reassure her and promise to discipline Yang Yuxin for her. Yang Yuxin seemed tired. She lays down on the sofa to rest and ponder about life. Yang Danxuan got up to grab a new set of clothes and headed to the restroom to change. The first thing that came to Su Chen's mind was, "Did she ruin her clothes?" 

Yang Yuxin pinched Su Chen, "Your mom wants us to live together." 

"Isn't that a good thing? There's still a lot of me in the room," Su Chen chuckled. 

"No way! I won't let you take advantage of me."

"You're afraid of Su Xian'er, aren't you?" Su Chen didn't give her any face and exposed her on the spot. "Yes, I'm afraid of disturbing whatever is going on between you and Su Xian'er." Yang Yuxin's eyes were filled with resentment, evidently quite angered.

"You won't succeed. I'll be keeping an eye on my sister these days," Yang Yuxin said defiantly. At this moment, she absolutely couldn't allow Su Chen to have any intimate contact with Yang Danxuan. Meanwhile, in another location, Chen Qing and Su Long were discussing Su Chen in their car. Especially Chen Qing, who was extremely emotional.

"I'm not satisfied with that Yang Danxuan, no matter how I look at her. I don't know what Su Chen is thinking," she expressed. Then, comforting herself, she said, "I'm sure my son shares the same opinion as me; he wouldn't like such a woman." Su Long remained silent, but he understood everything clearly in his heart. Chen Qing continued, "On the other hand, the more I look at Yuxin, the more I like her. She's entirely different from her sister."

Su Long couldn't stand it anymore. "Honey, have you ever considered the reason you don't like Yang Danxuan?" Chen Qing rolled her eyes, "If I don't like her, I don't like her. Why does there need to be a reason?" In reality, she couldn't articulate it, but seeing Yang Danxuan standing next to Su Chen irked her immensely. "In fact, when my mother first met you, she didn't like you either," Su Long said after clearing his throat. "I even asked her about it once. Her conclusion was exactly the same as what you just said." Chen Qing rolled her eyes again, glaring at Su Long. She was very astute and immediately understood the implication behind Su Long's words. However, she couldn't find a reason to counter him. It seemed he might actually have a point. But Chen Qing was now unhappy with Su Long's words. She made up her mind not to let him into bed tonight out of spite. Of course, Su Long had no idea; he was still secretly delighted.

The concert ended. This could be described as the most lackluster concert conclusion. Yang Danxuan didn't sing many songs. Yet, everyone was satisfied. No complaints. Because the tickets for Yang Danxuan's concert were incredibly cheap. The audience felt they got their money's worth. Especially the songs where Su Chen collaborated with Yang Danxuan, which made the concert worth it for them. After the concert, Su Chen left with the Yang sisters. For a moment, the vast stadium...

Only a dozen or so cleaning staff remained. By this time, Qin Yu finally emerged from the dressing room. Looking out at the dark stadium, he fell silent for a moment, as if he had come to the wrong place.

"What's going on?" "Where is everyone?" "Where did the audience go?" "What's happened to them?"

Qin Yu had an ominous premonition. At this point, two bodyguards approached him, "Hey, the concert's over. Why are you still here? They're about to close the place. You better hurry up and leave!"

It's over. It's really over. "It can't be!" Qin Yu roared, "I am the mystery guest! How can it be over if I haven't made my appearance?!"

Qin Yu's words left them silent. The two, partners for many years, exchanged glances. Hey, buddy, what's up with this young man? He must be hallucinating, probably just another crazed fan.

"Bro, I know you wanted to perform with the national goddess, but she already had a mystery guest." "Exactly, the two of them together looked like a match made in heaven." A police officer patted Qin Yu on the shoulder, giving him some heartfelt advice, "It's okay. Liking Yang Danxuan, a national goddess, is only natural."

By now, how could Qin Yu not understand? From their descriptions, he realized something. The mysterious guest they were talking about was Su Chen. It's Su Chen again!

Qin Yu clenched his fists. Was he deluding himself all this time? Why would Yang Danxuan be associated with Su Chen? Why?!

"Hey, man, they're really going to close the place now. You need to leave!" A murderous look appeared in Qin Yu's eyes. He had all this pent-up anger with nowhere to release it.

Then, Qin Yu was seen washing the blood off his hands at a faucet. The scent of blood, entering his nostrils, pleased him immensely. It seemed to stimulate the dormant sense of killing within him. Abroad, he was known as the God of War, spending his days in endless slaughter. Yet, in this nation reputed to be forbidden for mercenaries, he had concealed his murderous intent quite well. But now, he suddenly felt the urge to kill again.

After cleaning up, Qin Yu smiled.

"Lai En, how's the investigation I asked you to conduct?" Qin Yu directed towards the shadowy corner.

Lai En, Qin Yu's trusted subordinate, held a dossier and said gravely, "Sir, I've completed the investigation you asked for. We finally got a message from the third party."

"The death of your parents involved one of the current underworld bosses of Beijing, Dragon Elder. Since the massacre of the Qin family, this Dragon Elder has garnered the support of a vast power."

"Now, his Black Dragon Gang rules Beijing like a king." Black Dragon Gang! Qin Yu's emotions visibly changed. The vengeance for his parents' death was undeniable. One of the main reasons for Qin Yu's return, other than gaining control over Beijing, was to settle the score for his family's annihilation. He had finally found answers. While Qin Yu was overjoyed, he was also seething with rage. A vendetta for his father's death could not be settled with shared skies. All these years, not a moment went by where Qin Yu didn't think of avenging. Now, he finally had a lead. He certainly wouldn't let it slip.

"I need to know everything about the Black Dragon Gang."

"Sir, I've prepared everything in advance. You can review it directly." Lai En handed the dossier to Qin Yu. After reading it personally, the joy in Qin Yu's heart soon replaced the anger. An excellent plan formed in his mind.

"Fortune is indeed aiding me. The Black Dragon Gang happens to be a significant concern for Wang Bingbing."

Thinking of Wang Bingbing's enchanting appearance, the fire of desire in Qin Yu grew even more potent. He even forgot his previous fury.

"Are you suggesting we involve Wang Bingbing, making it easier to deal with the Black Dragon Gang?"

Qin Yu smirked disdainfully. Shaking his head, he said, "Of course not. I'll personally take care of the Black Dragon Gang."

"I want to showcase my power to Wang Bingbing and also have her explain herself to me." Qin Yu certainly still had Wang Bingbing on his mind. Even though she might not be as beautiful as Yang Danxuan. But her fiery temperament was something Qin Yu simply couldn't resist.

Lai En furrowed his brows. A hint of disdain flashed in his eyes. Qin Yu's actions had clearly disappointed him. "So, when do we move against the Black Dragon Gang?" Lai En was admittedly wary. After all, the Black Dragon Gang was formidable. Of course, with the strength under Qin Yu, eliminating the Black Dragon Gang was possible, but it would come at a significant cost.

"We'll make our move tonight. Get everything ready. I'm determined to find out who's truly behind all this."

After Lai En left, Qin Yu revealed a triumphant smile.

"Wang Bingbing, wait for me!" Qin Yu headed towards Beijing's largest auction house.

At this moment, his plans were quietly falling into place.

On the other side, Yang Yuxin was driving with Su Chen sitting in the passenger seat, looking somewhat melancholic.

He indeed wanted to go home.

However, Yang Yuxin wouldn't allow it.

"Hey, hey, hey, Yang Yuxin, if you're hungry, just go eat. Why drag me along?"

Yang Yuxin retorted with irritation, "When two delicate beauties like us go out to eat, there's a chance we might be harassed. What's wrong with having you protect us?"

Good grief.

Only you would say something like that. In Beijing, which criminal wouldn't avoid you? At least the idea of someone harassing you is something only you could think of. But there was no choice, Yang Yuxin had spoken.

He just went along. Plus, he was quite hungry. After a while, Yang Yuxin parked the car in front of a roadside food stall. 

"Really? We're eating here?" Su Chen was surprised.

It wasn't that he was being snobbish. He just hadn't expected Yang Yuxin to bring Yang Danxuan here. Even if it's not a five-star place, it should at least be a three-star restaurant. But now they were eating at a food stall, something he truly hadn't anticipated.

"This is the place," Yang Yuxin affirmed.

"Come to think of it, I really miss the last time we dined together," Yang Danxuan suddenly mentioned.

This left both Su Chen and Yang Yuxin a tad stunned. Both recalled the antics they played that day beside Yang Danxuan. Su Chen, remembering it, had some small expectations. The same scene might just unfold again.

Yang Yuxin, however, blushed to her ears.

Yang Danxuan, with concern, asked, "Yuxin, why has your face turned so red? You're not sick, are you?"

"It's nothing," Yang Yuxin shot Su Chen a resentful look, "I was just irritated by someone."

"Okay, okay, let's go inside," Su Chen clearly understood that Yang Yuxin was hinting at him.

"Fine, let's go in," Yang Yuxin wrapped her arms around Su Chen's arm.

Su Chen rolled his eyes, feeling that Yang Yuxin had some ulterior motives. Yang Danxuan was internally annoyed. But she didn't show it.

Because just earlier, she was thinking of holding onto Su Chen herself.

Because in that way, the two of them would look more like lovers.

However, she hadn't expected her younger sister, Yang Yuxin, to take the initiative first.

She wondered whether it was unintentional or deliberate on Yuxin's part.

Yet, they both failed to notice that, not far away, a few figures were capturing everything that had just transpired on their cameras.

Everyone shared a knowing smile.

What is the relationship between the mystery guest and Yang Danxuan?

The two looked incredibly like a couple.

But now, Yang Danxuan's biological sister, Yang Yuxin, seemed to share some undisclosed secret with the mysterious guest. Tomorrow's front-page headline is set.

Inside the restaurant.

The dishes were quickly served. Su Chen finally understood why Yang Yuxin had chosen to eat at this food stall. He even suspected that Yang Yuxin might have invested in this place.

From the moment they entered, from the manager to the cleaning lady, everyone who came to eat had nothing but praise for Yang Yuxin.

"It's wonderful that Officer Yang could dine here. I kept inviting you, but you never came. You've done me such a huge favor, and I never got a chance to repay you."

Yang Yuxin responded with a serious face, "Serving the people is my duty."

Then, everyone noticed Su Chen, who was closely interacting with Yang Yuxin.

"Officer Yang, is this your boyfriend?"

Yang Yuxin didn't confirm at that moment, but her expression said it all.

Everyone then earnestly told Su Chen, "Young man, Officer Yang is a good woman. Don't you dare take her for granted."

"That's right. Yang Yuxin has helped us so much. She's the kindest girl in the world. You better appreciate what you have."

Some even looked at Su Chen with evident resentment. 

They believed he had used some tricks to win over Yang Yuxin. Su Chen was utterly speechless. What's going on? It seems as though I'm desperately pursuing Yang Yuxin. When in reality, it was she who took the initiative.