Education from Mother

At the concert, a massive wave of excitement erupted. It was a spectacular performance, swiftly drawing praise from numerous attendees. The song came to an end.

Su Chen felt more relaxed than ever before. However, he knew it wasn't wise to linger here any longer. Any interest in confronting Qin Yu was entirely lost. It was time to flee.

The concert was pretty much over. The audience began to leave gradually. This was a last-minute decision by Yang Danxuan. She wasn't in the mood to continue singing. Memories of the recent duet with Su Chen consumed her thoughts. She simply called it quits without further ado.

Of course, the audience chattered amongst themselves. "Who is that man? He sings so well. Their collaboration elevated the song to a whole new level." "Is it just me, or do they look like a perfect match? Perhaps he's Yang Danxuan's new boyfriend!" "They probably are a couple."

Yang Yuxin felt as if she had been pierced by a thousand arrows at that moment. Others continued to compliment, "They do look like a couple, at least in front of the big screen. If this gets promoted, they'd surely be the envy of all." Yang Yuxin clenched her fists, wishing she could lunge at the person making such remarks. They were not a couple, just friends. Friends, understood?

Chen Qing noticed the sulking Yang Yuxin beside her. With fury, she marched towards the backstage area. Initially, Chen Qing was quite pleased with Su Chen's performance, almost bursting with pride, wanting to announce that he was her son. But now, she felt like wringing his ears.

On their way, Chen Qing looked at Yang Yuxin walking ahead. She whispered to Su Long beside her, "What do you think about having our son move in with Yuxin?" "Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds? I have a feeling her sister has taken a liking to our boy too." Chen Qing's judgment was usually on point. The way Yang Danxuan looked at Su Chen was as if she'd pounce on him right there and then.

Chen Qing's words had a clear implication. In her eyes, Yang Danxuan was just like the cunning second female lead in TV dramas. Yang Yuxin was the naive protagonist, who was being deceived by her own sister. Even a successful woman like Chen Qing, at her age, mostly watched such TV dramas. So, she quickly immersed herself in this narrative.

The more she thought about it, the angrier Chen Qing became. Even Su Long was frightened by Chen Qing's gloomy expression. Then, she grabbed a wooden stick from the side and hid it behind her.

Su Long was so scared that he didn't dare to speak. He thought to himself, "Son, your dad can't help you now. You're on your own."

Backstage, Yang Danxuan was removing her makeup, and Su Chen was about to leave. But then, Yang Yuxin walked in with a calm face but a determined stance, holding her head high as if to say, "Su Chen, you're doomed." Just as Su Chen was about to speak, he noticed Chen Qing behind Yang Yuxin, especially the large wooden stick she held, and he felt immense pressure.

"This is bad. How do I explain this?" Su Chen signaled to Yang Yuxin with his eyes, hoping she could mediate. However, Yang Yuxin pretended not to see. He then looked at his dad and was met with an "every man for himself" kind of look.

"Mom, you saw your son's performance, right? Wasn't it great?" Su Chen knew that he couldn't show weakness; otherwise, it would be an admission of guilt.

Chen Qing didn't respond. Instead, she looked at Yang Danxuan. She was indeed very angry but was unsure of how to vent her frustrations. After all, the two didn't engage in any overt physical intimacy; they just gave off a couple's vibe. If she confronted Yang Danxuan about her interactions with Su Chen, it would imply that her son wasn't that charming. What if that led to him being belittled? It just wasn't appropriate.

Therefore, after some thought, Chen Qing decided to approach the issue more gradually. Su Chen sensed Chen Qing's hesitation. He quickly grabbed the stick from her hand.

"Mom, you must be tired holding this stick. Let me help!" Swiftly, Su Chen tossed it aside and led the three into a room.

With the stick gone, Chen Qing felt disarmed. But Su Chen's fear dissipated. Chen Qing didn't mind Su Chen's actions. She casually said, "I honestly didn't expect you to sing so well. If it weren't for Yuxin's sister, even your mother wouldn't have had the chance to know."

Su Chen was unsure about what his mother meant. But Yang Yuxin got the message instantly. "Auntie, I too was unaware of Su Chen's talent. I'm pretty upset about it too."

Chen Qing huffed, "It's alright, Yuxin. Now's your chance to give Su Chen a good lesson."

"Mom, I've taken care of your stick for you," Su Chen said with a triumphant smile.

He chuckled to himself, grateful for his quick thinking earlier.

Otherwise, he would be soundly beaten.

With a smile on his face, Su Long ran over, holding the very stick that Su Chen had just thrown away. He then handed the stick to Yang Yuxin, and fearing that she might hesitate to use it, said, "Go ahead, you don't have to spare our feelings."

After saying this, Su Long gave Chen Qing a look as if asking, "Did I do well, wife?" Chen Qing nodded in approval.

Completely dumbfounded, Su Chen thought, "Who exactly is your son here?"

"There's no need for this. If you just want to hear me sing, I can sing for you every day," Su Chen said, trying to grab the stick from Yang Yuxin's hand. However, Chen Qing shot him a fierce glare, making it clear that he should quickly appease Yang Yuxin.

Su Chen was at a loss about how to win her over and remained silent. Seeing Chen Qing's fierce look, Su Chen, driven by his survival instincts, came up with a plan.

He approached Yang Danxuan and said, "Miss Yang, didn't we agree that if I helped you sing this time, you'd let me go out and play with Yuxin? You better not forget our agreement."

A sudden realization flashed across Chen Qing's face, and she turned her gaze to Yang Danxuan, eager to understand the situation. Initially, Yang Danxuan didn't know how to react. If the ground had a hole, she would've wished to hide in it out of embarrassment. To be confronted by Su Chen's parents was already awkward, but with her younger sister present, the situation felt even worse.

However, Su Chen's words gave her a chance to avoid the embarrassment, although she took a moment to process how to respond, feeling relieved inside.

"You can't possibly refuse, right? I practiced this song for you for so long, putting in so much effort," Su Chen pleaded. "You can't go back on your word!"

His words were filled with emotion. Yang Danxuan eventually responded, "I can't agree. Yuxin is my younger sister, and it's not appropriate for her to go out alone with you."

Surprisingly, it was Yang Yuxin who became anxious. She quickly came forward, tugging at her sister's dress, "Sis, let me go with Su Chen. It'll be fine."

Yang Yuxin knew they were making up a story, but she genuinely wanted to go out with Su Chen. For a moment, she didn't care about the concert anymore. Yang Danxuan, seeing her sister's plea, reluctantly agreed but with a condition.

"Alright, but I'm still worried. Let me accompany you!"

Speaking, she looked towards Chen Qing and asked, "Aunt, what do you think of the proposal?"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment. She began to wonder if she might have misunderstood. There probably isn't any relationship between the two of them. After all, many things in the entertainment industry are pretentious. Perhaps their couple-like demeanor on stage was just an act. It's entirely possible. And the reason Yang Danxuan, being Yang Yuxin's elder sister, is concerned about Su Chen is because her son's reputation isn't the best.

Ultimately, Chen Qing agreed to Yang Danxuan's suggestion. After all, it's quite normal. This very act indicated that Yang Danxuan cares deeply for her younger sister, Yang Yuxin. There's little chance she would behave like characters from palace dramas.

At this moment, Yang Yuxin was utterly speechless. "Hey, Aunt, can't you see they're just acting? How could you believe it?" The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. Originally, she could have gone on a honeymoon alone with Su Chen. Now, they have to bring along her elder sister, Yang Danxuan. It's so frustrating.

"Alright, resolve your young people's issues on your own. We're leaving," said Chen Qing, preparing to leave.

Naturally, as their son, Su Chen felt obliged to see them off. Once inside the car, his mother rolled down the window and admonished, "Even though Yang Danxuan will be there, don't be sneaky and try to creep into Yang Yuxin's room in the middle of the night. And remember not to make any noise."

Although Chen Qing felt the advice was a bit awkward, for the sake of having a grandchild, she thought it necessary to remind Su Chen.

"I get it, I get it," Su Chen nodded vigorously, thinking, "You really underestimate me. Whenever you two are in the room, I often sneak into Su Xian'er's room. I have experience."

Beside her, his father gave him a look as if to say, "You're really something." This made Su Chen feel a bit embarrassed.

However, once his parents left, he felt much more relaxed. When he returned to the dressing room, Su Chen heard sounds as if there was a scuffle going on inside. Sure enough, when he pushed the door open, neither of the two noticed him. They were wrestling on the couch. Perhaps it's because they're sisters. They both knew each other's weaknesses and targeted them, causing both women to scream out loud.

Ah, the sight was quite startling. But it could be worthwhile to jot down these weaknesses; they might come in handy in the future!

Su Chen chuckled mischievously.

Immediately after, he witnessed a horrifying scene. Yang Yuxin tried to attack Yang Danxuan with her mouth, but Yang Danxuan clearly knew her younger sister's habits. This wasn't their first fight. Thus, she swiftly used her long legs to clamp Yang Yuxin's neck. Su Chen watched as Yang Yuxin's rosy lips were blocked from making a move.

Inside, he felt a bit displeased, lamenting, "I've taught her already, why hasn't she learned?" This reminded him of a famous saying: "Happiness is in your own hands, not in the mouths of others." Now, Su Chen profoundly understood this truth.