The Performance Begins

On the stage, a tall and slender male figure emerged. As the lighting slowly shifted, his features gradually became visible to the audience. He wasn't dressed in formal attire, simply donning ordinary clothes. However, meticulous effort had been invested in his makeup. The light makeup on his face gave him a provocatively charming aura, presenting him as a seasoned player at the peak of his game. A rakish Su Chen, like this, seemed unprecedented.

Yang Yuxin's eyes sparkled with surprise. Clearly, she was astounded by the Su Chen before her. However, she quickly realized that this was the handiwork of her sister, Yang Danxuan. Now, knowing for certain that Su Chen would be assisting Yang Danxuan in her performance, she felt a hint of dissatisfaction. Yang Yuxin was inherently selfish. Simply put, in her most cherished moments, she wanted the person standing next to her beloved to be herself. Although she felt a bit disgruntled inside, she maintained her composure at that moment.

The audience, on the other hand, was utterly baffled. They couldn't identify the man on the stage. This included the big shots of the entertainment industry and the top talents of the music scene. Who exactly was this person? Was he not famous? Why then would he be invited by Yang Danxuan as a special guest? The reason people couldn't recognize Su Chen was straightforward: he was merely infamous. Even if some did recognize him, given the circumstances, it was natural not to immediately identify him.

Even Chen Qing and Su Long were somewhat unable to recognize him. Looking at Su Chen on the stage, as parents, they were the most puzzled. What was happening? Was this genuinely their "naughty boy"? When did he acquire such a demeanor? 

He seemed entirely like a celestial being, nothing like the son they knew who was only good at squandering money. The couple shared a thought—perhaps the dazzling lights were creating an illusion. Synchronously, the two rubbed their eyes. Upon another look, that charismatic young man on the stage was still their child. They rubbed their eyes again and looked. Nothing changed.

This surprised Yang Yuxin, who exclaimed, "Uncle, Auntie, can't you see clearly?" Chen Qing, feeling quite pleased, turned to Yang Yuxin and said, "It seems our 'naughty boy' actually looks quite handsome!" She added, "Yuxin, your taste is even better than mine, his mother!" Yang Yuxin shyly lowered her head. In truth, her judgment wasn't particularly outstanding. It was mainly due to her ability to hear Su Chen's innermost thoughts. Otherwise, if she had gone by what Su Chen had said, she surely would have missed out.

On the stage, a man with a robust yet slender silhouette stood tall. Even as the lights subtly changed, his visage gradually came into view for all the spectators. He wasn't adorned in a fancy suit, only wearing regular attire. However, there was evident effort in his makeup. The light makeup on his face gave off an irresistibly suave vibe, making him seem like a well-seasoned charmer at the pinnacle of allure. This roguishly handsome version of Su Chen seemed to have never appeared before.

Yang Yuxin's eyes shimmered with unexpected brilliance. She was clearly taken aback by the version of Su Chen before her. However, she soon discerned that this transformation was the handiwork of her sister, Yang Danxuan. Now, knowing Su Chen would assist Yang Danxuan in her performance, she felt a twinge of dissatisfaction. Yang Yuxin was intrinsically self-centered, and she simply wished that in her beloved's most cherished moments, she would be the one standing by his side. Even with the slight unease she felt, she remained poised and dignified at that moment.

To the audience, Su Chen was an enigma. They failed to recognize the person standing on the stage. This included the moguls of the entertainment industry and the music elites. Who was this man? Was he not renowned? Why was he invited by Yang Danxuan as a special guest? Their inability to recognize him made sense because Su Chen was only infamous, not famous. Even if some might recognize him under different circumstances, in this setting, failing to identify him was quite natural.

At this point, Su Long chuckled softly, remarking, "Su Chen has certainly inherited my genes!" His statement immediately drew a playful eye roll from Chen Qing, who retorted, "What are you talking about? 

The primary reason for his charm is clearly his mother!" Standing on the stage, bathed in the cacophony of cheers and subjected to a barrage of ardent gazes, Su Chen felt deeply moved. Su Chen wasn't Yang Danxuan, nor was he a superstar. In fact, although gifted with unique abilities, for the majority of his 33 past lives, he had mostly led an inconsequential existence.

Up there on the stage, Su Chen experienced a torrent of emotions. Without coming to this novelistic world, he was someone with no significant achievements. Having been in this world through thirty-three lifetimes, the only highlight of his existence was his current identity — the young master of the Su family. 

Furthermore, having an incredibly gifted younger sister further accentuated his playboy reputation. Regardless of the circumstances, the most frequent accolades he heard were about the power of the Su family and the brilliance of Su Xian'er. It often felt like he was merely a man living in Su Xian'er's shadow.

Now, standing on such a grand stage, Su Chen felt like he was ready to scream out his defiance and unwillingness to accept mediocrity, following a life of ups and downs. The confidence he felt was entirely due to the system's assistance. 

Just moments ago, the system had returned his singing ability to him. This revelation stunned Su Chen. He was pleasantly surprised that the system would be so kind to him. He thought perhaps the system couldn't bear to watch him make a fool of himself, especially now that he had a protagonist's script.

As Su Chen stood there, feeling the evening breeze brush against his face, he felt that being in the limelight was a surprisingly delightful experience. However, as he was lost in his thoughts, a familiar tune suddenly echoed in his ears, catching him off guard. This was a song he recognized from the real world. But why was it playing here? And why was there a backing track? He couldn't recall ever sharing this song in this world. So why did it exist here?

Audible whispers filled the air, "What's happening? The backing track has started, but why does the mysterious guest seem puzzled?" 

"I don't know. I studied psychology, and from his micro-expressions just now, it seems like he might not know this song." 

"Wang Defa? Seriously? This song 'Love at 105℃' is from Yang Danxuan's latest album, and isn't it originally sung by a female?" 

"Please don't ruin a classic!"

Some of the audience were there just for the spectacle, and of course, some found it hard to accept what they were witnessing. Particularly those from the inner circle, seated in the VIP section, found it even more challenging to comprehend how Yang Danxuan could invite an outsider to be the mysterious guest. With such a vast crowd, Chen Qing couldn't possibly address all the muttered criticisms.

However, right behind her, someone was continually ranting and raving. She couldn't really say anything either. As a mother, she would naturally want to defend her child, but as his mother, she also knew all too well that some of the things being said weren't necessarily incorrect. For a moment, she felt she couldn't possibly retaliate. 

However, at that moment, Yang Yuxin suddenly stood up, turned around, and snapped at the critic. "What do you know? How can you judge his singing? If you're so talented, why aren't you up there performing? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't. I love it!" Yang Yuxin's words immediately infuriated the man.

He was about to retort when someone beside him quickly held him back, reminding him that she was Yang Danxuan's younger sister, Yang Yuxin. Upon hearing Yang Yuxin's name, the man refrained from saying more. Especially since Su Chen hadn't even begun his performance and he had already demeaned him so severely, it was indeed in poor taste. 

After a short while, the man made up an excuse and left his seat. Those around him remained silent, even more cautious with their words. Through Yang Yuxin's intervention, many started guessing Su Chen's identity on the stage.

The sudden hush that settled around Chen Qing brought an inexplicable joy to her heart. She sneaked a glance at Yang Yuxin, feeling immensely proud. Indeed, in her eyes, Yang Yuxin was the ideal daughter-in-law.

"Love at 105°C."

It was an uncanny coincidence. This was the last song Su Chen heard before his transmigration. And it was a cover, sung by a folk singer. The husky yet profound voice was utterly captivating. Despite the years, Su Chen remembered it vividly. He had always wished to sing it on a brightly lit grand stage. Little did he know that one day, this dream would come true. As the prelude of the backing track came to an end, Su Chen grasped the microphone.

"The midday sun in August,"

"Isn't as dazzling as you."

"Love at 105°C,"

"Drip-drop, the distilled purity of water."

"You have no idea how adorable you are,"

"You'd laugh goofily after a fall, then get up."

This was originally a song for a female voice, but when sung by Su Chen, it took on a whole new flavor. As he sang, he slowly moved to the front of the stage. Looking out at the awestruck audience, he couldn't help but smile.

It was an indescribably wonderful sensation.

The song continued, and so did Su Chen's performance.

In a corner of the stage, Yang Danxuan, who could keenly perceive Su Chen's shifting emotions, was filled with even more joy.

Su Chen's voice was distinctly different from hers. The song, inherently upbeat, juxtaposed with his current position and the long-suppressed yearning he emanated, was genuinely moving. Yang Danxuan was elated, primarily because she was the catalyst for this moment. In their past life, she discovered a collection of songs written by Su Chen and recognized his impeccable singing talent. So in this life, she wanted him to showcase it. 

When choosing the song, she had been strategic, taking into account Chen Qing and Yang Yuxin. She couldn't let Su Chen sing a love song, as it might lead to misinterpretations. This particular song, though seemingly about love, could be explained differently. Even if she and Su Chen appeared intimate on stage, it could still be rationalized.

At this moment, Su Chen was living a dream. During his school days, whenever there was a performance, he'd stand aside and watch others shine. He'd dreamt of being the center of attention, hoping one day he could perform at the school's cultural evening, impressing teachers and fellow students. He'd fantasized about awe-inspiring performances and secretly passed love letters from admirers. Back then, he vowed that one day, people would see him shine on stage.

Chen Qing, watching her son in the spotlight, felt a pang in her heart, a mixture of incomprehension and a touch of melancholy. She was utterly taken aback. She had always indulged Su Chen, never setting a limit on his credit card. Yet, the song he sang seemed to convey a tale of struggle and hardship. Puzzled, she asked Su Long, "Did my parenting make Su Chen feel this way?"

"Nonsense! Artists express like this. If your son didn't sing with such emotion, how would he captivate the audience?" Su Long waved off, explaining.

"That's true!" Chen Qing nodded in agreement, adding, "Maybe I should criticize him less. After all, I'm not the short-tempered type. What truly surprises me is his unexpected talent in singing."

Soon after, the lights dimmed, and the stage was plunged into darkness. The singing ceased. Shortly, a sweet voice resonated. Everyone recognized it; it was Yang Danxuan. Indeed, with the evening breeze rustling her hair, her face radiant with happiness, Yang Danxuan began walking and singing.

Finally, she stood beside Su Chen.

The two of them sang the song together, side by side. Although they weren't holding hands, their exchanged glances were filled with intimacy, and even from a distance, the audience could sense the strong romantic tension between them.

The audience was entranced, completely immersed in the melody.

Yet, through Chen Qing's eyes, the scene painted a different picture.

Su Long had always supported his son, at least mentally. But that support was built on the foundation of Su Xian'er. Now, seeing Su Chen acting this way with Yang Yuxin's sister on stage felt inappropriate.

A faint smile masked Yang Yuxin's simmering anger.

Chen Qing's face darkened, "That rascal Su Chen, once he's off that stage, I'm definitely giving him a good beating."

She spoke loud enough for those nearby to hear.

For a moment, there was some sympathy for Su Chen on stage.

"Somehow, even amidst the melancholic notes, it seems like he's been scolded all his life," a comment floated from the crowd.

Chen Qing felt uneasy inside. It'd be one thing if Su Chen sought other women, but now, with Yang Yuxin's sister?

What was she to do?

Genuinely flustered, Chen Qing turned to glance at Yang Yuxin, fearing she might lose her prospective daughter-in-law.

While Yang Yuxin felt happy for her sister, jealousy surged within her. She shot a fierce glare towards the stage, resenting Su Chen for always making her jealous, thinking to herself, "Wait till we get home, I'll make you jealous too."