Complex Relationships


Yang Danxuan was applying light makeup on her own. Her exquisite face could only be adorned by herself. Su Chen wasn't in the same room. Instead, he was whisked away by a team of stylists Yang Danxuan had arranged for him, to another room to get dressed up.

Yang Danxuan didn't really need much makeup. She was done quite quickly. She glanced at the mirror, still somewhat apprehensive, and admired her stunning reflection. Yang Danxuan nodded in satisfaction. The concert was next on her agenda. She was unsure of how to proceed, imagining various scenarios, but mostly, she felt nervous.

Suddenly, Su Chen barged in, startling Yang Danxuan. What puzzled her more was that Su Chen hadn't changed his outfit at all. He was still in his previous attire, and his face bore no modifications either. Yang Danxuan frowned slightly and asked, "Weren't you supposed to get a makeover with the stylists?"

"Don't even get me started on those stylists. I saw Yang Yuxin heading this way," Su Chen retorted, rolling his eyes. "I guess she's figured out that I'll be joining you on stage."

"What should we do?" Yang Danxuan's face paled. She knew she'd have to face Yang Yuxin sooner or later, but she hoped to delay the confrontation as long as possible. Su Chen instinctively looked around to see if there was a wardrobe to hide in. There wasn't one. It was over.

"Sis, are you in there?" Before they could come up with a plan, Yang Yuxin's voice echoed from outside the door.

Upon hearing the voice, Yang Danxuan held her breath. "Something's fishy here!" Yang Yuxin's face changed, "Could it be that my sister and Su Chen are inside?" With that thought, Yang Yuxin pushed the door open and swiftly entered.

"No one."

"Then where did they go?" Yang Yuxin curiously scanned the entire room but found no trace of Yang Danxuan or Su Chen.

"Could they be getting ready to go on stage?" Yang Yuxin felt a pang of disappointment. At the same time, she felt a surge of anger. Did this mean that Su Chen was really going on stage with her sister? That couldn't be.

Yang Yuxin held on to a sliver of hope, thinking it unlikely. "Wait, maybe my sister is in the restroom!" She realized the restroom was the only place left to check. However, the door was open, meaning no one was likely inside.

At that moment, inside the restroom, both Su Chen and Yang Danxuan were palpably tense.

He felt quite fortunate. That was a close call earlier. Otherwise, they would've been exposed. But on second thought, Su Chen pondered if such things weren't destined to be exposed sooner or later? Once he went on stage, everything would be revealed. So, why were they even hiding?

The most nervous among the two was Yang Danxuan. Because getting exposed on stage and being discovered by Yang Yuxin were entirely different concepts. If found out now, there would be endless room for misinterpretations. Yang Yuxin might completely misunderstand, and things would come to a head. Yang Danxuan wasn't sure how this revelation would affect her longstanding sisterly bond with Yang Yuxin.

Su Chen looked at a visibly distressed Yang Danxuan. He didn't know what to say. Just then, a familiar voice from outside immediately lifted Su Chen's spirits. It was the original male lead, Qin Yu. The man who contented Ye Lanxiang with his half-disabled body. Yet, Su Chen was still curious. As per the original narrative, Qin Yu wasn't supposed to consummate any relationship. But why did he seem more spirited after his union with Ye Lanxiang? Was he enjoying it?

Out of curiosity, Su Chen decided to see what Qin Yu had in mind this time. Looking at Qin Yu, who seemed to have arrived out of nowhere, Yang Yuxin's face changed dramatically.

"Why are you here?" Yang Yuxin immediately went on guard. This was the dressing room, Yang Danxuan's private territory. And for a beast-like man like Qin Yu to barge in, Yang Yuxin was naturally enraged. It was incredibly rude.

"Isn't this place empty?" Qin Yu looked around and didn't spot Yang Danxuan. He felt a bit disappointed for a moment. He had come especially to find Yang Danxuan. Qin Yu believed that Yang Danxuan would be equally eager to see him, given their engagement. Of course, Qin Yu had intentionally stormed in, just as Yang Yuxin had suspected. 

Indeed, Qin Yu had initially planned to enter while Yang Danxuan was changing, not just to feast his eyes but also to heat things up between them. In his mind, Qin Yu eagerly anticipated the sight of the nation's goddess, Yang Danxuan, falling into his embrace.

"Shameless, get out now!" Yang Yuxin coldly stared at Qin Yu.

Having interrogated criminals for so many years, she knew all too well the depravity that lurked within the hearts of people like him. "Yang Yuxin, why do you despise me so? I am soon to be your brother-in-law," Qin Yu retorted, his confident smirk mocking, "Besides, compared to Su Chen, I'm far superior."

Qin Yu actually found Yang Yuxin quite appealing. Primarily because she bore a resemblance to Yang Danxuan. And more so because Yang Yuxin had feelings for Su Chen. Anything associated with Su Chen, he desired to claim as his own.

"I detest deceitful people like you. My sister will never fall for you, and just so you know, she's already agreed to annul the engagement with you," Yang Yuxin's gaze bore into Qin Yu.

He was a hypocrite, repulsive in her eyes. She would never let her sister marry someone like him. Not now, not ever. Yang Yuxin couldn't even stand the sight of Qin Yu any longer, so she turned and left.

As she departed, Qin Yu clenched his fists. "Why would Yang Yuxin fancy that waste, Su Chen? And why am I stuck with Ye Lanxiang?" Qin Yu's face twisted in fury.

Little did he know that Ye Lanxiang could enhance his cultivation, even repairing the part of him that had been severed. This revelation delighted Qin Yu. "Ye Lanxiang, I might spare you for now as you're useful. But sooner or later, I'll make you disappear from this world," he vowed.

This whole ordeal was a stain on Qin Yu's life, and he couldn't bear any tarnishes on his reputation. Yet, Ye Lanxiang remained valuable to him. As Qin Yu was about to turn and leave, a uniquely dressed staff member stopped him.

"Hello, are you a friend of Sister Danxuan?" The staff inquired.

Qin Yu chuckled lightly, "Of course. But it's not just as simple as being a friend."

"Great! Please come with me for makeup. The concert is about to start."

This staff member, having seen Qin Yu outside Yang Danxuan's makeup room, mistakenly assumed he was the mysterious guest for the concert. After all, Yang Danxuan hadn't clarified who this person was, only mentioning a male figure.

Initially, Qin Yu was perplexed. But soon, he was thrilled. So, he was the mysterious guest advertised for the concert? Originally, he had thought it might be Yang Yuxin. However, considering her behavior earlier, she definitely didn't seem like she was about to perform on stage.

It could really be him.

Qin Yu couldn't help but smile. Surely, Yang Danxuan hadn't forgotten about their engagement and the feelings they shared.

Inside the restroom, Su Chen, having heard Yang Yuxin leave, felt his nervous tension instantly dissipate. As for Qin Yu, Su Chen worried about how he might react if he saw the scene inside the makeup room.

Outside, Qin Yu, guided by the staff member, began his transformation. His face beamed with a radiant smile.

At the concert venue, Chen Qing, seeing Yang Yuxin's return, inquired again, "Yuxin, be honest, is the mystery guest you?" She held out hope. After all, she had come specifically for Yang Yuxin, and being told it wasn't her was hard to accept.

Yang Yuxin shook her head. She wished she was the guest. Yet, she took solace in the fact that while she might be tone-deaf, she excelled in many other areas. Chen Qing remarked, "Even if it's not you now, I believe your singing must be delightful. I'd organize a concert for you someday."

Yang Yuxin chuckled, suspecting that Chen Qing might be teasing her. Meanwhile, the concert officially commenced.

Although it was Yang Danxuan's first concert, she showed no signs of stage fright. She sang several songs, each as melodious as the last, earning her thunderous applause.

On the other hand, in the makeup room, Qin Yu grew impatient, "Are we done yet? The concert has already started."

A makeup artist reassured him, "Don't worry, Mr. Qin. A concert doesn't consist of just one song. Your performance with Yang Danxuan is reserved for the end. Also, with how beautiful Ms. Danxuan is, you have to look your best standing next to her, or it'd be a disgrace."

Nodding in agreement, Qin Yu found the artist's words reasonable. Listening to the audience's cheers for Yang Danxuan, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The more the crowd adored Yang Danxuan, the more exhilarated he felt about performing alongside her later on.

After Yang Danxuan performed a few songs, Chen Qing felt overwhelmed, especially by the deafening screams. She wasn't accustomed to such a setting. "Yuxin, there's some business at my company. I'll head out now," she mentioned, promptly standing up to leave.

Su Long felt the same way. Holding conservative views, he was never a fan of such events.

If it weren't for Chen Qing's sake, he would never have come.

However, at that moment, the venue suddenly plunged into darkness. Soon after, a dim light illuminated the stage, followed by the rhythmic sound of a piano. Not only that, but a man's voice also emerged from the stage.

"Is the mystery guest making his appearance?"

"It's a man!"

Someone exclaimed in surprise.

Yang Danxuan was actually going to perform a duet with a man.

Who was he?

That was the first thought that crossed everyone's mind.

Chen Qing, who had just stood up, suddenly froze in place. Turning to Su Long, she inquired, "Isn't that our boy?" Even though her tone was questioning, both of them recognized him almost instantly. Was this Su Chen?

Chen Qing was momentarily stunned.

Even for a worldly-wise businesswoman like her, the current situation was perplexing.

Was her son Su Chen now performing with Yang Yuxin's sister?

Had Yang Yuxin given her consent?

Upon observing Yang Yuxin's visibly annoyed expression, Chen Qing quickly deduced that she hadn't.

This intricate web of relationships left Chen Qing utterly confused.

And since when could Su Chen sing?

Had her son's charm grown so much that both sisters from the Yang family were drawn to him?