There Are So Many Clowns Tonight

"Uncle and aunt are also going to the concert?" Yang Yuxin looked at Su Chen in surprise. She couldn't quite understand the reason. After all, Chen Qing and Su Long are among the top elite in the capital, Beijing. It's astonishing that they would attend a concert. Saying this out loud would surely astound many. 

"It must be because of me!" Yang Yuxin said, seemingly pleased. At least it seemed that Su Chen's parents did care about her quite a bit. But Yang Yuxin still had a tiny doubt. How did Chen Qing know she was also attending the concert? After giving it some thought, it did make sense. Given Chen Qing's keen intuition, she probably could predict what Yang Yuxin was thinking. Otherwise, it might be Su Chen who told them, which would make her even happier.

But looking at Su Chen's distressed expression, it was probably the former. For some reason, ever since Yang Yuxin could hear Su Chen's inner thoughts, she grew fonder of watching his upset expressions. It always felt like he had everything under control, but in the end, nothing went as planned. Seeing him frustrated became addictive to her. "I'll go change. 

Wait for me and then we'll head to the concert," Yang Yuxin said with an even brighter smile. Nothing was more important than the concert now, and she had to dress her best. Unless Su Chen stabbed her right now and she bled, nothing would stop her. With a resigned sigh from Su Chen, Yang Yuxin returned to her room. Now, it was just him and Yang Danxuan. 

Su Chen spoke in a serious tone, "About my performance at the concert, can we forget it?" He phrased it as a question. 

"No way," Yang Danxuan said indignantly. "The concert is about to start. Everything is arranged. Changing now would make me the laughing stock!" 

"No way? Do you think just because you say so, it'll be so? Do you think you're the one calling the shots now? Nonsense!" Su Chen didn't want to back down. 

On second thought, he had given his word. Chen Qing had always taught him to be a man of his promises since he was young. Most importantly, he wanted to take revenge on Qin Yu. He finally got a chance for revenge. Although Qin Yu in this life was already miserable, it didn't have much to do with him. All the heroines took the limelight. 

Therefore, Su Chen's grudge was still very much alive. "Tell me the specifics of the process, so I can see if there's anything I can't handle." Taking revenge aside, Su Chen still had the will to live. "What the hell, we have to hold hands?"

"Why not just design it so that I carry you onstage?"

Yang Danxuan paused for a moment, "I hadn't thought of that. I was just hoping for a kiss from you during the encore."

Su Chen was taken aback, thinking: Something's off with you.

"No, we need to change that," Su Chen decisively countered.

Yang Danxuan disagreed, "But it might not have the same effect if we do that!"

Rolling his eyes, Su Chen responded, "Considering my parents' age, there might be concerns about their heart conditions."

"Fine then!" Yang Danxuan finally compromised with Su Chen.

The mere thought of what was to come made Su Chen uneasy. It was indeed a peculiar situation. Sharing an intimate moment on stage with the elder sister of his parents' expected future daughter-in-law was nothing short of bewildering. After they had discussed their plans, Yang Yuxin emerged from her room, now adorned in a long dress.

Su Chen was quite surprised. He had known Yang Yuxin for a long time, but had never seen her in such an attire. It felt somewhat incongruous with her typical demeanor. However, she now looked strikingly radiant.

As the sky darkened, the concert at the stadium, with its capacity to hold tens of thousands of spectators, was yet to begin. The place was bathed in light.

Yang Danxuan's stature in the entertainment world was considerable. As the heiress of the Yang family, her concert naturally attracted many industry bigwigs. Numerous media personnel were furiously taking pictures, desperately trying to find any hints about the mysterious guest for Yang Danxuan's concert. Yet, their endeavors yielded no results. The confidentiality surrounding the event was impeccable, intensifying everyone's curiosity. Everyone was keen to find out if the special guest matched their speculations.

Amidst the dazzling lights and the expansive stage, the eagerly awaited concert was about to commence. A voice from the crowd exclaimed, "It's really Yang Yuxin!"

By this time, Su Chen and his group were already spotted. Both Yang Danxuan and Yang Yuxin became the main attraction. Compliments about Yang Yuxin's role as a police officer reverberated through the audience. They praised her dedication, especially her outreach efforts despite her high rank.

In contrast to Yang Danxuan, Yang Yuxin's fans tended to be older. A considerable number of older women, having heard Yang Yuxin would be performing, arrived early. This resulted in a unique scenario, where the majority of the audience consisted of an older demographic. In stark contrast, there were noticeably fewer young, fervent fans.

"Officer Yang Yuxin is wonderful in every aspect, but as far as I've heard, she doesn't have a partner yet. I think my son would be perfect for her!" At that moment, an older lady started playing matchmaker for her son.

Another lady, dressed more lavishly and looking like a wealthy woman, commented, "Please, your son might be exceptional, but Yang Yuxin already has someone she's fond of." Clearly, she seemed to be privy to some inside information. And with her statement, she instantly became the center of attention among her peers.

A rather bizarre scene began to unfold. At the venue of a superstar's concert, a group of middle-aged women, who otherwise would have been seen doing square dancing at a plaza, began to engage in animated gossip.

Inside the stadium, a comical sight awaited. Outside, an even more spectacular scene was unfolding. A group of young people were seen wailing at the entrance, with most of them being students. They looked desperate, clearly wanting to get in. A journalist noticed this unusual spectacle and began reporting on this oddity.

"Even though scalpers have been cracked down on, let's face it; the concert tickets are too expensive," one report began. "For a nationally renowned star like Yang Danxuan, her concert tickets are not something young people can easily afford." Another commentator empathized, "Seeing these students cry breaks my heart. Let's comfort them. We hope the authorities will look into the matter of excessively priced concert tickets."

The journalist, a tall woman, approached a particularly tearful young girl. "You really shouldn't be so upset. We should spend money rationally. Concert tickets are too expensive, especially for students. Each penny is the result of your parents' hard work. They shouldn't be dedicated to celebrities." She continued with a serious tone, "You should consider your parents more. Their decision not to buy you a ticket is right. You'll understand when you're older."

Viewers watching on their TV sets were also dissatisfied. They believed that these youngsters, supposed to be the "flowers of the nation," were getting distraught over a mere celebrity, calling it the country's misfortune.

The young girl, perhaps feeling more emotional after the reporter's words, cried louder. "No, you don't understand. The tickets for Sister Yang Danxuan's concert were practically free, even the front-row ones didn't cost much." She added, "My mom did give me money for the ticket."

The reporter nodded and turned back to the camera, "Look at the sad state of our youth today. A mere concert is so packed that they can't even get a ticket."

The girl, wiping her tears, interjected, "No, I got a ticket."


"When I bought the ticket, my mom decided she wanted to go herself."

"I've played myself!"

This concert was indeed unprecedented. All sorts of bizarre events were unfolding. Chen Qing and Su Long also entered the venue, and these two, with their sheer presence, had the power to stir up the city of Beijing.

Even individuals who could easily deal with transactions involving millions of dollars within minutes were now blending into the crowd to watch the concert. Of course, they had secured the most precious VIP seats, surrounded by celebrities. Most of these celebrities knew each other quite well.

Though Chen Qing was as enchanting as ever, when compared to the celebrities around her, she stood out even more prominently. The general audience was not too familiar with the two of them. Some sharp-eyed observers, however, couldn't believe that they were actually seeing Chen Qing and Su Long. At this time, Chen Qing was in a particularly good mood. This was because during her recent conversation with Su Chen, she heard Yang Yuxin's voice in the background. What could a man and woman possibly be doing together? Of course, they could be fostering their relationship.

"Do you think if our son spent time with Yang Yuxin, there might be a possibility that..." Hearing Chen Qing's question, Su Long already knew what she was hinting at. She was wondering if there might be a baby on the way. Su Long's only thought was: seriously? If Su Chen and Yang Yuxin could get pregnant just like that, then by now, Su Xian'er would have given birth to ten children for Su Chen. Deep down, Su Long still believed that Su Xian'er was the best choice for his son. Though they didn't have to worry about dowries, the scary mother-in-law relationship was something that could be worked out.

Seeing Su Long's silence, Chen Qing didn't elaborate further on the subject. Instead, she suddenly suggested, "In a few days, we should go home and see the old man." Memories of being disciplined as a child resurfaced, making Su Long ask, "Why?" Chen Qing responded, "Of course, to confront him! He was the one who agreed to cancel the engagement back then, causing us to almost miss out on such a wonderful daughter-in-law as Yuxin." Su Long was taken aback. She was truly set on seeking redress!

Su Long, skilled in deflection just as Su Chen was, quickly interjected, "I think I just saw Su Chen. He seemed to be with one of the young girls from the Yang family." 

"Where?" Chen Qing looked around frantically. She soon spotted a familiar figure in the distance. "Yuxin, come over here and sit with us!" Chen Qing cheerfully called out to Yang Yuxin. Yang Yuxin walked over, and coincidentally, there was an empty seat next to them. She politely said, "Auntie, I had heard that you both would be coming. I specially prepared and wanted to greet you both."

Chen Qing didn't mind that Yang Yuxin didn't address her as 'mom', especially given the large number of people present. Frankly, Chen Qing was very pleased with Yang Yuxin. After seeing how Su Chen and Su Xian'er, two kids she had spoiled, were constantly throwing tantrums and being disobedient, she had grown quite displeased. In simple terms, Yang Yuxin knew how to make Chen Qing happy. "If only Xian'er was as understanding as you. Maybe it's time for her to find a match," Chen Qing mused, believing that Yang Yuxin's transformation was due to the magic of love. 

Hearing this, Yang Yuxin excitedly agreed, "Yes, yes, yes! Marry her off early. It'll put your mind at ease, and mine too."

However, the topic was quickly dropped. Chen Qing was just making casual remarks, and Yang Yuxin certainly didn't take it seriously. It was unrealistic, after all.

As the concert was about to begin, Chen Qing suddenly asked Yang Yuxin, "Yuxin, tell me, is the mysterious guest performer your sister has mentioned actually you?" 

Yang Yuxin was taken aback, "What are you talking about?" 

"The mysterious guest performer, is it you?" 

Yang Yuxin shook her head, "No, it isn't." 

Chen Qing seemed a bit disappointed, "Then it's strange. Besides you, who else could your sister have invited as a guest performer?" Chen Qing's main reason for attending was to watch Yang Yuxin. It was unexpected that it wasn't her.

However, at this point, Yang Yuxin seemed lost in thought. She remembered that Su Chen had left with Yang Danxuan earlier. Could it be? Was Su Chen the mysterious guest? But when did Su Chen and her sister, Yang Danxuan, become so close? As Yang Yuxin recalled previous events, she had a sudden realization. It turned out the joke was on her all along.