Yang Danxuan: Waiting to Act and Take Advantage

Su Chen's words were too direct, leaving Chen Yuxin stunned. As soon as he spoke, Su Chen also realized that something was off. Su Chen looked somewhat embarrassed and quickly explained, "Ahem, what I meant was, what you made is delicious, ahem, or maybe not." At this moment, Su Chen's gaze shifted, appearing somewhat distracted. However, the more he tried to explain, the more muddled he became. 

Chen Yuxin couldn't help but find it amusing. She deliberately chose not to fasten the button. "Hurry up and carry me back. My legs are numb, and I can't move." Of course, Chen Yuxin was lying. "How can your legs be weak? I didn't do anything," sighed Su Chen. 

"I'm just tired, don't overthink it," Chen Yuxin rolled her eyes and said impatiently, "Just take me back to the room."

"Are you scared now?" Was this a reverse-psychology tactic? Su Chen found it funny and joked, "Why would I be scared?" "Well, in that case, I won't hold back," Su Chen said with a mischievous grin. At that moment, Chen Yuxin was seated on Su Chen's lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. 

Lifting Chen Yuxin seemed to be a challenge for him, needing to exert force from his waist to barely lift her. However, his sudden action startled Chen Yuxin. His movement was too fast and too forceful. Chen Yuxin almost fell off him, but fortunately, he quickly caught her. Chen Yuxin's face turned bright red. What should she do now? He's such a villain! 

How could Su Chen treat her this way? With a shimmer in her eyes, she said, "Su Chen, maybe you should put me down. My legs aren't hurting now." 

Su Chen responded coldly, "You dare to call me by my name now? Do you know what you should address me as?"

Chen Yuxin remained silent, choosing not to respond. Given the situation, their form of address couldn't remain the same. At this moment, she felt taken advantage of by Su Chen, so she couldn't possibly respond. But she wanted to refuse him. 

"Ah! It hurts, Su Chen, I was wrong! Don't be like this, Young Master!" Su Chen was quite pleased with Chen Yuxin's reaction. There was no emotion when Chen Yuxin voluntarily called him "Young Master." But forcing her to utter those two shy words brought Su Chen unparalleled joy from within. 

Indeed, being coerced and doing it willingly are two different things. Su Chen carried Chen Yuxin back to the room, even passing by Su Xian'er's room in the process. For a moment, he seemed a bit flustered. As for Chen Yuxin, she had already forgotten her pain and couldn't help but tease seeing Su Chen in such a state.

She provocatively placed her long legs on Su Chen's waist, deliberately leaning closer to him. Just the mere act of her unfastening a button earlier had unsettled him. With this kind of temptation now, there was no way Su Chen could resist. "Why are you suddenly squeezing my waist? Don't worry, I won't let you fall," Su Chen said with a normal expression. 

She was clearly upset and unsatisfied with Su Chen's comment, her eyes reflecting a touch of resentment. But on second thought, it wasn't the right time to tease him like that. 

They needed to take things step by step. Going shopping, watching movies, holding hands. As the saying goes, "seeing is believing." What was she thinking? Chen Yuxin's face flushed even redder. She couldn't shake off the vivid scenes playing in her mind. Nevertheless, the mere thought was quite thrilling! 

Although things didn't go as planned, Chen Yuxin felt happy deep inside. After all, cuddling is the best way to foster intimacy between a man and woman, just like they show on TV. Su Chen sneaked a glance at her slender, crystal-clear white figure and her delicate, fair face. 

He thought that if he had let Chen Yuxin stand in front of Su Xian'er's room just now, it would have been quite interesting.

Upon arriving in the room, Su Chen tossed Chen Yuxin directly onto the large bed. With a dignified and beautiful face exuding seductive charm, she now lay on the bed in a coquettish manner. Her smooth and delicate skin shimmered, making Su Chen wonder if he should give in to temptation. Chen Yuxin also realized that her allure might lead to unforeseen circumstances. She hastily got up and said, "I'm going to take a shower." 

After the exertion, Chen Yuxin had indeed perspired, feeling slightly sticky and uncomfortable. She went in to shower. However, Su Chen did not immediately leave, choosing to stay in her room instead. The room of a beautiful woman truly made one feel relaxed and at ease.

Su Chen was hesitating, simultaneously contemplating if his body could handle any more temptation. Soon after, the sound of flowing water echoed from the bathroom. Su Chen wasn't a pervert, and merely hearing the water wouldn't affect him. But the bathroom was enclosed with glass, and Chen Yuxin hadn't drawn the curtain. 

Thus, Su Chen could catch fleeting glimpses of tempting scenes. Elsewhere, Yang Danxuan sat in front of her vanity, lost in her reflection. It was unclear what she was thinking, her expression puzzling. Gradually, a faint blush tinted her cheeks as the corners of her mouth lifted into a soft, contented smile. 

She took out her phone, watching videos from today's concert, her smile deepening.

Suddenly, a call came in. It was Yang Danxuan's agent. "Danxuan, there's a problem, something big has happened!" Already engrossed in distressing thoughts, Yang Danxuan was startled by her agent's words, her heart tightening with anxiety. Yet, recovering quickly, she became annoyed, especially since she had just been indulging in pleasant daydreams. 

Now interrupted, she felt a bit downcast. Still, she asked sternly, "What happened? Why are you so frantic?" Sensing Yang Danxuan's tone, the agent was taken aback. She had been with Yang Danxuan for a long time and knew her well. Yang Danxuan rarely got angry. The agent stammered, "Danxuan, do you know about it? How should we handle this?" 

Yang Danxuan was confused. Know what? She was in the dark. "What should I know about?" Yang Danxuan felt a growing unease. Her agent wasn't one to panic over trivial matters. This had to be serious.

"Danxuan, the internet is in an uproar." Realizing Yang Danxuan truly wasn't aware, the agent quickly forwarded the relevant news. Yang Danxuan carefully reviewed the message. Upon grasping the content, she seemed dazed, even amused. The article was about a scene from a diner where she, Su Chen, and Yang Yuxin were seen together. 

The imagery was poignant. Su Chen and Yang Yuxin were close, with Yang Danxuan pushed aside, looking unhappy. It was clear to any observer that she was jealous. Considering the recent rumors linking her romantically with Su Chen, this painted Yang Danxuan as a potential third party. 

Her agent, not hearing any response, worried she had upset Yang Danxuan. "Although this involves Miss Yang Yuxin as well, shouldn't we contact the publishers and pay them to retract the article?"

Yang Danxuan had always maintained a flawless reputation in the entertainment industry. Such imagery could jeopardize her career. However, she was quite shocked. She knew about the relationship between Yang Yuxin and Su Chen, which was why she was extremely displeased with Yang Yuxin's future role in taking over the Yang family's affairs.

Even though the other party might be excellent, Yang Yuxin's poor choice in men meant that if she truly married Su Chen, the future of the Yang family would not be bright. Yet, Yang Danxuan was particularly fond of her younger sister. 

Hence, the agent quickly suspected that Su Chen's decision to perform on stage with Yang Danxuan was likely due to that young master threatening with Yang Yuxin. After all, someone like Su Chen could stoop to any low, which wasn't surprising. 

"Hmm?" Yang Danxuan was somewhat startled by Su Chen's appearance, so she didn't fully grasp what her agent said, "What did you say just now?" The agent, without any other thoughts, just repeated her words. "There's no need," Yang Danxuan dismissed immediately. She wasn't worried about such news spreading. In fact, she felt somewhat pleased.

Releasing such reports would be a good way to gauge reactions. What would Su Chen think? How would Su Chen's parents feel? And there's Su Xian'er, that intimidating woman. Most importantly, her younger sister. 

So, "Not only should we not suppress it, we should promote it heavily, making sure everyone knows," Yang Danxuan instructed. Hearing this, the agent was taken aback. "Doing so could harm your reputation," she cautioned. Yang Danxuan waved it off, not feeling the need to explain. In fact, she had been considering leaving the entertainment industry for a while now. 

This event might just be the opportunity for her exit. Of course, her only wish was for Su Chen to truly showcase his talent in music. And it wasn't just about music. Even though Yang Danxuan wasn't sure how deep Su Chen's talents ran, from what she knew, he seemed proficient in almost everything.

"It seems I should introduce Su Chen to the entertainment industry," she mused. This was one of the reasons Yang Danxuan wanted to promote heavily. Then, using her nationwide influence, she'd introduce Su Chen to everyone. Maybe she could even co-star with him in a movie. Romantic scenes, intimate scenes? 

The more Yang Danxuan thought about it, the happier she became. If the Yang family's patriarch found out, he'd likely spit blood. Over the years, anyone trying to take advantage of Yang Danxuan on screen was dealt with by him. And now, Yang Danxuan was willingly considering such scenes.

Late at night in the vast city of Jingdu, the early hours after midnight presented a different scene. As darkness enveloped, criminals began their activities. Inside a prison, Qin Yu calmly observed his surroundings. Despite being incarcerated, he displayed no signs of panic. The surveillance video held by the police was the key evidence against him. So, as long as the video disappeared, everything would be fine. 

Dealing with eyewitnesses was even easier. Just ensure they remain silent forever. In Qin Yu's perspective, this was straightforward. Thus, he intended to destroy the evidence. "Officer, I have something to say." Qin Yu's words immediately captured the attention of a patrolling officer. "Is there something you need?" The officer, thinking Qin Yu might require assistance, failed to detect Qin Yu's malicious intent. 

Suddenly, Qin Yu acted, knocking the officer out on the spot. Of course, he didn't use lethal force. Killing a police officer in the police station was too risky. Qin Yu wasn't ready to leave China, a land filled with beauties. He hadn't fulfilled his ambitions yet and wasn't going to be ruthless now. His main goal was to snatch a mobile phone. He needed to call Number Three.

With the world's most powerful hacker assisting him, what video couldn't be resolved? This was Qin Yu's confidence. Including communication records and any potential incriminating evidence, he was confident in his ability to erase them all. "This is the foundation of the War God," Qin Yu said with a confident smile. However, his elation didn't last long. His face gradually darkened. 

Number Three wasn't answering his calls. "How can this be?!" Qin Yu's expression grew increasingly unsightly. Whenever he called Number Three in the past, she would answer instantly. But now, this was happening. Naturally, Qin Yu wasn't in a good mood. And he was pressed for time. He could be discovered at any moment.

He sent a text message, but no matter what he did, there was no response. He kept calling. Without contact with Number Three, his situation would become extremely difficult. Meanwhile, in a luxurious villa abroad, a woman with a perfect figure, wearing cartoon pajamas, was watching TV in the living room. 

The phone next to her kept ringing non-stop, but she had no intention of answering it. Nor did she hang up. She just let it ring. "You expect me to help you cover up a murder? Impossible!" Even if it wasn't because she inherently disliked Qin Yu, she would never assist in such a sordid affair. It was outright criminal. 

She was also from China, so how could she possibly help Qin Yu? In fact, as soon as she received the video sent by Qin Yu, she made up her mind to hand the evidence over to the Beijing police.

On the other side, Qin Yu had lost all his earlier confidence. He had made countless calls and sent countless messages. He was willing to offer a high price just to erase the evidence. But there was no response, and Qin Yu looked increasingly frustrated. "Damn it, where has that woman, Number Three, gone? Why isn't she answering my calls?!" 

Qin Yu grew more and more restless. Although with his skills, escaping from jail would be a piece of cake, doing so would instantly turn him into a wanted criminal. Hence, unless absolutely necessary, he would never resort to this. Qin Yu now wanted to break this constraint in China. 

"Sooner or later, I'll turn this place into a paradise for mercenaries!" However, he still didn't have a solution. Originally, Number Three, the super hacker, could have easily helped him, but now there was a serious issue. Calls went unanswered. Qin Yu's gaze became sharp. Years of living on the edge of death formed a good habit in him: always have a backup plan.

If Number Three couldn't help him externally, he would rely on internal connections. Resolute, Qin Yu directly dialed a mysterious number. He had many aces up his sleeve in China but had never used them before. Now, he had no other option. 

While waiting for the call to connect, Qin Yu's face twisted in anger, muttering, "Old man, you'll pay for this, I guarantee." All of Qin Yu's anger was directed at the elderly police officer.