The Heroines Unite

The Wang Family!

Upon receiving news that Qin Yu was locked up in prison, Wang Bingbing's mood immediately lightened. The witness was dispatched by her. Yet, she was somewhat surprised about the video evidence. It definitely couldn't have been Su Chen. She wasn't sure why, but Su Chen would not take the initiative to deal with Qin Yu. Initially, she suspected Su Xian'er, but on second thought, that wasn't right. Given Su Xian'er's fearsome nature, she wouldn't act so simply.

"Miss, with both witness and evidence at hand, Qin Yu's guilt is ascertained," the butler reported to Wang Bingbing.

"It's not that simple," Wang Bingbing, having lived another life, knew that Qin Yu had significant influence in China's government. He wouldn't be defeated easily. However, she wasn't worried. Regardless of how formidable Qin Yu was, she was confident in defeating him in this life.

"Miss, should we take action and ensure Qin Yu remains imprisoned?" The butler, having served the Wang family for many years, was well-acquainted with his young mistress's personality. She always dealt with her enemies using the most ruthless and damaging methods. She would never let things go easily.

Wang Bingbing shook her head and said, "No need. I'll personally call Su Chen to inform him." The old butler's eyes gleamed with understanding, realizing why he hadn't thought of this strategy earlier. The rift between Qin Yu and Su Chen was well-known, stemming from events with Lin Qingyan and even the Wang Bingbing auction. Informing Su Chen of Qin Yu's imminent assistance from a government official would surely upset him. This presented a golden opportunity to exploit their feud, ensuring benefits for the Wang family.

"Brilliant foresight, Miss," the butler praised. Regardless of the outcome, it would be advantageous for Wang Bingbing. He finally understood why she had shown kindness to Su Chen before.

Reassured, the butler left. However, Wang Bingbing hadn't really thought that far ahead. She simply believed that Su Chen should handle Qin Yu, especially since she had experienced it in her previous life. Excitedly, she picked up her phone to call Su Chen. She was a bit nervous, unsure of how to approach the conversation or how to proceed if he didn't answer. But he did pick up. Su Chen was confused. Why was Wang Bingbing suddenly calling him?

Wang Bingbing explained the entire situation to Su Chen and awaited his reaction. Beside Su Chen, Chen Yuxin had heard everything. She chose not to speak, curious about Wang Bingbing's intentions. She hadn't expected it to be about Qin Yu's arrest. Government personnel? Chen Yuxin made a mental note. Recently, she had been searching for Qin Yu's accomplices but hadn't found any weak points. This might be the opportunity to uncover those hidden forces.

Chen Yuxin wasn't fond of Wang Bingbing. Their identities were inherently at odds. She was also not pleased with the Wang family. However, she approved of Wang Bingbing's actions against Qin Yu, though she felt the punishment wasn't harsh enough. But while the two women secretly rejoiced, Su Chen was deeply pondering Wang Bingbing's words.

What's going on? Qin Yu is in jail? That's one thing, but how could he be caught off guard like this? What's happening? Su Chen realized at this point that Qin Yu was finished. Su Chen felt a sense of unease; it was past midnight. Although the antagonist's card's expiration time hadn't arrived, the system had often proven unreliable. He might be in another antagonist's plot right now. Under these circumstances, the male lead, Qin Yu, would be thoroughly wanted by the Chinese police. If the male lead falls, the consequences are serious!

As for seeking out high-level government officials to rescue Qin Yu, there had been an opportunity. But now that Chen Yuxin had heard, that opportunity was gone. She wouldn't allow such pests to emerge within the higher ranks.

"Damn it!" Su Chen exclaimed, "Wang Bingbing, why did you tell me this? Do you also want Qin Yu dead?" Su Chen decided to dig for secrets from Wang Bingbing. If the female lead's character collapses, there must be a reason. It can't happen without cause.

When Wang Bingbing heard this, she paused briefly, a faint smile on her lips. "He wanted to absorb the forces under my control while trying to eliminate the Black Dragon Gang. He's overly ambitious. That's why I want to collaborate with Young Master Su."

Collaborate? Su Chen was somewhat taken aback. Why would Wang Bingbing want to work with him?

"What did you see in me, Miss Wang?" Su Chen asked directly.

Wang Bingbing simply chuckled and replied, "It's simple. Everyone has witnessed Mr. Su's abilities. I assume Su Chen was just hiding his skills before."

That makes sense! Su Chen found the explanation logical. Wang Bingbing is clearly driven by self-interest. In the original story, she valued Qin Yu's abilities, suggesting she noticed her abilities at some unknown time. This could explain the collapse of Wang Bingbing's character.

But what about Chen Yuxin? At that moment, he glanced down at Chen Yuxin, who was kneeling in front of him. Their eyes met, and Chen Yuxin swallowed hard, her eyes misting over. She wasn't the kind to change for personal gain. She must genuinely like him. However, Su Chen was too preoccupied to dwell on that. He began to introspect. He hadn't truly shined throughout. What troubled Su Chen the most was the lack of reaction from the system, regardless of his actions.

As he pondered, Wang Bingbing, noticing Su Chen's silence, took the initiative to ask, "Young Master Su, what do you think of my proposal? Collaborating would be mutually beneficial."

She was still hopeful. If Su Chen chose to collaborate, many problems would be easily solved.

However, Su Chen declined, "Sorry, I don't need to collaborate with anyone. I'll handle my own affairs." Unsatisfied, Su Chen aimed to shatter Wang Bingbing's hopes of collaboration. He said venomously, "Wang Bingbing, I know exactly what you're thinking. Don't get any ideas. Once I deal with Qin Yu, you're next."

He then promptly hung up. Wang Bingbing continued to smile, undisturbed by Su Chen's harsh words. She knew he was bluffing. She never really held hope for collaboration with Su Chen.

"Qin Yu is doomed this time. Now, I just need to figure out how to have a chance encounter with Su Chen," she mused.

After hanging up, Su Chen continued to ponder his next steps.

Chen Yuxin suddenly exclaimed, "Young Master, if you're aiming at Qin Yu, I'll immediately investigate who in the official circles is assisting him."

Even though she gave Su Chen a reassuring look, her expression seemed to say, "Don't worry, I won't let any of these harmful bugs get away."

Su Chen was taken aback, asking, "What do you plan to do?"

"Of course, find out who is helping Qin Yu behind the scenes," Chen Yuxin declared with righteousness. "Qin Yu has killed so many. We can't just let him off easily. No matter who's backing him, I'll uncover them and ensure they're severely punished."

Before Su Chen could respond, he was abruptly ushered out of the room by Chen Yuxin. Still not giving up, he pressed his ear against the door, attempting to eavesdrop on Chen Yuxin's plans for Qin Yu.

Meanwhile, in the police headquarters, the senior officer who personally sent Qin Yu to jail looked gravely concerned. He furiously protested, "Chief, the evidence is clear. Qin Yu definitely killed all those people. Why are we releasing him? This is a betrayal to the public and a disgrace to the heroes who've fought against these criminals."

The police chief's face was equally grim. He had seen the video condemning Qin Yu. It was absolutely heartless! The way he executed was demon-like. The chief sighed in resignation, "We have no choice. It's an order from above. We have to release him."

The elderly officer sprang up from his chair in anger, struggling to believe what he had just heard. "Yu Daxiong, do you even understand what you're saying?" He was so enraged he addressed the chief by his full name.

The chief sighed, "It's the decision of a certain elder. Qin Yu is his disciple. They have evidence suggesting that Qin Yu was their secret agent sent to investigate the crimes of the Black Dragon Gang. The recent killings were due to his identity being compromised and his life being in danger."

Hearing this, the elderly officer could no longer contain himself. Pointing at Chief Yu Daxiong, he shouted, "What are you even doing as the head of the police department? Are you seriously going to hand over such a heinous criminal?"

Despite his outburst, he knew that Yu Daxiong was also powerless. The opposition had evidence and wielded great power. Yu Daxiong, being merely the police chief, was helpless against them. But his refusal to accept this was palpable.

Yu Daxiong removed his hat, saying, "Let me be frank. Not only did Qin Yu kill the members of the Black Dragon Gang, but he also killed two innocent security guards, using the same method."

Of course, Yu Daxiong was furious. Being the police chief of the city, he faced many restrictions, with major families and various power structures in play. He felt trapped.

"The more reason not to release Qin Yu," the elderly officer argued in anger.

"It's futile. With our current power, there's no way to act against Qin Yu," Yu Daxiong replied, pausing before sharing a distressing thought. "If we make public the deaths of those two officers, they might be framed as criminals."

Yu Daxiong, as the police chief, was well aware of the tactics of these powerful figures. At the moment, he could get compensation for the unjust deaths of the two officers. But if the information was released, the narrative could be twisted, and there would be no compensation. Their deaths would then be in vain.

Bang! The elderly officer's fist slammed into the wall, blood dripping down as he bore an expression of discontent.

"So, we're just going to let Qin Yu get away with it? Is there no one who can bring him to justice?"

Though Yu Daxiong had never explicitly mentioned who was behind all of this, in a bid to protect them, it was clear from his words that the backers were incredibly powerful figures.

Yu Daxiong shook his head, stating, "They might not have complete control, but among those who can restrain them, who knows if any of them are from the same camp. There's little we can do. It's likely we'll have to release him." Yu Daxiong was unwilling, but the evidence was clear. No matter how much he protested, evidence was what mattered in the end. Qin Yu did have an official status, and the Black Dragon Gang was undeniably a criminal organization engaged in heinous acts.

However, as Yu Daxiong was becoming despondent, another call came in. It was his work number, indicating there was another important matter to address. With a nervous heart, he took out his phone. The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number, but anyone with access to this number had to be of importance. Yu Daxiong didn't need to guess – it was likely about Qin Yu again. Signaling for silence, he answered the call.

Inside the cell, Qin Yu sat on the ground, calm and collected. He knew it wouldn't be long before he was released, and all his crimes would be wiped clean. If Number Three wouldn't help him sort out his external issues, then he would have to turn to his master for aid. He was reluctant to do so because this person was from the Qin family. 

His primary purpose for returning was to reclaim the Qin family and to showcase his newfound strength. Now, instead of demonstrating his power, he found himself needing the Qin family's assistance – an idea he found hard to stomach. But there was no turning back now.

When he thought of the cause of all these consequences, Qin Yu's expression turned even more sullen. "Number Three, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I won't let you off easily." He had different methods of revenge for men and women, and with that thought, an evil grin spread across his face.

Just then, the elderly officer who had arrested Qin Yu arrived. As their eyes met, Qin Yu wore a mocking smile. "Officer, I presume you're here to release me?" he said sarcastically. "Like I said, I'm a good citizen. There's been a misunderstanding." 

Though Qin Yu was smiling, there was an unmistakable hint of malice in his eyes. He considered this elderly officer the primary reason he had to seek help from the Qin family. He had no intentions of letting things end peacefully.

Seeing Qin Yu's smug demeanor infuriated the elderly officer. He was certain that Qin Yu was the criminal, yet he felt helpless. This kind of feeling was the worst for a law enforcer. Remembering his instructions over the phone, he managed to suppress his anger, admitting, "I'm here to release you."

Though he had confirmed it, Qin Yu wasn't going to let him off so easily.