The Focus is on Intimacy

Although Su Chen's approach had a nouveau riche vibe, he had to admit, even he didn't expect such a good turnout. More and more people were flocking to his side. Stacks of resumes sat before Su Chen, and for the first time, he felt the sensation of holding others' fates in his hands. Deeply moved, he recognized the power of his family's name. Even with all the ridicule, in the end, no one could resist its allure.

Just as Su Chen was contemplating who to select as his secretary, a familiar female voice suddenly rang out beside him. "Su Chen? I didn't expect it to be you. Are you hiring? Why not consider me?" Without even looking up, Su Chen knew exactly who it was by her voice. 

[Damn it, trouble's brewing again. What now?] 

It was Qiu Wushui, the nominal younger sister of the male lead, Qin Yu, and the last person Su Chen wanted to see right now. Even though her main character status had collapsed, Qiu Wushui was still problematic.

Thinking of how Qiu Wushui might look in professional attire paired with black stockings, Su Chen couldn't help but consider the possibility. 

"I think we didn't just meet by chance!" 

Smiling at her, Su Chen asked, "How did you discover I am Su Chen? Because I've seen you before," Qiu Wushui replied with an innocent smile on her face, careful not to mention that she could hear Su Chen's innermost thoughts. She had no real interest in who Su Chen was; it was merely a coincidence.

However, Su Chen saw things differently. Even though it might be flattering to be pursued by a beauty like Qiu Wushui, he felt she wasn't the right fit. 

[After all, it's not easy finding a beautiful secretary that isn't the main female lead. Qiu Wushui should just fall into Qin Yu's trap.] [In fact, I'm beginning to suspect those thugs were sent by Qin Yu.]

As Qiu Wushui's thoughts veered towards resentment, particularly towards Qin Yu, memories of her early life resurfaced. Though she had always been grateful to Qin Yu and his family, the revelation that they had been responsible for her parents' deaths shook her to the core. Still, she couldn't give up on life, not when she had a family who loved her.

"I'm hiring a secretary, but your qualifications don't match," Su Chen said, interrupting her silent reflection, clearly intending to decline her offer. While Qiu Wushui was undoubtedly attractive, even more so than any of the 367 candidates present, Su Chen felt she couldn't meet his needs. Furthermore, he had no desire to get entangled with any of these troublesome main female characters.

Yet Su Chen's playful and nonchalant smile suggested he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea. He needed to go through the hiring process anyway, if only to give the system a justification. Later, he'd have an excuse, saying he had tried to decline, but the female lead had insisted. In Su Chen's eyes, Qiu Wushui was blushing, looking down bashfully as she said, "I know it's hot and you're thirsty. Let me offer you a drink, it's cool and refreshing."

Su Chen, in response, reached out to touch Qiu Wushui's cheek, which was so invitingly soft. "You're really nice, but I can't pinpoint exactly what's nice about you." Qiu Wushui was unaware of Su Chen's internal musings, only wanting to respond to his earlier words. "It's only fair to repay a debt," she said, "Since I can't repay you with money, I'll be your secretary instead." Su Chen rolled his eyes, wondering if she had lost her mind. Didn't she realize those people weren't sent by him?

Suddenly, Su Chen had a revelation about Qiu Wushui's intentions. She wanted to leverage his reputation to resolve her substantial debt. With Su Chen's esteemed position, those who were setting her up wouldn't dare to act recklessly. Just as he was about to explain, Qiu Wushui suddenly played a video she had recorded earlier, instantly uploading it online. 

The internet was immediately abuzz with shock over the 'Scandal of the First Prodigal Son of the Capital'. Su Chen's notoriety spread like wildfire, while Qiu Wushui portrayed herself as an innocent young girl. This confirmed the rumors of her owing Su Chen money, and she was quite pleased with her successful plan.

"Su Chen, you said you needed a secretary. I think I'm a perfect fit," Qiu Wushui continued. "You really want this job?" Su Chen mused, wanting to intimidate her a bit. "Being my secretary isn't a casual gig. It's not a job you can just walk away from." Saying this, he gave a teasing smile. Everyone, being adults, understood the implications of his words. Unfazed, Qiu Wushui replied, "Of course, I meet all your requirements," handing him her resume. As their fingers brushed, he noticed her hand was very smooth. At last, Su Chen realized what was truly remarkable about Qiu Wushui: her eloquence.

Reviewing the resume in hand, Su Chen couldn't help but think Qiu Wushui had planned this in advance. Facing her resolute demeanor, he felt slightly uncomfortable. But a golden opportunity was presenting itself. Especially after his prior undercover agent, Zhao Menghan, seemingly severed ties with Qin Yu, Qiu Wushui seemed like a fitting replacement. 

Still, he glanced at her resume one more time. Indeed, Qiu Wushui was remarkable, and her credentials were impeccable. Nodding in approval, Su Chen declared, "I'm quite impressed with your qualifications and trust you. From now on, you'll be my personal secretary, and you know what that means—you'll be working closely with me in the office."

Personal! Damn him. Why did he have to emphasize that word? Qiu Wushui felt he was doing it on purpose. In front of so many people, he dared to make such a comment. Qiu Wushui, being a young woman just past her teenage years, still valued her reputation immensely. 

But before she could say anything, a glamorous middle-aged woman, or rather a young matron, stepped forward. "Su Chen, that's quite unfair of you," she said flirtatiously. "Even if Qiu Wushui is pretty and talented, being a secretary is not for just anyone." Moving closer, she whispered, "A good secretary should also possess impeccable skills." Su Chen, observing the attractive matron before him, cleared his throat, conceding silently, She has a point.

Qiu Wushui, valuing her reputation, immediately became irritated when someone suggested she wasn't qualified. Her chest heaved with anger as she retorted, "Who says I can't do a secretary's job? No matter what's required of a secretary, I'm up for it." Su Chen's gaze was involuntarily drawn to Qiu Wushui's chest, which rose and fell rapidly due to her anger. 

He quickly set aside his biases, believing she indeed had the skills to be an exceptional secretary. Su Chen cast a regretful and apologetic look at the enticing woman who had spoken earlier, saying, "Sorry, but I still think Qiu Wushui is better suited to be my secretary."

The woman responded with a hint of hope, "No worries, Mr. Su. Even if I can't be your secretary, I can still join your company, right?"


Suppressing his joy, Su Chen turned to his staff with a stern face, stating, "Indeed, I think she'd be a good fit for the company. Please give her credentials further consideration." Then, taking Qiu Wushui's soft hand, he led her away. Once inside his car, which had tinted windows that prevented onlookers from seeing inside, imaginations ran wild as it began to move.

Elsewhere, Qin Yu had escaped from prison and immediately sent out orders. His priority was to assimilate the entire power of the Black Dragon Gang. Despite their leader's death, the Black Dragon Gang remained a formidable force. Qin Yu believed that, by absorbing them, he could not only eliminate the threat they posed but also involve Wang Bingbing. 

He was wary that, after the potential fall of the Black Dragon Gang, Wang Bingbing might not choose to collaborate with him. Therefore, every precaution was essential, most notably the gang's ability to fabricate evidence for him. Qin Yu's primary goal was to shed the murderer's label he currently bore.

While Qin Yu was relishing these updates, a subordinate interrupted, "My lord, we've been unable to determine who plotted against you in prison."

Another quickly added, "However, the process of annexing the Black Dragon Gang is going smoothly. Soon, this once dominant force in the capital will be ours. And it seems the Wang family is showing clear signs of wanting to cooperate with us."

While Qin Yu felt some satisfaction, he immediately suspected Su Chen to be the one conspiring against him in prison. But the prospect of acquiring the Black Dragon Gang filled him with immense joy. Soon, he believed, everything would proceed as he had planned, with Wang Bingbing under his influence. 

With the Wang family's support, more powerful entities would want to collaborate. Everyone, inside and outside the capital, would recognize his capabilities. Then, the downfall of the Su family would be imminent.

But as Qin Yu reveled in his victories, Lai En brought him unsettling news. "Sir," he began hesitantly, "We've learned from the leaders of the Black Dragon Gang that the ones behind the murder of your parents might be from the Qin family, possibly someone very close."


Qin Yu's face turned ashen. The person Lai En hinted at was none other than his mentor, Qin Lian. The realization that the Qin family, and most shockingly, the man he respected the most, could be behind his family's destruction was hard to digest. He murmured bitterly, "Why, Qin Lian? Why have you pushed our family to this state?"

At that moment, the desire to kill surged within Qin Yu, but he quickly suppressed it. He couldn't confront Qin Lian yet because his primary target was still Su Chen. If he openly opposed the Qin family now, he wouldn't have the resources or energy to fight against the Su family. Qin Yu growled, "Qin Lian, since you've shown no mercy, don't blame me for what comes next."

He was deeply connected with Qin Lian and was well aware of his vulnerabilities. And that vulnerability was Qin Lian's granddaughter.

Qin Yu vowed that he would make Qin Lian experience something even more despairing than death. After regaining his composure and shifting focus to a grander objective, he inquired, "Has there been any movement from Chen Tong?" He was determined to gather all the exquisite women under his influence, especially after hearing that the Wang family seemed to be trying to curry favor with him. Qin Yu was convinced of one thing: only by employing forceful methods could he make these women willingly come to him.

Lai En provided an update: "Lately, Chen Tong seems to be closely working with Lin Qingyan, and they might be collaborating in the pharmaceutical field. This collaboration also seems to be linked to the tech company the Su family gave her. If successful, the profits would be staggering. It appears that Chen Tong has some effective formulas."

Hearing this, a cold smile formed on Qin Yu's lips. He felt like he had gained something for nothing. He was utterly confident in the realm of medicine. Whether it was beauty and health concoctions or cures for dire diseases, he had a plethora of them, all obtained from the Kunlun jade pendant. 

The collaboration between Lin Qingyan and Chen Tong was even better for him. Once he launched his magical formulas as products at the same time they did, both Chen Tong and Lin Qingyan would realize who truly held power. The thought of this masterstroke made Qin Yu's smile even broader, thinking, "This is the talent that I, the God of War, should display in the city."

Why should Su Chen challenge him?

Qin Yu had reflected upon himself, underestimating Su Chen, who was hiding his capabilities. That was his oversight. But now, he was fully alert. What could Su Chen bring to challenge him? Despite Su Chen's prowess, he had always lived sheltered in the capital, like a flower in a greenhouse. Qin Yu was different. From a young age, he was burdened with the thirst for revenge, surviving life on a knife's edge, earning his reputation as the God of War. He believed he was unmatched by the likes of Su Chen.

"By the way, have you investigated those trying to frame me thoroughly?"

Lai En responded, "Lord, indeed. No matter what methods we use, we can't trace them. Their hacking skills seem formidable. It might be necessary for you to seek Number Three's help."

"Seek Number Three?"

The mere thought infuriated Qin Yu. His current predicament was all thanks to Number Three. Denying his anger was impossible. But he had complete trust in Number Three's abilities—exceptional hacking skills, the capacity to inform him instantly about the enemy's every move. 

This was why Qin Yu had always managed to turn perilous situations around. Number Three's intelligence played a significant role in that. However, Number Three wasn't directly under him. Yet, Qin Yu paid her a hefty sum, ensuring she provided information solely to him. In Qin Yu's heart, Number Three was one of his.

After a moment's hesitation, Qin Yu finally chose to dial Number Three's number.

This time, the call connected.