Meeting Chen Tong Again, A Cautious Su Chen

On the other side, Su Chen took Qiu Wushui back to the company. He still felt somewhat guilty. It wasn't until he heard that Yang Yuxin was not in the company that he managed to calm his internal panic. Bringing Qiu Wushui into the company, he instructed his subordinates to help her learn how to be a qualified secretary. After all, regardless of the profession, proper training is necessary for better experience. Qiu Wushui didn't show much resistance. The person who took her away had been with the company for a long time. Although still looking charming, Su Chen had learned that she was already over fifty.

While Su Chen was idly in his office, he surprisingly received a message from Lin Qingyan. This caught him off guard. Originally, there was a business exchange today, and Lin Qingyan hoped that Su Chen would personally attend the meeting. Naturally, Su Chen intended to go. While he and Lin Qingyan were both members of the same company, along with Yang Yuxin, the three of them co-founded it. However, both he and Yang Yuxin had the same motive, which was to prevent Lin Qingyan from making a profit. Hence, his attendance was crucial. You think it's a business collaboration? You're overthinking it; watch me ruin it all for you.

In the original story, whenever Lin Qingyan faced any business challenges, Su Chen would always step in and successfully help her. Su Chen thought Lin Qingyan must have the same expectation now, hoping that he would finalize the contract since many would respect the face of the heir to the Su family. 

But now, the situation was different. He certainly wouldn't be helping Lin Qingyan in her business endeavors. As Su Chen was contemplating his strategy, Qiu Wushui suddenly walked in. She had changed into typical secretary attire: a professional suit, a short skirt without stockings, and high heels, which perfectly highlighted her figure. She truly looked the part of a stunning secretary.

However, Qiu Wushui kept her head down, clearly feeling very out of place. From afar, Su Chen could sense the two words radiating from her—awkwardness. "Heh, haven't they taught you to greet your boss when you see him?" Su Chen, feeling playful, teased her. "Greetings, Young Master Su," Qiu Wushui replied in a barely audible voice. 

"Why are you looking down? I can't even see you. Come on, can't you at least smile?" Su Chen was pleased with his own 'training.' "By the way, later you'll accompany me for a business talk. It's a good opportunity to test your abilities." 

"Alright," she responded. At Su Chen's words, Qiu Wushui shivered nervously. She didn't want to face Su Chen, especially in this attire. It was too embarrassing. 

She decided to make tea for Su Chen, something she learned was a vital skill for a good secretary. Being able to brew a great cup of tea was the hallmark of a competent secretary.

Qiu Wushui went to the tea table to start brewing. Although she had learned how to make tea, she deliberately slowed down her actions, wanting to avoid confrontation. 

In reality, Su Chen wasn't a tea drinker. Young people seldom had this habit. But now, with Qiu Wushui in this posture, he saw her in a different light. She was bent over, her back to him, fully revealing her attractive curves, all accentuated by her short skirt. Su Chen thought the view was quite pleasing. The tea table's positioning was quite deliberate! Su Chen, sitting in his chair, didn't even need to move to appreciate this alluring view. No wonder almost every boss preferred female secretaries. As Qiu Wushui slowly brewed the tea, Su Chen enjoyed the view.

Su Chen wasn't in a hurry, just enjoying the view. Initially, Su Chen wouldn't have any particular thoughts about such a female lead. But his recent recklessness had gradually made him more relaxed. It seemed like even if he overstepped with the female lead, it wouldn't be a big deal. Thus, he didn't hold back. 

[Speaking of which, Qiu Wushui is technically Qin Yu's sister in name. Perhaps I should tease her a bit.] 

[Such a college beauty, who hasn't been battered by society yet. A single punch might make her cry until tomorrow. Just the thought of it seems good.] 

A wicked smile appeared on Su Chen's face as his gaze continued to sweep over Qiu Wushui.

To his surprise, Qiu Wushui seemed to have heard all his inner thoughts. "You jerk! You're the one who should be crying!" Annoyed, her hand trembled, nearly dropping the tea cup she was holding. Fortunately, she caught it just in time. 

Though not from a wealthy family, she was well-informed. Just by touch, she could tell that the tea set in her hand would fetch a high price if sold. Qiu Wushui tried to compose herself. However, Su Chen's words reminded her of her primary mission by his side: to find out what exactly had happened, whether Qin Yu was her enemy, and what secrets Su Chen had and how he knew them.

She sighed. The term "secretary" was originally a term of respect. But with societal trends, especially for female secretaries, the role seemed to have taken a negative turn, even often regarded with disdain. 

Initially, Qiu Wushui had shared these thoughts, looking down upon those in such roles. It's not discrimination; the reality just made people think differently. However, she never expected that one day she'd become someone's personal secretary. 

Still, Qiu Wushui wasn't naive, especially when becoming the secretary for a spoilt young master like Su Chen. She shouldn't have agreed to this role. But for some reason, she had said yes to Su Chen, seemingly convinced that he wasn't like other villains.

The most significant factor was that Qiu Wushui could hear Su Chen's inner voice. If he harbored any malicious intentions, she'd know immediately and could react accordingly. She also sought revenge. Even though Qin Yu's parents were dead, Qin Yu was still alive, and he even thought of plotting against her in the future. 

Qiu Wushui couldn't accept this. The murder of her parents was a deep-seated hatred. Through Su Chen's thoughts, she realized that their world seemed to mimic a novel's universe. In this story, her so-called brother, Qin Yu, was the protagonist, while Su Chen was the main antagonist. They were on opposing sides.

Therefore, with her capabilities, seeking revenge on Qin Yu directly would be a far-fetched dream. So, she was waiting for an opportunity, and that opportunity was Su Chen. There was existing conflict between Su Chen and Qin Yu. Only with Su Chen's help could she defeat Qin Yu. Qiu Wushui had complicated feelings for Su Chen.

Initially, she despised Su Chen's spoilt behavior, but now she realized it was all an act. The person behind that mask was not like that at all. But Qiu Wushui was puzzled. Why was Su Chen pretending? What story lay hidden behind it?

Qiu Wushui wasn't in a rush. Since she could hear Su Chen's inner voice, she'd gradually uncover more secrets. She was, however, a bit conflicted. Su Chen was clearly a good person. His intervention today had saved her, and she was grateful. 

To Qiu Wushui, who had always lived a life in darkness, this act of kindness was like a beacon of light, leaving a deep impression on her. Thus, she felt conflicted about using Su Chen against Qin Yu.

"Is such behavior really that bad?" Pondering this, Qiu Wushui slowly approached Su Chen, carrying the tea cup. "Perhaps I should find a way to make it up to him later?" "No, I've heard that might be painful," Qiu Wushui hesitated. Su Chen watched as Qiu Wushui absentmindedly approached with the cup, her hands trembling noticeably. 

[What's going on? She doesn't need to act like this!] [It's as if I'm some kind of monster, forcing her to come here.] 

[She came on her own accord, and now she fears me.] 

[Relax, I'm a gentleman; I wouldn't harbor such thoughts.]

"Haha, if you're a gentleman, then everyone in this world is a sage!" Qiu Wushui internally scoffed. At that moment, she really wanted to tell Su Chen out loud, "Don't think I don't know what bad ideas you're plotting!" Of course, that was just a fleeting thought. Quickly regaining her composure, she set the tea on the table and softly said, "Have some tea." 

Su Chen chuckled, suddenly recalling some new knowledge he had recently acquired. "The new tea has arrived; it's a good day to enjoy it." Considering this, having tea wasn't a bad idea. But instead of taking the cup, he looked at Qiu Wushui and instructed, "Go find out what business cooperation Lin Qingyan wants to discuss, prepare for it, and then we can head over."

"Alright." Responding, Qiu Wushui turned to leave, but as she did, Su Chen caught a glimpse of something pleasing. [Such a curvy and plump asset; it looks so well-nurtured!] Hearing his thoughts, Qiu Wushui's face flushed with embarrassment and, more prominently, anger. 

She shot a fierce glare at Su Chen before leaving, making sure to slam the door heavily behind her. 

[What's her problem? I didn't do anything!] 

Su Chen thought, somewhat puzzled. 

[And her face turns red at the drop of a hat; honestly, women can be so hard to understand.] 

Although Qiu Wushui had left the office, she still heard Su Chen's inner thoughts. Initially confused, she then felt helpless and finally, extremely angry. "How dare he mock me, even in his mind! And why does he think my face is red? Doesn't he have a clue?"

Feeling wronged, Qiu Wushui was annoyed by the thought of serving by Su Chen's side in the future. But Su Chen, in the office, remained relaxed, not concerned about whatever business Lin Qingyan wanted to discuss.

After all, when the time came, he could easily sabotage it. Time quickly passed, and he noticed that Qiu Wushui hadn't returned. Although he wasn't particularly concerned, he felt the need to act. So, Su Chen directly called Qiu Wushui.

A moment later, an embarrassed Qiu Wushui entered, muttering, "Sorry, I fell asleep while reviewing the materials." Su Chen was taken aback. "With a secretary like you, no company would last long. Did you even communicate with the other party in advance?"

"Uh?" Qiu Wushui responded, looking innocent. She genuinely hadn't considered coordinating beforehand. "This is bad," she thought, "Su Chen will use this as an excuse to kick me out of the company." Still, she quickly regained her composure and said, "Don't worry, Su Chen. We can still make it if we leave now."

"Alright then." Standing up, Su Chen thought that being late was best; starting with a bad impression meant they were closer to success. However, he gave Qiu Wushui a sharp look and said, "In the future, don't raise your voice so loud. 

The soundproofing here isn't good." Without waiting for a reply, Su Chen left. From years of experience, he knew that leaving in such situations was the best option; staying could only lead to unforeseen complications.

Just as Qiu Wushui was about to get angry, she noticed Su Chen had already left. It felt like her anger had dissipated, like punching cotton. Following his lead, she too departed, eyes full of embarrassment and anger. 

As she trailed behind Su Chen, the stares of onlookers fixed on them, especially noting her attire. At that moment, Qiu Wushui wished she could find a hole to hide in. How utterly embarrassing, especially on her very first day of work. But as she gazed at Su Chen's back, she found herself thinking he looked quite handsome. Thinking this, her cheeks flushed.

As Su Chen drove, Qiu Wushui focused on the navigation. 

"No, turn right." 

"This is the right." 

"Oh, then turn left."

"Seriously? Can you be a bit more professional? You can't even differentiate left from right, and you're a secretary?" 

"Just stop talking; the more you talk, the more nervous I get." 

Hearing this, Su Chen didn't know what else to say. 

[Heh, am I that intimidating? Even if you were offered to me, I wouldn't give you a glance.] 

Sitting in the passenger seat, Qiu Wushui felt quite wronged. This damned Su Chen. Does he really think so lowly of her? Such that even if she was offered to him, he wouldn't take her in? Qiu Wushui refused to believe Su Chen's nonsense. After all, she was the beauty of the capital's university, and many had pursued her. 

Clenching her fists, she felt a mix of anger and pride. Given Su Chen's status, it seemed plausible that he might not be attracted to her. After all, he was the capital's top young master. "Shameless!" Qiu Wushui said, glaring at him.

Su Chen was perplexed. He hadn't done anything, and here he was, being called shameless. Eventually, they arrived at their destination, guided by the navigation. Su Chen looked at Qiu Wushui skeptically, "Are you sure this is the place for the business discussion?" Qiu Wushui nodded. 

Though she initially had doubts, after checking the navigation and documents, she was sure this was the right address. "Yes, it's here," she asserted. Su Chen waved it off, "Let's just head back." He didn't believe they were in the right place. He knew what the other company was like, but Bluestar Tech was a multi-billion dollar enterprise. They shouldn't be meeting in some ancient manor for business, but in a large hotel. It seemed implausible that they'd conduct business in such a romantic venue.

As Su Chen moved to leave, Qiu Wushui grabbed him, "Su Chen, this is definitely our destination, where the business meeting is set." He looked at her earnest expression and sighed, "Alright, let's go in and see." As soon as they entered, a server recognized him and led them to a private room. 

Su Chen felt awkward; he hadn't expected it to be genuine. Meanwhile, Qiu Wushui looked triumphantly at him, her smug demeanor making him want to give her a piece of his mind. A waiter knocked, "Is it Mr. Chen? Young Master Su has arrived." Su Chen was curious. Who could this person be? As the door opened, he was taken aback. 

The one who stepped out was a stunning beauty, her seductive face always bearing a smile, as if she was constantly enchanting souls. Especially her eyes, which held a tempting allure at first glance but upon closer inspection, revealed pure innocence.

The contrast of such opposing characteristics appearing on one person was truly puzzling. Especially those legs. Upon comparison, they were even longer than Qiu Wushui's. Wait a minute, those legs seem familiar! Su Chen looked up and found Chen Tong smiling at him. Her gaze was especially intense, as if she was hungrily eyeing something she desired. Good heavens, it turned out to be Chen Tong. What was going on? 

How did Lin Qingyan have any connection with this woman? In the original story, Chen Tong wasn't the female lead. But she was a dangerous woman, both in terms of her scheming nature and her exceptional methods. Seeing her approach now, Su Chen couldn't help but be on guard. However, he wasn't afraid. If she had any sinister plots, Su Chen wouldn't mind teaching her a painful lesson.