Chen Fan Can't Believe It, His Brother-in-law is Su Chen

After leaving the club, Su Chen lifted Chen Tong into the car. Goodness, this woman was not willing to let go. This created quite a scene. Qiu Wushui, being sharp at this moment, quickly took the driver's seat, allowing Su Chen to sit in the back while holding Chen Tong. Su Chen was somewhat surprised; he hadn't expected Qiu Wushui to know how to drive. Although he didn't voice his thoughts, Qiu Wushui noticed and cast a triumphant glance at Su Chen.

Once the car started moving, Qiu Wushui asked, "Mr. Su, where should we go now?" As she spoke, she deliberately peeked at Chen Tong through the rearview mirror. She saw Chen Tong's face flushed with happiness. She was taken aback, wondering if the two of them had been bold enough to... "Take Miss Chen home," Su Chen decided after some thought. Given the recent circumstances, he knew Chen Tong could make it home on her own, but he felt obligated to escort her. It would be improper otherwise.

Chen Tong was a dominant and somewhat intimidating woman. Especially given her methods and family background, many would feel inferior upon seeing her, avoiding even a direct glance. However, to Su Chen, the current Chen Tong seemed like a delicate lady. Considering her status and reputation, Su Chen felt responsible. He decided to take her home. It would indirectly clarify the nature of their relationship. Furthermore, due to Su Chen's interference with Qin Yu's destined path, his script was bound to change. For instance, the character of Lin Qingyan might become redundant. Although the plot might drastically change, Su Chen was indifferent. He felt the new direction might be better than the current situation.

Chen Tong, unaware of Su Chen's thoughts, felt reassured when she heard his intention to drive her home. She believed Su Chen genuinely cared for her. Despite her long reign as an 'empress,' she felt differently about Su Chen. She was content with his current demeanor and resolved to support him, regardless of his troubles. After all, he was now her man. Suddenly, Chen Tong said something that left Qiu Wushui surprised, "Su Chen, maybe let's forget it. It's getting late. I can actually go home by myself." 

"Alright then," Su Chen agreed, feeling it was reasonable. He was thrilled, feeling like he had found an understanding and considerate partner.

However, Chen Tong instantly grew unhappy with his response. She wriggled out of Su Chen's embrace and indignantly asked, "Why won't you take me home? What are you planning to do behind my back? Are you up to some mischief? Explain yourself!" The barrage of questions left Su Chen puzzled. He didn't understand Chen Tong's intentions. It was she who initially suggested going home alone. Why had she changed her tune now? "So, should I take you home?" Su Chen cautiously inquired. "Of course, you should! Do you expect a frail woman like me to go home alone?" Chen Tong retorted, then suddenly laughed. She never intended to let Su Chen not escort her in the first place.

What was mentioned earlier was just a polite remark. Thinking of giving Su Chen a chance to say some romantic words. For instance, "It's fine, is there anything more important than you?" However, Su Chen, with his stubborn mindset, did not disappoint her expectations. "Alright, I'll take you home," Su Chen said with a wry smile. "No, open your arms, I want you to hold me," Chen Tong replied and returned to Su Chen's embrace. At this moment, Su Chen felt like a robot, allowing Chen Tong to take the lead. Even the thought of it made Su Chen somewhat fearful. No wonder people say that a woman's heart is as unpredictable as a needle at the bottom of the ocean. It's terrifying. Su Chen couldn't fathom what she was thinking. 

[Why am I being led by the nose by her?] 

[I should've been tougher.] 

Su Chen looked at Chen Tong in his arms with regret. 

[It seems I didn't teach her a proper lesson just now. No matter, there's still time in the future, I need to properly discipline Chen Tong.] 

[Otherwise, she seems too domineering.]

Of course, Chen Tong had no idea about Su Chen's inner thoughts. However, Qiu Wushui, who was in the driver's seat, felt differently. Su Chen's feelings surprised her. Her curiosity was piqued. She speculated about what mysterious events might have occurred in the club earlier. Initially, Qiu Wushui didn't think much of it. 

But her imagination soon painted bizarre scenes, becoming more and more intense. From initial shyness, it transitioned to anger. She couldn't believe that such a beautiful woman as Chen Tong would throw herself at Su Chen. Qiu Wushui felt somewhat discontented. She originally thought that since Su Chen was an antagonist, he would eventually be abandoned by the world. At that time, she could offer him some comfort. 

But now, with Chen Tong's interference, she felt disheartened. Chen Tong was no ordinary person. Even though Qiu Wushui was considered a beauty from Beijing University and had been confident since childhood, she felt inferior compared to Chen Tong. Qiu Wushui felt a bit helpless. She drove Chen Tong back to her residence, which was a large mansion. This shows how formidable Chen Tong is. Her entire family business isn't in Beijing, yet this mansion was comparable to the Su family's grand courtyard. Beijing is not like other places; owning such a property requires more than just wealth. Su Chen was a bit taken aback by Chen Tong's capabilities. No wonder even the protagonist, who once possessed great fortune, lost so miserably to her.

Suddenly, a serious concern hit Su Chen, and he quickly asked, "Chen Tong, your father isn't home, right?" Su Chen felt a little scared, or perhaps guilty. Especially since he just did that thing with Chen Tong, likened to picking a well-nurtured cabbage. Especially a high-quality cabbage like Chen Tong. Su Chen felt it was natural for her father to be angry. 

Hence, he felt guilty. "Maybe I should just drop you off here." 

"It's fine, he's not home," Chen Tong replied, giving Su Chen a glance. "If you dare to act, you must face everything." 

"Besides, I'm here with you. Even if he's here, it doesn't matter."

"However, my younger brother is here. Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, carry me in. I can't walk right now." Reluctantly, Su Chen lifted Chen Tong. But because of this, he couldn't open the door with his hands. He gave a look to Qiu Wushui standing nearby. Yet Qiu Wushui remained indifferent, even turning her face as if she didn't see Su Chen's gaze. Qiu Wushui was angry and, of course, didn't want to acknowledge the intimacy between Su Chen and Chen Tong.

Wanting to carry her? Ridiculous. What were you thinking? The intent behind this gesture didn't escape Chen Tong's notice. She wasn't really out of her senses; it was all an act. She was actually quite lucid. Upon hearing Qiu Wushui's words, she became immediately displeased. Chen Tong moved away from Su Chen's embrace and opened the car door, standing in front of Qiu Wushui. They locked eyes. Su Chen felt as if there was an electric tension between the two, both confronting each other.

"Secretary Qiu, what did you mean earlier? You won't even open the door?" Chen Tong directly questioned Qiu Wushui. Although Qiu Wushui seemed slightly inferior in terms of demeanor and posture, she had a defiant spirit. She smiled and said, "How is that possible? I just genuinely didn't hear. Miss Chen, don't be angry. Besides, can't you walk by yourself now?" Even if Chen Tong was formidable, Qiu wasn't afraid. With Su Chen around, what was there to fear?

Upon being exposed, Chen Tong didn't show the slightest embarrassment. Instead, she became even angrier. She wasn't the type to argue. If something displeased her, she would take action, fitting her empress-like stature. Fortunately, Su Chen intervened. However, Chen Tong was relentless. "Su Chen, let go of me. Today, I must teach your secretary to not interrupt when adults are speaking." 

"There's no need, no need!" Su Chen firmly held onto Chen Tong, who desperately wanted to break free. 

"Chen Tong, you drank too much. You indeed don't feel well. I'll carry you." Even though he knew she was pretending, he could only go along with her wishes. Otherwise, who knows what would happen?

Hearing Su Chen's words, Chen Tong was pleased. At least the commotion had ceased. However, she was a bit displeased with Su Chen's explanation. What did he mean by "drank too much"? Getting drunk, for her, just resulted in minor physical discomfort. There should have been a better reason for why she couldn't walk.

But since Su Chen wasn't inclined to say, she didn't feel like pressing the matter. Chuckling to herself, she felt a bit smug. Initially, she was guarded against others, but now she found herself held tightly. Regretting it now, huh? She scoffed internally. What's so great about a woman like Qiu Wushui? Surely, someone like her should be a man's favorite?

The young don't appreciate mature women, mistakenly valuing young girls instead. They don't realize the charm of being pampered until their youth is wasted. When they look back and seek mature women, those women have already moved on. 

Mature women are wonderful, the ray of light in the darkness. As long as a mature woman is held onto, one could move into a mansion overnight! This was a poem Chen Tong had seen on TV. Thinking about it now, it made sense. What's so good about a naive young girl like Qiu Wushui? Chen Tong's face suddenly flushed.

Forget it, such thoughts are really embarrassing. Thankfully, Su Chen doesn't know. Otherwise, she would have been too ashamed to face anyone. However, just as Su Chen was tightly embracing Chen Tong, a discordant voice came through, "Su Chen, you bastard, let go of my sister!" And suddenly, Chen Fan appeared. He had noticed a few figures not far away and was immediately on alert. He quickly gathered a group of bodyguards, wanting to get a closer look. 

To his surprise, among the figures, he recognized his sister Chen Tong and another familiar face, Su Chen. What's more, he saw Su Chen daring to hold Chen Tong. Chen Fan was furious. His sister was such an elegant person. To Chen Fan, even a casual glance from a playboy like Su Chen was unacceptable, let alone him taking liberties with her. Naturally, Chen Fan was enraged. With a group of people, he charged forward to confront Su Chen. 

Even though Su Chen held the status of the young master of the Su family, Chen Fan was determined to break his hands – only this would quench his anger. Su Chen's first reaction upon seeing Chen Fan was to glance at Chen Tong in his arms, giving her a look as if asking, "What's going on? I thought you said no one was home?" Su Chen was completely at a loss for words now. How could Chen Tong's brother appear so suddenly? This was utterly embarrassing. Chen Tong responded with a look, "You only asked if my father was here, not about anyone else. I didn't lie. He's not here." 

"Bastard, let go or are you looking for trouble?" Chen Fan stepped forward, seeing that Su Chen still dared to hold Chen Tong, anger evident in his eyes. Su Chen, feeling awkward, quickly released his grip, explaining, "Chen Tong drank too much, and I was just bringing her home." 

Chen Fan scoffed, "Lying without thinking. What kind of person is my sister? No matter how much she drinks, she won't get drunk." 

Before Su Chen or Chen Tong could respond, Qiu Wushui chimed in, "Exactly, I also thought that Miss Chen was not drunk."

Chen Fan laughed mockingly at Su Chen, "What more do you have to explain? Daring to harbor inappropriate thoughts about my sister, you're courting death! Men, give him a good beating, at least break his hands." 

Upon Chen Fan's command, the bodyguards, unconcerned about Su Chen's identity, prepared to teach him a lesson. Even though Chen Tong had warned them never to provoke Su Chen, they believed they were doing this for her sake. Chen Fan, fearing his sister but also seeking her approval, believed that such an act would earn him her praise. 

Thinking of this, Chen Fan smiled. At that moment, Chen Tong, who had been silent, couldn't hold back, "Chen Fan, get lost!" Chen Fan, initially elated, was taken aback by his sister's forceful voice, trembling. That's right! I always said she wouldn't get drunk. 

But then, why did she let Su Chen hold her? At this point, Chen Fan felt his mind go blank, as if his worldview had shattered. Looking at Chen Fan, Chen Tong was almost infuriated to death. She had been planning to take advantage of the situation, but Chen Fan's sudden appearance ruined everything.

Furthermore, this gave Qiu Wushui an opportunity to turn things around. She definitely wasn't drunk. Just now, seeing Qiu Wushui's smug expression, Chen Tong couldn't help herself.

"Chen Fan, take your people and leave," she ordered. After saying this, Chen Tong returned to Su Chen's embrace. At this moment, she appeared helpless again, as if she couldn't even walk on her own.

Hearing Chen Tong's words and seeing her leaning on Su Chen in a way he had never seen before, Chen Fan, connecting it with the previous events, finally understood. "Oh no, my sister has really fallen for Su Chen! Su Chen is going to become my brother-in-law?" Chen Fan wanted to cry, but he realized that he had no say in this matter. So, he immediately said, "It was all just a misunderstanding. Brother-in-law, I mean, Su Chen, please help my sister to her room. She can't walk now."

Su Chen was taken aback. "Chen Fan, you sure change your tune quickly. Just moments ago, you were ready to fight me to the death." However, since Chen Fan had requested it, Su Chen had no choice but to personally escort Chen Tong back to her room. 

At the same time, Chen Tong gave Chen Fan an appreciative look, thinking that her silly little brother had finally come to his senses and helped her get closer to Su Chen. "Su Chen, once we get to my room, you can't just leave easily," she thought.

As Su Chen left carrying Chen Tong, Chen Fan stood there, still in shock, muttering to himself, "Oh my god, what did I just do? I almost hit my future brother-in-law. What abilities does Su Chen possess to have won over my sister?" At that moment, Chen Fan's perception of Su Chen completely changed. "He's so impressive. I need to learn from Su Chen about how to charm women."

On the other hand, Qiu Wushui sneered disdainfully. She really didn't want to tell Chen Fan that, from the beginning, it was Chen Tong who took the initiative.