Lu Qingyi, the Heroine from Ancient Times

Chen Tong's family estate is vast, rivaling even the grand courtyard of the Su family. Therefore, under Chen Tong's guidance, Su Chen had to navigate his way. Chen Tong's residence is actually an independent villa. The villa itself isn't small and is situated at the very center. Even Su Chen couldn't help but admire it. However, when Su Chen arrived at the villa, he didn't rush in but waited a bit. He felt that something was off. There were people inside the villa, and among them was a powerful expert, stronger than Qin Yu at present.

Wait, what's happening? Su Chen felt that the aura was familiar, as if he had encountered it somewhere. He pondered for a while but still couldn't figure out who it was. He couldn't recall. "What's wrong?" Chen Tong noticed Su Chen's unusual behavior and asked directly. There's nothing to be concerned about now. In Chen Tong's eyes, Su Chen is her man. "Actually, there's no big issue, actually..." Su Chen hesitated. He didn't want to tell Chen Tong about the presence of people inside, as it might arouse suspicion given her nature.

Su Chen always felt it was crucial to hide his true strength. He could reveal some of it but not all. Especially at this crucial moment, caution is the key. So Su Chen tried to divert, "Actually, it's nothing. I just didn't want to let you go so soon!" 

"Hmph, I don't want that!" Chen Tong said, but her face betrayed a shy contradiction. What did Su Chen mean? Was he trying to flirt? It was really annoying. Is this what they call being in love? After returning to the present era, Chen Tong did some learning. She heard that girls in love are the happiest because the boys would cherish them, much like how Su Chen is treating her now.

For some reason, Chen Tong felt a sweet feeling inside, truly enjoying this sensation. Su Chen remained silent along the way. He felt that Chen Tong seemed to be daydreaming about something again. Her eyes, both joyous and shy, told Su Chen that it's not as simple as it seems. So he decided not to say much, lest he gets pinned against the wall by her later. Upon entering the villa and venturing further inside, that familiar feeling grew even stronger for Su Chen. Who could it be? And when he opened a door, he was utterly taken aback. What's happening?

A woman dressed in traditional attire, with ancient makeup, and long flowing hair coupled with delicate features, looked stunningly beautiful. Why was this woman in Chen Tong's room? What's their relationship? Lu Qingyi. A woman Su Chen was all too familiar with. Her strength was immense. Su Chen doubted he could win against her. At this moment, he was genuinely surprised. Chen Tong, on the side, also noticed the change in Su Chen. She was startled inside. Could it be that Su Chen knows Lu Qingyi? She wondered if this woman was the same type as Lin Qingyan.

Although she didn't understand the exact impact on Su Chen, through Lin Qingyan's incidents and Su Chen's series of actions, she could guess a bit. It seemed Su Chen would have unusual reactions around specific women. Lin Qingyan was one, Yang Yuxin was another, and Yang Danxuan too. This was the intelligence Chen Tong had gathered so far.

In saying so, it's highly likely that the Lu Qingyi before him is one of them. She should have thought of it sooner. Not only is Lu Qingyi as beautiful as a celestial being, but she also possesses incredible abilities. Only a woman of this caliber could have any connection with Su Chen. Her only flaw seems to be some issues with her mental state. Nevertheless, Chen Tong still introduced her to Su Chen, feigning ignorance, "This is my sister, Lu Qingyi!"

What's going on? How did Lu Qingyi become your sister? Wasn't she supposed to have time-traveled from ancient times? Su Chen shifted Chen Tong to the side, focusing all his attention on Lu Qingyi. He was very familiar with this woman. Or rather, no one in the entire novel was more familiar with her than Su Chen. In fact, Lu Qingyi wasn't from the original story. Hence, she wasn't the main female lead nor a supporting character. Su Chen was unsure about Lu Qingyi's origins; she seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

It was only in one of the thirty-three reincarnations that Lu Qingyi appeared. She wasn't present at any other time. Therefore, Su Chen assumed it was just a minor bug in the system, nothing more. But when he first encountered her, she appeared out of nowhere in front of Su Chen, speaking incoherently and mysteriously. Initially, Su Chen thought she might be a distressed girl and intended to deceive her, no, he planned to genuinely help her. Otherwise, what was the use of his skills? But upon further understanding, Su Chen discovered that Lu Qingyi, who seemed like a figure out of a fairy painting, was also a time-traveler.

However, she was someone who had traveled from ancient times to the present and knew nothing of the modern world. At that moment, Su Chen felt like he had discovered a new world. Lu Qingyi's gaze was endearing. At least, Su Chen found it so. Her eyes were pure, and so far, Su Chen had only seen such innocence in children. Lu Qingyi seemed naive, easily deceived. With just a few words, Su Chen had her captivated, hanging onto his every command. But the then Su Chen needed to stick to the antagonist's script.

He couldn't possibly have Lu Qingyi by his side. Yet, the more he tried to distance himself, the more she clung to him. Until eventually, Su Chen had a daring thought. If Lu Qingyi was a bug in the system, could he exploit it? Hence, he decided to deceive Lu Qingyi into helping him defeat Qin Yu. And she did go after him. Though Qin Yu's power surged tremendously and his spirit was unmatched, in front of the formidable Lu Qingyi, he seemed naive. He was defeated in just a few moves. But it's worth noting that Qin Yu was incredibly lucky.

He managed to evade Lu Qingyi's pursuit time and time again. Su Chen didn't dare intervene, fearing he'd disrupt the plot and draw the system's attention. After all, his adversary was a girl. Yet, due to his involvement, she was surrounded, severely injured, and on the brink of death. By all accounts, Su Chen felt a degree of guilt. At that moment, as Lu Qingyi looked at Su Chen, she felt an inexplicable familiarity, yet also a sense of strangeness. Most importantly, it was the look in his eyes.

Staring intently at her, though she hadn't been in the future for long, she had interacted with many. The look in Su Chen's eyes was different from the typical lustful gaze of other men.

Instead of feeling resentful, there was a sense of guilt and debt in it. Lu Qingyi couldn't help but find it odd. After all, this was their first meeting. Why would the other person look at her this way? Could he recognize her? "Hello, I am Su Chen, a good person!" Su Chen looked at Lu Qingyi, feeling a lot more relieved. After all, the past was in the past. "Hello to you too!" Lu Qingyi replied with a smile, even though she was slowly becoming aware of the maliciousness of people's hearts. But faced with Su Chen's direct introduction, she chose to believe. Moreover, she noticed that Su Chen had a good relationship with Chen Tong. She would never doubt Chen Tong's judgment. So, she grudgingly accepted Su Chen.

Su Chen gazed at Lu Qingyi's adorable face. To be honest, he really wanted to pinch her cheeks. Even though he liked the sexy mature style of Chen Tong, Lu Qingyi, a girl who might cry at the slightest pinch, seemed more intriguing. However, their relationship hadn't progressed to that stage yet. So Su Chen held back. "Since I've escorted you back, I should leave now!" Su Chen's words made Chen Tong reluctant to let him go. But after glancing at Lu Qingyi beside her, she couldn't say much. She just grumbled in her heart. 

Why did Lu Qingyi, the third wheel, have to appear now? "Do you want me to escort you home?" 

Lu Qingyi replied, "No need, you can rest easy." She then gave Chen Tong a reassuring look. With Lu Qingyi escorting him, Su Chen was pleased. Fearing that Chen Tong might cause trouble, he quickly decided to leave. As Su Chen and Lu Qingyi left the room, Chen Tong looked at their retreating figures, extremely annoyed. She was so frustrated that she wanted to give Lu Qingyi a good beating. "Such a good atmosphere, ruined by Lu Qingyi."

Outside, Lu Qingyi didn't really escort him far. She just took Su Chen outside the villa. Su Chen looked at Lu Qingyi with slight surprise, finding her somewhat unfamiliar. However, he didn't ask much, thinking it might be a good thing. 

At least for Lu Qingyi, she wouldn't be easily deceived anymore. Su Chen returned to where his car was parked. Apart from Qiu Wushui waiting there, the appearance of Chen Fan surprised Su Chen. What's going on? Was this guy waiting to blame him? But before Su Chen could approach, Chen Fan ran over with a smile, saying, "Brother-in-law, hello! Why didn't you stay in my sister's room a bit longer?" 

Before Su Chen could respond, Chen Fan began to explain. "Oh, I get it, playing hard to get. By the time she dreams of you at night and when you make your move, it'll be much easier." Su Chen was perplexed. What was happening? Wasn't he hostile just a while ago, and now he's like this? Su Chen didn't know what to say to Chen Fan's explanation. 

"Do you need something?" Perhaps because they were both pampered young masters, they had common topics? However, Su Chen had to admit, Chen Fan calling him 'brother-in-law' sounded quite good. Suddenly, a bold idea popped into Su Chen's head. If Yang Yuxin called him 'brother-in-law', wouldn't that be even more satisfying?

Regarding Chen Fan's matter, from Su Chen's perspective as a hedonistic young master, he had roughly understood what Chen Fan was thinking. It's just that he's interested in courting girls. "Brother-in-law," he said with a smirk, "stop pretending. Given the kind of person my sister is and that you could win her over, I deeply admire you. Tell me when you can teach me a few tricks."

In fact, as a man himself, Chen Fan was somewhat envious, jealous, and resentful of Su Chen's prowess in courting women. Hearing Chen Fan's words, Su Chen just shook his head, thinking, 'It figures.' But he was also speechless because he didn't know what to say. Conquering Chen Tong seemed rather effortless for him! 

He could even say that he never really took the initiative. Of course, Su Chen wouldn't voice such thoughts. He merely looked at Chen Fan and advised in a more elder-like tone, "Kid, you still have a long way to go."

As Su Chen approached the car, Qiu Wushui, his secretary, naturally stepped forward to open the door for him. Only then did Chen Fan notice Qiu Wushui. He was quite astonished. Such a stunning woman. 'Damn,' he thought. Earlier, Chen Fan had been preoccupied with other thoughts and hadn't noticed Qiu Wushui. He hadn't expected her to be this beautiful. Especially her aura, which made Chen Fan's heart itch a little. 

His admiration for Su Chen grew even more. "Impressive, brother-in-law, having such a beautiful woman as a secretary." Thinking of himself, Chen Fan's spirits fell. 'Why can't I find a woman like that?' In his mind, an elegant figure appeared. It was his senior from school. She had left the campus now. Although she wasn't stunningly beautiful, and was even somewhat careless, she gave Chen Fan a different feeling. 

Sadly, he never mustered the courage to confess his feelings. He always showcased his wealth in various ways, demonstrating the capabilities of the Chen family's young master. But, regrettably, she never seemed to care. Adjusting his emotions, Chen Fan chuckled, "Heh, once brother-in-law teaches me a few tricks, I'm sure I can win her over." 

Overjoyed, Chen Fan eagerly pulled out his phone, called his friends, and shared his happiness.

On the other side, Lu Qingyi returned to her room and was taken aback by the sight of Chen Tong lying on the bed, her face flushed with a girlish charm. She asked, "Sis, what's with that guy? And what's with you? You didn't fall for him, did you?" 

Chen Tong didn't respond but began to undress slowly. Having drunk too much, she emanated a strong scent of alcohol and wanted to take a bath, or she might not sleep well tonight. Lu Qingyi noticed a bloodstain on Chen Tong's clothes and became even more alarmed. 'What kind of woman is Chen Tong?' she wondered, admiring her greatly. 

Chen Tong was someone Lu Qingyi genuinely looked up to, even considering her a role model. Could someone like Chen Tong also submit to a man? What's so great about that man anyway? Lu Qingyi pondered over her recent interaction with Su Chen. To be honest, other than a familiar feeling, she didn't sense anything extraordinary about him. 

Yet, even Chen Tong seemed smitten. Chen Tong, noticing the change in Lu Qingyi's expression, gave her a thorough once-over. Their styles were polar opposites. Lu Qingyi, possessing a perfect figure, dressed conservatively and held onto old-fashioned ideals, exuding an image of a cultured and graceful lady. Such women indeed seemed to be more likable. "Men generally aren't good, but Su Chen is different. 

You're too young to understand," Chen Tong explained with a smile before happily heading to the bathroom.

Lu Qingyi was left looking utterly bewildered. She appeared deep in thought, seemingly seriously contemplating what Chen Tong had just said. Additionally, she had developed a curiosity about Su Chen.