Only Through Adversity Does the Protagonist Grow Stronger

Regardless of whether it's Fang Yufan or Qin Lie, he feels that neither will be spared, no matter the circumstances. Of course, the most important one is Su Chen. At first glance, Su Chen appears to be the sacrificial lamb in Fang Yufan's plan. But to be frank, all the humiliation truly came from Su Chen. No matter what, Qin Yu wouldn't easily let Su Chen go. In fact, one could argue that Su Chen is currently the person Qin Yu despises the most. But due to Fang Yufan, he hasn't taken action against Su Chen yet."Master, do you have a plan?" Lai En noticed something was off with Qin Yu's mood and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course," Qin Yu replied, a smile characteristic of a war god spread across his face. Indeed, Lai En admired this war god from the bottom of his heart. Or rather, he understood him. He guessed so quickly that there was a plan in place. In the eyes of his subordinates, Qin Yu was revered as a god-like figure. Who are Fang Yufan and Su Chen to compare with him? As Qin Yu daydreamed, Lai En was utterly speechless. He didn't even know what to say. Originally, Lai En wanted Qin Yu to not make any plans. Every plan had failed, without a single success. They were disasters. If so, why should Qin Yu's plans still be executed?

Yet, Lai En understood the arrogance of this lord. He tried to phrase his concerns gently, but Qin Yu remained extremely confident, very optimistic about the new plan, without the slightest inclination to listen to Lai En's words. Seeing this, Lai En was at a loss.Outside this dilapidated room, a large group gathered. These were the mercenaries Qin Yu had called back from overseas. Each of them skilled, all admiring Qin Yu just like Lai En did. To them, Qin Yu not only had charisma but also immense physical strength and wisdom.

Following Qin Yu promised great rewards in the future. That's why these formidable mercenaries chose to follow him. However, they all witnessed something unimaginable. They saw Qin Yu beaten, looking like a dying dog. If the mercenaries hadn't shown up, the once invincible war god would have likely perished. In that moment, their faith seemed on the verge of collapse. All were so shocked they were speechless. The once mighty war god was severely injured, and everyone could tell, Qin Yu's injuries were old, with no chance of retaliation.

These men, seasoned in war, could tell that the injuries seemed to accumulate daily. Old wounds hadn't even stopped bleeding before new ones appeared. It was too brutal. Their most respected figure was beaten like this in China, making everyone somewhat fearful. What kind of place is China? Was it really the forbidden land for mercenaries as the legends said?

The mighty War God Lord was beaten like this.However, just as they were all disheartened, laughter suddenly echoed from the house. It was a joyous, mad laughter. "Hahaha". This laughter stunned the mercenaries. "What's going on? After such severe injuries, the lord is laughing, and so happily at that. Has he been too traumatized?"

A younger-looking mercenary stepped forward, suggesting with a gesture to his head what he meant. Everyone understood. Although it seemed highly disrespectful to Qin Yu, it wasn't important right now. Even Qin Yu's most ardent supporters believed that something was severely wrong with his mind. Not just them. Lai En, who was right beside Qin Yu, was most puzzled about what had happened.

Initially, Qin Yu was discussing the plan normally, but suddenly, his emotions went haywire. Although Lai En greatly admired Qin Yu, if he had to describe Qin Yu now, he'd say he seemed like a complete idiot.Of course, all of this was unknown to Qin Yu. He was deeply immersed in joy and couldn't pull himself out. "Su Chen, you pampered young master, compared to me, you're nothing but trash. Fine, for now, I'll let you jump around for a few days. After I've dealt with Fang Yufan, I'll come back for you! Fang Yufan, you've schemed so much, but you never expected that I am the chosen one."

At this moment, Qin Yu noticed the look in Lai En's eyes. He immediately suppressed it. He laughed and explained, "Unexpected, right? This time, I've turned a misfortune into a blessing. My power has once again soared, reaching even greater heights. I believe it won't be long before no one in this world can defeat me. And when that time comes, whoever dares to oppose me will be ruthlessly crushed under my feet, to be humiliated at my whim!"Qin Yu didn't even need to look at Lai En to guess that the latter must be wearing a shocked and extremely envious expression.

Yet, Qin Yu's gaze remained steadfast. In his heart, he was filled with indignant ambition. Be it Su Chen, Fang Yufan, or those bastards from the police department. Everyone who had wronged him, one and all, must die for me! "Master, are you alright?" At this point, the henchmen outside could no longer hold back and rushed in to see Qin Yu, whose face was covered in blood.There was a thud in their hearts, thinking, "It seems we were right, the once legendary warrior has now lost his mind." 

"Of course, I'm fine. Not just fine, I'm feeling great!" Qin Yu's face had a confident smile, but with the blood all over his face, it looked very out of place. "Brothers, just wait, I will definitely lead you all to conquer the world and reach the pinnacle!" Hearing Qin Yu's bold words, the others could only force a stiff smile.As soon as they left the room, they began to strategize. 

"Alright, now that the war god has gone mad, we should think about our future." "You're suggesting we betray the boss!" At this point, someone spoke up disdainfully, "How can this be betrayal? With the war god in this state, staying here might only worsen his condition. Given that, it's better to leave on our own." "Exactly, there's an old saying in China: let go when it's time to let go." Of course, Qin Yu was unaware of his subordinates' plans to leave.At this moment, he was full of energy and turned to Lai En, asking, "What do you think of my plan?" Although he asked on the surface, deep down, Qin Yu was incredibly pleased with his plan.

There wouldn't be any flaws. However, Lai En really wanted to point out that the plan had many loopholes and would be hard to execute. Given Qin Yu's current state, Lai En feared that mentioning this might enrage him. So, he tactfully inquired, "Master, you are currently the most wanted by the China Police Department. Executing this plan might be very difficult, maybe reconsider?" Yet, faced with Lai En's inquiry, Qin Yu seemed to have expected it.He wasn't surprised at all and earnestly said, "I never do things I'm not sure of. Given the current situation, I definitely won't expose myself easily to avoid being found by the police.

But I can disguise!" With that, Qin Yu took out a skin mask and put it on his face. Instantly, his entire demeanor changed. He no longer looked like his former self. His once dejected aura was gone. "Lai En, get me a new identity right away. If they like to work in the shadows, then I'll move to the shadows!" Qin Yu felt this idea was perfect.It could even be said to be impeccable. If all those beautiful women now despise him, he'll just change his identity to win their hearts. Once he succeeds and reveals his true identity, Qin Yu won't be afraid. He's even looking forward to it. 

When those women fall for him and discover his real identity, they'll feel guilty. They'll see how much they owe him. Hahaha! The next day, Su Chen was sleeping in when he was abruptly awakened by a phone call.He was not a morning person, and waking up like this made him very upset. However, when he saw the caller ID, he immediately suppressed his anger. "Mom, what is it?" Su Chen's lazy voice rang out. An angry voice from Chen Qing responded immediately, "You little brat, be serious when your mother calls you. How dare you still be asleep! Sit up when you talk."Upon hearing this, Su Chen became even more despondent. "I was soundly asleep, and your call woke me up. It would have been okay if it ended there, but you even complained about me lying down." Though Su Chen felt somewhat resentful, he felt powerless.It was his mother on the other end. If it had been any other woman speaking to him like that, she would've ended up with a sore bottom.

"Mom, if there's something pressing, just say it. I'm all ears!" Su Chen felt like he had forgotten some major event.It wasn't an act on his part. He genuinely couldn't remember. Overwhelmed with so many matters at hand, he was truly at a loss. As expected, Chen Qing's annoyed voice immediately berated him from the other end."You have the audacity to say that? Forgot about your past deeds, have you?

When Lin Qingyan visited my company for a business meeting, you kneeled and proposed to her in front of so many. And if that wasn't enough, you even got rejected. Thousands in the company witnessed it. I felt so humiliated then. You're aware, aren't you?"For Chen Qing to rehash these old stories meant she had some agenda. Why else would she bring up this topic out of nowhere? Su Chen was utterly dumbfounded.

He knew deep down that Chen Qing had more to share. "Son, can't you be a bit more ambitious? Know this: I will never approve of Lin Qingyan."Su Chen was on high alert. What did she mean by that? While he sensed an ulterior meaning in her words, he genuinely didn't dare make any wild guesses. If he interpreted it wrong, he would be in for trouble. "Mom, what do you mean? I don't get it!" His words were met with an icy scoff from Chen Qing."Su Chen, let me make it clear. Pretending to be clueless won't work on me! You better take Yuxin on that trip, or I might just have you admitted to a facility!"

Beep beep beep! After finishing, Chen Qing promptly ended the call, clearly angered. Perhaps she wanted to prevent Su Chen from having any opportunity to counter her.Upon hearing her words, Su Chen had an epiphany. That's why his mother was so insistent. She was pressuring him to vacation with Yang Yuxin! Ding ding ding! A text arrived. "Son, I've taken care of the itinerary. This time, make sure you win that girl's heart.

Stay as long as needed. Ideally, return after gifting me a grandchild."Black spots seemed to dance before Su Chen's eyes. This was unbelievable. Wasn't this a bit too hurried? To Su Chen, a trip with Yang Yuxin wasn't anything out of the ordinary. But in Chen Qing's perspective, it held greater significance than any business deal. Su Chen sighed in resignation, "Mom, what on earth are you talking about? Going on a honeymoon-like trip with Yang Yuxin even without being married?" What a notion! Could the older generation really be this forward-thinking?

Su Chen was at a loss for words.But what truly made him feel desperate was this unforeseen plot twist. It felt so out of place. Su Chen had initially been contemplating how to confront the new protagonist. But now, he was supposed to travel with Yang Yuxin, the sort of trip where children might be conceived. Then his phone buzzed again, showing Yang Yuxin's name. "Right after my mom, now it's Yang Yuxin. If you claim there wasn't any planning behind this, I'd find it hard to believe."Despite his inner reluctance, he picked up the call. While this turn of events might not contribute positively to the plot, for Su Chen personally, it might be a silver lining.

"Hello, I think I know what you'll say. I'm on board." On the other side, Yang Yuxin's smug laughter echoed, making Su Chen's skin crawl.He was clearly the man in this situation, but now he was being put in such a passive position. Yang Yuxin seemed to have been prepared in advance, "In that case, let's go to Love Island." Love Island, just by the name alone, one could tell it wasn't a good place. It was a bit too direct. It wasn't entirely out of the question, but Su Chen retorted, "How about we choose a different location? Going to a beachside place like this doesn't seem right.

It's a bit too lively; we should go somewhere quieter to enjoy nature." However, whatever Su Chen said seemed to have no weight. Yang Yuxin flatly refused, "No." Suddenly, Yang Yuxin's gentle voice could be heard, "Besides, the advantage of going to an island is that one can wear a swimsuit. Don't you want to see?" Su Chen coughed awkwardly, "Actually, the island scenery is indeed good; you should bring several swimsuits." Yang Yuxin giggled but quickly suppressed it and continued, "Besides, I've already bought two tickets; we can set off immediately." Two tickets? Su Chen was filled with confusion. "Isn't your sister Yang Danxuan also going?" "No way! Only you and I should go; what's Yang Danxuan coming for? No!" Yang Yuxin said angrily.