Standing by the Tree Stump Waiting for a Rabbit

Considering Su Chen and thinking about it, what Yang Yuxin said seemed to make sense! It seems that if Yang Danxuan went with them, it would indeed be a hindrance. At least, Su Chen didn't want her to come either. „Let's just agree on this then. Don't tell Yang Danxuan. I'll just take you," Su Chen said. „Seriously, why are you even going on this trip without any reason? I'm surprised," he added. After speaking, Su Chen immediately hung up the phone.On the other side, even though Yang Yuxin's call was disconnected, she wasn't affected at all. On the contrary, she was quite pleased. She hummed a happy tune and muttered, „Yang Danxuan, you stinky woman. Thinking of disturbing my time with Su Chen? No way!" Yang Yuxin was now very audacious because she had tricked Yang Danxuan into leaving. Now, she could go on a honeymoon trip with Su Chen, just the two of them, without any disturbances.

The thought itself was blissful.But which swimsuits should she take? Staring at the swimsuits she specifically bought, Yang Yuxin fell deep into thought. „This one, this one, and this one," she murmured, picking out each piece, feeling satisfied with every choice. Once her luggage was packed, she was ready to meet Su Chen. Although it wasn't the agreed-upon time yet, there was no rush; she could rest a bit. However, unbeknownst to her gleeful preparations, there was an unexpected scene unfolding outside her bedroom. Yang Danxuan had heard everything Yang Yuxin said earlier.

Initially, Yang Danxuan had indeed been fooled by Yang Yuxin, who claimed their parents had an emergency and needed her at home. But something felt off about Yang Yuxin, prompting Yang Danxuan to verify the claim. And as suspected, it was all a lie. Yang Danxuan immediately returned home stealthily, curious about Yang Yuxin's deceitful plans. Overhearing the plans, Yang Danxuan's eyes hardened, „So, Yang Yuxin, you're thinking of ditching me to honeymoon with Su Chen? Dream on!"There was no way she would allow such a thing. „If you don't want me to come, I'll just have to show up myself.

I can't wait to see your reaction when you see me," Yang Danxuan decided to act without informing. Although she wasn't sure about Yang Yuxin's flight details, she knew her sister well. A quick phone call later, using family connections, she had all the information she needed. With a sweet smile and a gleam of triumph in her eyes, Yang Danxuan whispered, „Yang Yuxin, I can't wait to see you get startled." After saying this, she went to her room to start packing.„It's just a swimsuit; it's not like no one else has worn one," she remarked. Yang Danxuan took out all the provocative clothes she had at the bottom of her suitcase.

To the cheerful singing of Yang Yuxin, she discreetly left. On her way to the airport, Yang Danxuan suddenly had a mischievous idea and decided to teach her younger sister, Yang Yuxin, a painful lesson. She called Yang Yuxin, pretending to be clueless, and in a frantic tone, asked, „Yang Yuxin, what's going on? I'm about to board my flight at the airport."Yang Yuxin paused, trying to think of a way to divert Yang Danxuan, who was becoming a potential third wheel, or rather, a competitor. „I'm not sure. There must be a reason for you to return," she replied.

Yang Danxuan responded with a drawn-out „Oh," then swiftly changed the topic, „Do you think something serious has happened? I should probably call home and ask." Yang Yuxin, alarmed by the idea of Yang Danxuan calling home, quickly responded, „There's no need to call. If there was something serious, mom and dad would've told you directly."Trying to convince her sister further, Yang Yuxin added, „They probably just miss you since you haven't been home in a while.

They might have felt too shy to tell you directly, so they had me relay the message." From the other end, Yang Danxuan's agreeing voice came, relaxing the tense atmosphere for Yang Yuxin. However, Yang Danxuan suddenly asked, „By the way, where are you now? You're not still at home, are you?" Caught off guard, Yang Yuxin hesitated before replying, „No, no, I've gone out." She quickly added, „Sis, I need to go, I'm busy!" and promptly hung up the phone.

She then threw her phone aside, took a deep breath, and thought about how she almost got caught in her lie. If Yang Danxuan had really called home, everything would have been exposed, and she wouldn't know how to handle it.On the other side, Yang Danxuan snorted, „Silly girl, trying to outsmart me? Let's see who the real elder sister is." With great enthusiasm, Yang Danxuan headed to the airport. Meanwhile, Su Chen had already made his preparations. However, in the neighboring room, Su Xian'er exhibited a different demeanor. Initially, Su Xian'er believed her position as the main wife was secure. But lately, Su Chen seemed closer to the two women at home, making her uncomfortable and her emotions complex. Especially Zhao Menghan, who always heeded Su Chen's words without any objections.

Su Xian'er wasn't naive in matters of love anymore and recognized that women like Zhao Menghan easily ensnared men, particularly given Su Chen's level of restraint.Su Xian'er was well aware that she couldn't control Su Chen. Over time, feelings had grown between them. Now, thinking back, Su Xian'er deeply regretted her past actions. She initially didn't think Zhao Menghan posed any threat since, even in their past life, Su Chen hadn't truly loved her. However, things had changed now, and Su Xian'er hadn't expected that Zhao Menghan was also someone who had been reincarnated. This revelation infuriated her, but she felt there was nothing she could do.Just then, Su Xian'er heard footsteps outside her room.

They sounded like Su Chen's. She had wanted to go out to greet him since he wouldn't visit her without a reason, but suddenly, she heard a peculiar voice in her ear. 

[What's going on? Why am I in Su Xian'er's room?] 

[Damn, I subconsciously came here. I need to leave before she notices.] 

[Otherwise, it'll be tough to get away.] 

[But maybe it's not a good idea to leave Su Xian'er like this!] [Maybe I'll be gone for a long time.] 

[I should just go find Yang Yuxin.]

Su Xian'er was taken aback. What was happening? „Is that Su Chen's voice?" she wondered, looking puzzled. However, she hadn't heard any audible voice. This meant that while Su Chen hadn't spoken out loud, she had indeed heard his inner voice. After a brief moment of shock, Su Xian'er, being worldly-wise, quickly realized that she was hearing Su Chen's innermost thoughts. Given that reincarnation had occurred, being able to hear one's inner voice seemed quite normal. Su Xian'er felt that her luck was unmatched. Not only had she reincarnated, but she could now also hear Su Chen's inner voice. Combining these two factors, she felt she could control Su Chen entirely.But wait, Su Xian'er suddenly remembered Su Chen's thoughts. He was going to find Yang Yuxin. To do what?

And he was planning to do it secretly, for an extended period. When did these two get so close? Su Xian'er felt she had neglected Su Chen too much recently, as so much had happened in such a short time. Yang Yuxin had her mother's full support, which made her a formidable opponent in Su Xian'er's eyes.Thinking of this, Su Xian'er became restless. She wanted to confront Su Chen immediately. But then she heard Su Chen's inner voice again. 

[I can't take Su Xian'er with me. That would be chaotic.] 

[I can't even imagine what might happen if Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er were together.] 

[It's better to go on a honeymoon trip with just Yang Yuxin.] 

[After all, Su Xian'er can't blame me; it's my mother's command.] 

Su Chen even imagined a scene where Su Xian'er would tell his mother, „Mom, I'm pregnant with Su Chen's child!" 

[Better not think about it.] 

[I should just run!]

Rage filled Su Xian'er's eyes. Su Chen was planning to spend quality time alone with Yang Yuxin.Su Xian'er was instantly perturbed, extremely angry. She had always suspected that Su Chen had feelings for Yang Yuxin, and now, given the chance, she could imagine what would happen between them. Unable to contain her emotions, she immediately flung open her door and demanded, „Brother, what are you up to?" Even though she was fully aware of Su Chen's intentions, she feigned surprise. She couldn't let Su Chen know she could hear his thoughts; otherwise, given his character, he would become guarded. If he did, obtaining valuable information would become problematic.

Su Chen looked at her with a guilty conscience and felt utterly embarrassed. Still, he managed a smile and said, „It's nothing; I just thought of going out for a bit. Continue with your work." He was well aware of how busy Su Xian'er was. After all, she, a young girl, was now managing the vast Su family business. 

[Damn, how did Su Xian'er spot me? Were my footsteps too loud?]

[This is a problem. Su Xian'er is sharp at picking up on things. I need to be careful, or if she discovers my plans, it will be troublesome.] 

[If she finds out I'm going on a trip alone with Yang Yuxin, I can't even begin to imagine the horrifying consequences.]

Though the once violent and aggressive Su Xian'er was no longer around, Su Chen hadn't forgotten the fear he once felt under her reign. All of it remained vivid in his memory. What Su Chen didn't realize was that Su Xian'er could hear every thought of his. Hearing his thoughts, Su Xian'er couldn't help but sneer. „Scoundrel! This damned man, this despicable male, thinks he can deceive me? Impossible.

Your schemes will never succeed. Cheater. He made all those vows to me, and now he's thinking of sneaking around with someone else?"Su Xian'er took a deep breath, trying to control her erupting emotions, and said with a smile, „Brother, what a coincidence, I was just thinking of going out too. Since that's the case, let's go together." Su Chen's face wore a look of total shock. 

[What's happening? Doesn't she have a lot of work left? Why does she suddenly want to go out? And together? What's she implying?] 

[No, I must think of a way to get Su Xian'er back to work.] 

Internally resolved, Su Chen maintained a calm facade, replying with a smile, „You go on; I'll head back to my room for some rest." He feigned a yawn, pretending to be exhausted.This infuriated Su Xian'er even more. He really doesn't want to take me with him? Taking me for granted?

I'm about to explode! It's hard for anyone to accept being treated this way. What a jerk.This is the tag Su Xian'er put on Su Chen, but she can't just turn her face right now. If she does, it would only make Yang Yuxin's sinister plot succeed.

So even though Su Xian'er is currently jealous and angry, she suppresses her urge to angrily confront Su Chen and remains calm. „Why not? It's rare that we have some free time. Come play with me!" Su Xian'er even pleads with a hint of coquettishness in her voice. „Regardless, you're taking me with you this time. If you sleep, I'll sleep with you," she says calmly, but her inner feelings are anything but calm.

„Hehe, dreaming of going on a honeymoon with that little demon Yang Yuxin? Don't even think about it," she murmured. Without giving Su Chen a chance to protest, she quickly took his hand, showing a sweet smile on her face, and urged him to leave. „Let's hurry up, maybe we can go somewhere by the sea," Su Chen said, panicked, feeling there was an underlying meaning to her words. 

[Oh no, what do I do now? Su Xian'er is clinging to me. This is frustrating! How can I go meet Yang Yuxin with her? I can't even imagine the consequences, it's terrifying. What should I do now? Should I not meet Yang Yuxin? No, there isn't enough time. I need to find a way to shake Su Xian'er off. Why is she holding on so tight? It feels good though. Maybe I can make her so tired that she can't follow.]

Hearing this last thought, Su Xian'er visibly became nervous. Her cheeks flushed, but she didn't let go of his arm, holding it even tighter. She was afraid that if she wasn't careful, Su Chen would sneak away and go on a date with that vixen Yang Yuxin. She must hold on tightly, or what if he runs away? Su Chen and Su Xian'er spent some time outside together. Suddenly, his phone rang. Without guessing, he knew it must be Yang Yuxin calling because it was time. However, he didn't answer but glanced at Su Xian'er.Su Xian'er probably guessed that it was Yang Yuxin calling. Pretending to be curious, she asked, „Brother, who's calling?

Why aren't you answering?" Su Chen calmly replied, „It's work-related. There's an issue I need to deal with, so I have to go now. Let's end our outing here." „Alright," Su Xian'er surprisingly agreed readily with a smile on her face. „Mm," Su Chen said and turned to leave. 

[I need to be careful; I always feel like Su Xian'er is plotting something. I should head back to my room to lay low for now.]

Watching Su Chen's retreating figure, Su Xian'er's smile grew even brighter. Thinking she could be deceived? Dreaming of a solo date with Yang Yuxin? Don't even think about it. I'll be waiting at the airport to see what you do. I'll be there, waiting like a hunter for ist prey.