The Beauty Trick That Never Fails

Likewise captivated were everyone present, including the three female leads beside Su Chen, who at this moment were dumbfounded by Ji Ling's actions. 

"Someone help, it's a robbery!" 

"Save me! Who will help me?" were the cries that met the ears of the bystanders, who, preferring to avoid getting involved, chose not to assist. Among them was Su Chen, who recognized the caller as Ji Ling and couldn't help but notice the stark transformation in her appearance — Ji Ling, who now exuded an alluring charm that was absent when they first met, displayed a seductive aura with delicate features and an imperial sister-like demeanor that the three female leads present couldn't match, except perhaps for Chen Tong. 

Su Chen chuckled to himself, recognizing the face-changing technique at play. He had guessed right; as the character chosen by the system to fill in Zhao Menghan's story, it was impossible for her not to be attractive. Not to mention Su Chen, even the original author wouldn't be satisfied. Su Chen speculated that this must be Ji Ling's true appearance, a deduction made possible by sensing that her aura had remained unchanged, something the three female protagonists beside him failed to notice.

Especially Yang Yuxin, whose genes seemed to stir at the sight of a crime happening before her — how could she allow robbery in broad daylight, much less at night? With a face brimming with righteousness, she exclaimed, "This is too brazen!" Yang Danxuan, standing nearby, was puzzled as well, questioning how someone could rob a place that only a select few could enter, a detail she was well aware of, considering the security measures. 

Could it be an act? Yang Danxuan, as a professional performer, speculated cautiously, with her thoughts quickly exploring this possibility. Regardless of the situation, Yang Yuxin believed that such actions must be stopped immediately, finding it difficult to tolerate such occurrences unfolding before her eyes. Just as she was about to take action, she heard Su Chen's inner voice.

[Is Yang Yuxin about to fall for the trap again?]

[These people have seized on Yang Yuxin's sense of justice to provoke her into action!]

[But what's the point of this charade? To get close to me? That can't be right; she's already close to me!]

[So, what's the meaning behind this scene? However, it must be said, Ji Ling's acting is truly terrible.]

[Are you acting like someone being robbed, always looking at me?]

Su Chen was rendered speechless by the situation.

But he couldn't interfere, nor was he able to prevent what was coming. Yang Yuxin, faced with such circumstances, would not hold back, regardless of the dangers ahead. Meanwhile, Su Chen was curious to see what Ji Ling was planning. 

Just then, Yang Yuxin stopped in her tracks when she heard Ji Ling's name — a name that had become particularly sensitive to her, to the point of harboring resentment. "So, the woman before me is the Ji Ling from before?" she wondered, finding it hard to believe her eyes despite never having been misled by Su Chen's intuition. 

But this was enough for Yang Yuxin to confirm that the enchantingly beautiful woman in front of her was indeed Ji Ling. "Indeed, to be a female lead in this book, one must be no pushover, all possessing their own extraordinary tactics," she thought. Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er exchanged glances, both heightening their vigilance, while Yang Danxuan looked on in confusion, not understanding why her sister didn't charge forward as before but instead stood frozen. 

Unbeknownst to her, Yang Yuxin had become wary after Su Chen's warning, sensing that not only was something off but that she was in the midst of a ruse, performed by none other than Ji Ling, the fellow female protagonist. Was this conspiracy meant to draw her away from Su Chen? That was Yang Yuxin's guess. 

Regardless, she was determined not to let Ji Ling's scheme succeed. Anyone else might have charged headfirst into a potential trap due to their nature, but not when it involved Ji Ling; that was simply not an option.

"Let's just leave," Yang Yuxin suddenly turned aside, choosing not to look at everything she had discovered, and then said, "Robbing in a place like this is simply laughable. It's completely impossible, it must be a performance," she added. 

"Besides, even if it were real, someone would deal with it eventually, and we should give the security here a chance to make up for their mistakes," she concluded.

Yang Danxuan also nodded in agreement, saying, "Right, there probably isn't anything serious. Even if there is, it's still up to the security to deal with it, after all, it is their negligence," she believed. Yang Danxuan really didn't want to bother with these things.

This was just an unnecessary complication, especially when she could finally come out and have a good time. Being so close to Su Chen, she couldn't express how happy she was. If anything were to happen, causing all of this to end, Yang Danxuan wouldn't be able to accept it.

It would be troublesome then. Su Xian'er, on the other hand, didn't care at all. She couldn't be bothered to think about whatever schemes Ji Ling might have.

After all, they posed no threat to Su Chen. As for her status, it was very stable, so there was no need for her to be as panicked as Yang Yuxin. Su Xian'er snorted inwardly, "When has the legitimate wife ever needed to compete with these concubines for favor? Absolutely unnecessary!"

Of course, if this Ji Ling intended to harm Su Chen, she would not let it go easily. As for Su Chen, after hearing Yang Yuxin's words, he was somewhat confused about the situation. 

[Yang Yuxin, have you gone mad?]

[In such a situation, you're not stepping forward, you don't have to suppress your nature for me!] 

[One must not lose their sense of justice!] 

[Wait, is it possible that Yang Yuxin has also realized that this person is Ji Ling?] 

Although Su Chen thought this unlikely, he felt that anything could happen with these girls around, no matter how bizarre.

Although Yang Yuxin was reluctant to take action now. Su Chen wasn't going to leave so easily; he wanted to stay and see what schemes Ji Ling was plotting. After all, everything about Ji Ling was almost unknown at this point.

She was not a character from the original story, so for many of the developments, Su Chen was in the dark. It could even be said that everything happening on this trip was completely beyond Su Chen's expectations, outside of the script's scope.

"Don't hurry to leave; if this is a performance, then we can still watch, and if this really is a robbery, then Yang Yuxin can take action," he reasoned. Yang Yuxin surreptitiously pinched Su Chen's waist hard. Su Chen bore the pain.

He thought to himself, thankfully he had trained his waist specifically for these female protagonists, otherwise it would have been troublesome. Su Chen of course knew why Yang Yuxin was angry.

It was simply because of his previous remarks, which seemed to liken her to a sort of pet. Su Chen really wanted to explain to Yang Yuxin that it was not meant to be an insult; in fact, if Yang Yuxin really appeared in front of Su Chen in that manner, it would be quite provocative.

While Su Chen was lost in his wild thoughts, the robber suddenly changed direction and ran towards where Su Chen was. Ji Ling was following behind. Especially as the robber prepared to approach Su Chen, his speed suddenly increased.

Obviously, he was not an ordinary person. Su Chen was startled and somewhat speechless. 

[What's the situation, they are coming this way, what is Ji Ling planning?] 

[To speak plainly, with such actions, anyone can see that you are not in the roles of robbers and victims.]

Su Chen was genuinely at a loss for words. The robber had clearly reached the door, and with one more step could leave. But instead, there was a sudden halt and then a turn towards Su Chen's location.

[It shouldn't be that he wants to fight me, right? That would be too much, wouldn't it?] 

[It's very possible that Ji Ling is actually here to fill in for Zhao Menghan's character and plot, it would be normal for her to want to kill me.] 

This seemed to be the most reasonable explanation to Su Chen.

At that moment, the robber was about to reach Su Chen. "Get out of the way, if you don't want to die!" A robber would normally shout out this phrase if they saw someone blocking their way during a getaway.

The robber was overjoyed. Great, all he had to do was collide with him, and his purpose was simple—to create an opportunity for Su Chen to show off. Then, Ji Ling would take advantage of this opportunity to get close to Su Chen.

Then it would be even easier to complete subsequent tasks.

After a moment of contemplation, he immediately felt that he needed to perform even more perfectly. His face contorted, he shouted loudly from the corner of his mouth: "Anyone who doesn't want to die, get the hell out of my way, move!" After shouting, he didn't wait for Su Chen's reaction, he just steeled himself, planning to crash into Su Chen.

Just as the collision was imminent, she couldn't help feeling secretly delighted. Very good. However, the next second, Su Chen suddenly stepped aside, leaving a wide path open for the robber. The robber, finding himself not colliding with Su Chen, was immediately dumbfounded. What's going on? Shouldn't Su Chen be showing off at a time like this?

Shouldn't Su Chen be eager to play the hero to save Ji Ling with her stunning beauty? Su Chen, the wasteful rich young master, should love playing the hero to rescue the beauty the most. He suddenly thought of Yang Yuxin next to him. "Good! With this justice-filled female officer here, even if Su Chen doesn't make a move, it wouldn't be a big problem."

The robber was clear in his mind; as long as he was blocked by someone among Su Chen's group, it would be fine. In any case, Ji Ling, with her abilities, would definitely be able to get close to Su Chen. How could Su Chen not be moved by such a delicate beauty placed in front of him, this useless rich young master? Yet, when the robber was full of internal drama, he realized that Yang Yuxin had not made a move either.

And in this brief time, he had been in a daze, his feet's speed never slowed. Unknowingly, he had already charged a significant distance. Just a bit more and he would be out. "What the hell, why did Su Chen dodge, and why didn't Yang Yuxin take action?" Isn't she a police officer? Could all this be a sham?

A chill went down the robber's spine; if he ran back now, wouldn't everything be exposed? No choice, he had to leave first. So, not long after, he quickly left this place of trouble. And after he left, Ji Ling was the one who was confused. What's happening? Why did this person suddenly leave? Shouldn't he be performing properly?

What kind of rubbish teammates are these? Ji Ling's mind was filled with countless question marks. She just couldn't understand how these guys operated. Watching such unreliable teammates, Ji Ling realized why Qin Yu always lost to Su Chen. Originally, according to her plan, Su Chen was supposed to stop the robber and then hand her the stolen bag.

Then, Ji Ling wanted to show Su Chen just how beautiful she really is. To put it bluntly, she wanted to win him over with her beauty. The reason Ji Ling didn't show up in her true appearance from the start was to test Su Chen. To know your enemy and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.

If it were an ordinary situation, Ji Ling might have let her guard down. But with even Qin Yu defeated by Su Chen's hands, Ji Ling of course did not dare to be careless. She needed to find out Su Chen's weakness, then she could devise the best plan. Being too pretty, actually, can easily arouse suspicion, so she had to take on a different identity.

Indeed, with an ordinary identity, even if one acts abnormally, in the end, it would not attract attention. Ji Ling was very satisfied with this, as clearly neither Su Chen nor Yang Yuxin had noticed her. And although she had only briefly interacted with Su Chen, Ji Ling had still detected Su Chen's weakness. That was his susceptibility to beauty.

Ji Ling learned this from the conversation between Su Chen and Yang Yuxin. And at that time, she even deliberately asked Su Chen if he wanted to go out with her. All these were probes. So, Ji Ling believed that as long as the plan she had devised was followed, she would surely complete her undercover mission and even draw out the people hiding behind the scenes.

But this sudden turn of events was something Ji Ling had not anticipated at all. What to do? Worthless, a bunch of useless things! Fortunately, Ji Ling quickly calmed down and immediately thought of a plan. Even so, she would have to create an opportunity to encounter Su Chen. She staggered towards Su Chen and then pretended to lose her balance on purpose, her high heel suddenly wobbling.

Then she conveniently fell towards Su Chen. Ji Ling was overjoyed. Very good, Su Chen would definitely catch her.

When the moment came to feign misfortune and then express gratitude to Su Chen, Ji Ling believed this would also draw his attention. Ultimately, by sacrificing a bit of her dignity, she could thoroughly gain Su Chen's trust. However, as Ji Ling was about to come into contact with Su Chen, he unexpectedly stepped back, and with a bang, Ji Ling found herself falling straight to the ground. 

Although Ji Ling let out a cry of pain, her physical conditioning meant that she was actually unharmed—it was all an act to catch Su Chen's attention. 

[Thinking she could pull a fast one, what is this woman trying to do?] 

[Such poor acting skills, I am impressed—shouldn't she properly hone her craft before making a spectacle of herself?] 

[But I must say, Ji Ling lying there does look quite tempting.] 

[Wait, why is she suddenly putting on this pitiful expression?] 

[And doesn't she realize she's wearing a V-neck? From this angle, isn't it just inviting advantage?] 

[Could it be she's trying to seduce me?] 

[It's highly likely; the beauty trap, a time-tested strategy for female spies.] 

Beside them, Yang Yuxin, upon hearing Su Chen's inner monologue and seeing Ji Ling's disheveled state, was initially pleased. Su Chen was indeed too cunning, always capable of driving people to despair. However, as she continued to listen and realized that someone was attempting to seduce him and he seemed inclined to look, Yang Yuxin felt displeased. 

So, if someone tries to seduce you, you just go along with it, huh?