The New Script Collapses Right from the Start

Aware that his adversary intended to seduce him, Su Chen thought he shouldn't let her efforts be in vain. Thus, he immediately lowered his head to appreciate the view, while thinking, 

[This Ji Ling, indeed chosen by the system, has the potential to be the female lead, she's really beautiful. But she's not the main heroine, she's lacking something; she's perfect compared to ordinary women, but by my standards, she's at most an eight out of ten, not more.] 

[To think she's trying to seduce me, who does she think she is looking down on?] 

[Even Yang Yuxin looks much better, when she tried to seduce me, I didn't fall for it, I almost managed to resist, so Ji Ling still has a long way to go.] 

[Not to mention, I have several of this caliber by my side.]

Su Chen initially planned to leave, considering the other party was an undercover agent with certain schemes. He wanted to ignore these plotlines for now, desiring to relax properly. But clearly, Yang Yuxin was determined to oppose him. Yang Yuxin first gave Su Chen a cold look, feeling a mix of happiness and dissatisfaction with his inner thoughts. 

However, she quickly composed herself because her primary aim was to deal with Ji Ling, who lay on the ground. Although unsure of Ji Ling's motives, it was apparent she meant to harm Su Chen, and Yang Yuxin naturally would not let her off easily.

Suppressing her anger with a smile, Yang Yuxin asked Ji Ling, "Little sister, what are you trying to do?" 

You're calling me little, your whole family is little, Ji Ling thought resentfully, unhappy with Yang Yuxin's address. Internally complaining, she then looked over Yang Danxuan and Yang Yuxin, compared herself, and felt somewhat inferior. 

What on earth did these women grow up eating? If Su Chen had the ability to read minds, he could directly tell her, They were not big at first, but after meeting me, they kept growing bigger, I also don't know why.

Frustrated, Ji Ling had originally planned to seduce Su Chen further, especially to let him witness her allure. But the sudden appearance of Yang Yuxin immediately thwarted her plans. Now, seducing Su Chen was out of the question. Left with no other option, Ji Ling had to stand up. 

Despite her dissatisfaction, she managed to squeeze out a reluctant smile and said, "It's nothing, thank you." 

She then put on a very sad expression and said, "Just now, my belongings were stolen, and in my haste, I fell because I wasn't watching where I was going. I must hurry to the front desk to check, otherwise if that thief gets away, it would be bad." 

After saying this, Ji Ling thought of leaving.

With no alternative, now that her mission had failed and not only had she lost the chance to get close to Su Chen, but she had also ended up in a very embarrassing situation, so leaving as soon as possible seemed like the correct decision. However, before she could take a few steps, she heard Su Xian'er beside her say, "Is this yours? That person ran off in a hurry and dropped it; I picked it up."

Su Xian'er handed the purse back to Ji Ling. This was not by chance; it was deliberate. Su Xian'er had noticed Ji Ling's malicious intent towards Su Chen, especially after hearing Su Chen's inner voice, she was certain of it. If Ji Ling had only wanted to do something else, Su Xian'er might have ignored it. She didn't even want to care, but if it concerned Su Chen, Su Xian'er had to see what plot Ji Ling was weaving.

"It's mine, thank you so much," Ji Ling smiled genuinely for the first time. She hadn't expected Su Xian'er to actually help her retrieve her purse, thus giving her an excuse. Holding her chest, Ji Ling took a deep breath and said, "Really, thank you all. How about we go out for a meal together? If you're not free right now, we can also exchange contact information." As she spoke, she gave a light smile, directing her gaze towards Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen was not paying attention to Ji Ling's words because the system had just sent him the unexpected plot twist involving Ji Ling. This certainly surprised Su Chen. 

[When did the system become so responsible?] 

[This is too strange.] 

Although he thought this, Su Chen still seriously read through the new plotline provided. 

[Indeed, I wasn't wrong; Ji Ling is the female spy intending to replace Zhao Menghan and infiltrate my side.] 

[But the setting is different, isn't it?] 

[What's going on, why is Ji Ling appearing here now? There should still be a long time before her appearance.] 

[Is it because I ignored the main plot too much that the system couldn't stand it any longer?] 

[Or is Ji Ling acting on her own, deviating from the plot?]

While Su Chen pondered these questions, Ji Ling waited expectantly for his response, unaware of his internal monologue. Her aim was simple: to obtain Su Chen's contact information, find a reason to approach him later, and fulfill her original mission. However, Su Chen's next words caught her off guard. 

"No need," Su Chen said directly without hesitation, then continued speaking to Yang Yuxin, "Let's go, we should also eat. We can't let our meal be delayed by some little thing." With that, Su Chen prepared to leave with Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er.

Ji Ling stood there, somewhat stupefied, having not expected such a blunt rejection. She could only watch as Su Chen and the others left, her plans completely falling through. Although Ji Ling was frustrated, she did not show it. 

Instead, she had to start thinking about her next steps, how to get close to Su Chen and how to deal with the situation without being discovered by others, especially Su Xian'er, who seemed to have noticed something.

Su Chen and his party left, discussing where to go for lunch. Su Xian'er, in particular, was suggesting a new restaurant she had found online. It had excellent reviews, and she was sure Su Chen would love it. Meanwhile, Yang Yuxin remained silent, still pondering about Ji Ling's failed attempt. She decided to keep an eye on that woman. As for Su Chen, his mind was preoccupied with the unexpected change in the plot, wondering what the system was planning by introducing Ji Ling at this point.

While they were leaving, a shadow observed them from afar, a man with a deep gaze who had been watching everything. He was part of the organization Ji Ling worked for, sent to ensure her success, but now it seemed there was a need for a change in plans. The man took out his phone and dialed a number, his voice low and urgent. "The plan has encountered some problems. It's time for us to make our move," he said before the screen faded to black, indicating the end of the act.

Su Chen suspected that the system was deceived, pulling out a fake script. No matter how much he asked, the system would not answer any more and then it disappeared. At this moment, Su Chen felt somewhat downcast. Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er were also shocked. Ji Ling, was she planning to go undercover again? 

Su Xian'er knew such a situation all too well, as Zhao Menghan had done something similar before. That's why it seemed so familiar. Su Chen and Zhao Menghan had become very close, which made Su Xian'er think that after her rebirth, Zhao Menghan wouldn't be a concern. However, she didn't expect that Zhao Menghan could be close to Su Chen every day under the guise of being a maid. Su Xian'er felt very unhappy about this but couldn't express more.

At this moment, Su Xian'er glanced at Ji Ling, feeling extremely upset inside. There was already one female undercover at home, and now another woman appeared, wanting to go undercover. Did this mean she would lose her position? The more she thought, the angrier she became. She disagreed with this; initially, Su Chen was only living with her, but now inexplicably, there were many women in the house, and naturally, she was very dissatisfied.

At the same time, she thought Qin Yu must have a problem with his brain and decided she definitely needed to find an opportunity to teach him a lesson. It was still acceptable to compete with Lin Qingyan and Yang Yuxin for Su Chen. But this Qin Yu kept sending these capable and beautiful women to Su Chen's side. Thinking of this, Su Xian'er was really speechless.

Su Xian'er glared at Ji Ling, thinking coldly, "Let's see what new tricks this vixen can play. I won't take it lightly this time."

Meanwhile, Su Chen was pondering the new plot. The system's new plot was quite ridiculous. In the original story, Zhao Menghan betrayed Qin Yu, so Ji Ling would play the female antagonist beside Su Chen. After the vacation ended, Su Chen would return to the capital, and it wouldn't be long before he would confess to Lin Qingyan, who would certainly not agree. 

Su Chen had completely changed his way of pursuit, sparked by a chance epiphany. Not only did it help him find new allies, but he also decided to secretly strike at Lin Qingyan's company. He wanted to make Lin Qingyan come to him begging. No longer a subservient suitor, but a true antagonist, determined to make Lin Qingyan submit by any means. 

And he succeeded. Lin Qingyan's company was her capital to fight against her family and destiny. If the company fell, everything would be over for her. This was a blow to her self-confidence.

But at this critical moment, Qin Yu, as the male lead, would play his role. He would send Ji Ling as a spy to Su Chen's side to steal information. Ultimately, Qin Yu would act during Lin Qingyan's most critical moment, smashing Su Chen's conspiracy, slapping his face severely, and winning Lin Qingyan's heart.

Su Chen seriously considered the system's script. Compared to the previous one, it had improved, making him, the antagonist, smarter and more fortunate, no longer easily defeated by Qin Yu. Su Chen thought this was due to the damage to Qin Yu's fortune.

But now the situation was different from the script. He didn't need to force Lin Qingyan into a wedding. Now, Lin Qingyan was striving to marry him. In such a case, Su Chen didn't need to coerce her. He thought, "Forget it, that's a matter for later, let's first resolve the current situation!"

Su Chen looked at Ji Ling, feeling hesitant. Originally, he didn't plan to pay much attention to this undercover agent, but now, after seeing the system's script, he felt he couldn't ignore her. Ji Ling played a crucial role according to the plot.

Although the plot has not yet started, it has collapsed again. But Su Chen was completely used to it and could even accept the sudden appearance of Ji Ling. However, he would also give Ji Ling a chance to get close to him. 

But Su Chen wouldn't so easily take Ji Ling to his side; after all, he had easily pulled Zhao Menghan to his side before, which led to a serious collapse of Zhao Menghan's character setting later on. This time, Su Chen decided to observe the situation more. First, let's not pay attention to it.

But the bystander, Su Xian'er, suddenly stepped forward and asked softly, "I didn't expect you to be from the capital as well. It's really a bit of fate to meet a fellow townsman when you are away from home!"

Hearing this, Ji Ling was stunned. Originally, she was thinking about how to talk to Su Chen and his group, but Su Xian'er came to help again. Ji Ling was very happy about this. As for why Su Xian'er knew her information, Ji Ling guessed that it must have been when she picked up her bag and saw the documents inside. Ji Ling was quite grateful to Su Xian'er. 

Inside her mind, she mocked, "Su Xian'er is not as impressive as the information suggests, it seems she just has a bit of a head for business. Still falling short." Originally, Ji Ling was quite wary of Su Xian'er, even somewhat disliked her, after all, the latter's profile and even the descriptions painted her as a virtually flawless woman. Ji Ling, being a woman herself, naturally felt unconvinced. 

Now, seeing Su Xian'er acting foolishly and even step by step helping her to complete her mission, Ji Ling couldn't help but laugh inwardly. But soon Ji Ling adjusted her emotions. Pretending to be very surprised, she looked at Su Xian'er, "What a coincidence, isn't it? You are also from the capital." Su Chen, listening to the two of them talk, was very speechless. 

[Just from the capital, is it necessary to act so surprised and excited?] 

[People who don't know would think they met a fellow countryman abroad.] 

[There is a need to express such emotion for the capital, how big the city is, especially in the current environment, most of the people who can come here are wealthy, and there should be quite a few people from the capital.] 

[I always feel the two are acting.] 

[This performance is too fake.] 

[It seems I have to take matters into my own hands and let Ji Ling see my worthlessness, no matter what she wants to do, I'll try to cooperate.] 

Su Chen felt that he had to let Ji Ling see the side of himself that she wanted to see in her heart. Therefore, he decided to satisfy what Ji Ling had in mind. His eyes wandered unrestrainedly over Ji Ling's enchanting body, with no attempt at concealment. Then he took the initiative to say, "I didn't expect to meet a fellow townsman, so since we have met, it is fate, and naturally, I will not ignore it. Do you need any help? Whatever it is, I can satisfy you." 

After saying this, Su Chen deliberately tried to lean closer to Ji Ling. But, he was blocked by Yang Yuxin. She could hear Su Chen's inner voice and naturally knew his little thoughts. Yang Yuxin would absolutely not allow it. But at the same time, it was Su Chen's confusing behavior that made Yang Yuxin unsure whether he really had some feelings for Ji Ling or if all of this was just a pretense. 

Yang Yuxin was internally furious! In fact, she now did not want to disturb Su Chen from completing his mission. Yang Yuxin seemed to feel that Ji Ling was different from her or her sister Yang Danxuan. She decided to see how things would develop. 

However, what happened next made her chest heave with anger. Su Chen, you bastard, how could you make a move. Yang Yuxin was so angry she was itching. Su Chen acted as if he did not see it, thinking, "This isn't considered cheating, right? It's not a playboy's behavior, this is all for the mission." 

Ji Ling, observing Su Chen's sleazy behavior, flashed a look of disdain in her eyes, and her face quickly covered with disgust. Ji Ling pretended to be very happy and smiled, "That's great, I didn't expect to meet such good people like you. By the way, let's have dinner together. I would like to properly thank you." 

Su Chen did want to have dinner now, as it would allow him to quickly understand Ji Ling's purpose and feel more at ease. But looking at the three women beside him. Su Chen said, "Let's forget about today, we still have things to do, but leaving a phone number is still okay, anyway, you shouldn't be in a hurry to leave, I'll look for you later." 

Watching Su Chen's behavior, Ji Ling felt even more contemptuous inside. Even though there were already three beauties by his side. He still dared to be so intimate with her in public, even wanting to exchange phone numbers. Simply a scoundrel. But it was this that made her mission extremely simple. Ji Ling sneered inwardly. 

Then she left her contact information with Su Chen and departed. At this point, Ji Ling had already achieved her goal. She had successfully infiltrated the circle she needed to enter. As for what happened after, it was not something Ji Ling needed to consider too much about. The goal was clear and simple. 

Ji Ling didn't think too much, she needed to complete the task her boss gave her. Now she could relax for a while, until the next step of the plan needed to be executed. Su Chen felt a bit relieved when he got Ji Ling's phone number. The feeling of being appreciated by the opposite sex was not bad, but the problem was that the people around him were not so easy to talk to. 

Looking at Yang Yuxin's eyes that could spew fire, and Su Xian'er's strange look, he felt a headache. Su Chen had to think about how to explain this to the two women.

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, then righteously declared, "I suspect there's something wrong with this person, and I want to draw them out with conversation." Yang Yuxin gave him a disdainful look, her face etched with disbelief. 

[Really, don't misunderstand me, I'm not that kind of person.] 

[I really do want to talk alone to draw them out.] 

Yang Yuxin looked at him with a mockingly smile, then turned and walked away. Who knows if Su Chen is pretending to be a lecher or if he is indeed one.