Yang Danxuan's Lies

Actually, in the end, the four of them did not go to the bar; it was Su Chen who strongly objected. He felt that taking three beautiful women to a bar would look too strange. Moreover, with a new script emerging, Su Chen did not dare to go out and play casually. What if he encountered a difficult problem and the plot collapsed? Especially in places like hotels, where such incidents are more likely to occur, as they had happened there before. 

Su Chen had some concerns and resolved to visit such places less in the future as they were too unsafe. After wandering around aimlessly for a bit, they returned to the hotel. However, Yang Yuxin was in a mood, and although Su Chen originally planned to go to her room to have fun, he didn't expect to be rejected. 

Su Chen wasn't too disheartened and immediately ran to Su Xian'er's room, only to find that even Su Xian'er had closed her door. It was as if the two had agreed to leave Su Chen speechless. He felt powerless. But Su Chen didn't mind; although he seemed to be keeping his distance from Yang Yuxin, it might actually be a good thing. 

Deep and shallow exchanges could deepen and solidify their relationship, a principle Su Chen had learned. With his spirits somewhat dampened, Su Chen returned to his room. But just when he was bored, someone knocked on his door. Su Chen smiled, thinking, "It must be Yang Yuxin, she couldn't resist after all!" With this thought, Su Chen promptly opened the door, but to his surprise, the stunning beauty before him was not Yang Yuxin but Yang Danxuan. 

Su Chen was curious about why she was here. It was bizarre; Yang Yuxin hadn't come, but Yang Danxuan, the sister with whom Su Chen had little interaction, did. Wait, what did it mean that this woman was only wearing a bath towel? But, one couldn't deny that she had a nice figure, especially her gentle temperament, which was very likable. 

Yang Danxuan also noticed Su Chen's suggestive gaze, and her heart thumped wildly. She lowered her head and said softly, "I came to take a good bath, don't misunderstand, the shower in my room is broken." Yang Danxuan's voice became quieter as she spoke, clearly feeling shy at the moment. Then Su Chen remembered the description of Yang Danxuan from the original novel: voluptuous, with fair and delicate skin and a natural body fragrance. 

Su Chen liked the fragrance, finding it suitable for warming the bed. Su Chen was actually aware of Yang Danxuan's little thoughts and decided to tease her a bit more, "No problem, I can help you change rooms, especially since you'll be staying for quite some time," he offered. 

"No, no need!" Yang Danxuan quickly refused. She bit her red lip and said earnestly, "It's okay, let me just make do for one night!" Su Chen had achieved his aim and naturally did not continue to trouble Yang Danxuan. Yang Danxuan entered the bathroom, and Su Chen lay on the bed somewhat perplexed. 

What was the situation? Yang Danxuan seemed to be acting just like Yang Yuxin. "Why would she like me?" Su Chen asked himself deeply. He wasn't clear on the matter, feeling it unreasonable for Yang Danxuan to like him so actively all of a sudden, even if her character had collapsed and she no longer liked Qin Yu—it was too strange. Su Chen had been pondering, but the sound of water from the bathroom soon interrupted his thoughts. 

His gaze turned towards the bathroom; although he knew he couldn't see inside, Su Chen still tried his best to look. If only he could see through the door, Su Chen thought with wishful courage. Aside from Yang Danxuan's sensitive original identity, her current bizarre actions were unthinkable. 

Most importantly, Yang Danxuan was also Yang Yuxin's sister. If Su Chen made a move now, the consequences would be too severe. For some reason, he suddenly thought of Su Xian'er. But before Su Chen could think further, he discovered something even more terrifying. The bathroom door wasn't locked. It wasn't just unlocked; it was completely ajar. 

Su Chen just needed to adjust his position. Now, Su Chen could see through the door, Yang Danxuan's perfect figure shedding her bathrobe. "This exciting?" Su Chen became nervous. Of course, the most nervous person was still Yang Danxuan.

At this moment, although she was taking a shower, letting the cold water pour over her smooth body, for some reason, her delicate body felt as though it was being scorched by flames. Yang Danxuan was very uncomfortable. At the same time, her gaze would occasionally drift towards the door, her attention highly focused, fearing even the slightest noise, anxious it might be Su Chen coming this way. 

The door, of course, was intentionally left unlocked by her. This was the experience she had grasped; taking a bath was the time when a man's restless heart could be most stimulated. Yang Danxuan actually always wanted to take the initiative with Su Chen. But whenever she truly faced him, her heart would be terribly afraid, her mind would go blank, and she would be unable to control herself. 

Going on like this was becoming intolerable for Yang Danxuan. That's why she thought of a way to get Su Chen to take the initiative. However, after a long time, Su Chen did not come in, which made my heart gradually calm down.

"Why is it like this? I've been so proactive, why hasn't Su Chen come in?" Yang Danxuan felt somewhat embarrassed at this moment, as if Su Chen had seen her naked body and she was about to cry. Yet, she still muttered to herself: "Could it be that Su Chen doesn't like me?" Yang Danxuan began to doubt herself, but soon started to console herself. 

"It can't be, the way Su Chen looks at me doesn't seem like he dislikes me, so he must have his reservations." Yang Danxuan felt somewhat downcast, but then her bright eyes sparkled, as if she had realized something. 

"That's right, Su Chen must be afraid of Yang Yuxin's blame, after all, my identity is the sister of Yang Yuxin." Yang Danxuan also felt it was not very good, considering Su Chen and her sister Yang Yuxin had developed their relationship to this point. "Maybe I should just let it be!"

No sooner had Yang Danxuan come up with the idea than she vetoed it herself, "No, even real sisters have to settle accounts clearly. In front of love, how can one possibly consider sisterly affection? One cannot have both the fish and the bear's paw." 

Yang Danxuan made up her mind. She could not wait any longer; she had already bathed for quite a while, and if she continued, it would either be the hotel cutting off the water or her skin would wash off. Clearly, the latter was more likely. Yang Danxuan resolved that since Su Chen would not take the initiative, then she would have to be proactive. Opportunities are fleeting, once lost, they are gone. Thinking this way, Yang Danxuan dried off her body and went out wrapped in a bath towel.

After going out, she didn't care about anything, not even glancing at Su Chen, and directly burrowed into the bedding. Her flushed little head was also completely covered, not wanting to reveal what kind of expression she had now. She feared the sudden silence in the air. 

Yang Danxuan noticed that Su Chen had not made a move, but she dared not stick her head out, yet she could clearly feel that Su Chen was right beside her. Even less than twenty centimeters away, the two could feel each other's temperature. Su Chen was now on pins and needles, lying beside a great beauty, and most importantly, in a smooth and fair state. 

Su Chen had not reacted at all at first, only seeing a flash of white suddenly fly past him. Then it went straight into his bedding to do something naughty. Su Chen felt this was not right; he directly lifted the blanket with his hand and then stared at the glamorous superstar: "Danxuan, it's one thing for you to get into the bedding, but why do you keep touching me?"

"I, I," Yang Danxuan was at a loss for words due to Su Chen's question, her beautiful almond eyes misting over as if she was about to cry. Although she liked her sister after all, Yang Danxuan's shyness and timidity also made her quite endearing. Clenching her teeth as if to resign herself to her fate, Yang Danxuan lifted her head to meet Su Chen's gaze and said, "I just took a cold shower, it was too cold, and now I need to warm up under your blanket." 

Saying this, Yang Danxuan looked into Su Chen's eyes, somewhat sheepishly, and then added, "If you don't believe me, you can touch and feel for yourself."

Su Chen: ???

Faced with Yang Danxuan's expectant—no, stubborn—expression, Su Chen found it hard to refuse, fearing that it might anger her. Given the current situation, Yang Danxuan must not get angry; according to Su Chen's experience, girls like to shout. If Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er were attracted by the noise, the current situation would be hard to explain. 

However, he still cautiously reached out to touch her because after all, physical contact between men and women should be careful. It wouldn't be good to use his hand directly, as it would be unseemly if he could not control himself, turning him into a beast. That wouldn't be good either; a careless misunderstanding by Yang Danxuan could spell trouble. So, Su Chen thought it was best to touch slowly. He simply extended two fingers. 

After touching her, he still pondered, something's not right. She wasn't as cold as she claimed to be! Indeed, Yang Danxuan was lying again. Su Chen felt warmth at his fingertips, and possibly because she had just taken a cold shower, Yang Danxuan had not dried her body properly; Su Chen could even feel a bit of dampness.

Even so, Su Chen didn't want to expose the truth. Yang Danxuan was trembling all over when Su Chen touched her, clearly frightened, although this could be said to be the thing she was most looking forward to. However, when it actually happened, she still felt somewhat shy. "I'll just sleep here tonight!" Yang Danxuan suddenly said to Su Chen with a serious look. "Then where should I sleep?" Su Chen asked, his eyes widening. Yang Danxuan patted the empty space beside her, indicating that he could sleep there. "But what if there's only one blanket?" Su Chen glanced over; although Yang Danxuan was under the blanket, her well-proportioned figure was still faintly visible. "We can share it," Yang Danxuan said, seemingly mustering courage from nowhere.

Su Chen was at a loss for words; he didn't even know how to rebut Yang Danxuan's behavior. He could only swear in his heart, but alas, being uneducated, he could only traverse the world with a curse word "Wo Cao" (= shit or damn). While Su Chen was still pondering, Yang Danxuan suddenly sprang into action, pulling him into the quilt in an instant. 

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? You're not leaving tonight," she declared. Su Chen was momentarily baffled, not understanding what was happening; was this woman's mood changing so drastically? She had just been shyly blushing, and now she was so proactive. Inside the quilt, there wasn't even a slight distance between Su Chen and Yang Danxuan. 

As for the bath towel she had draped over herself, it had fallen off during her abrupt movements. This meant Yang Danxuan had no secrets in front of Su Chen. Su Chen thought to himself, "I was forced into this, there's nothing I can do."

Even though Su Chen was now subdued by Yang Danxuan, what he was best at was turning passivity into initiative. "Don't move, I'll teach you, what else do you need to learn?" 

"How should I do this?" Yang Danxuan asked curiously. "First this way, then that way—one, two equals three." Yang Danxuan was now lying face down on the bed; although she couldn't see Su Chen's face, she could feel everything so clearly. 

At that moment, Su Chen suddenly spoke, "By the way, you can't tell Yang Yuxin about this. This is our secret. You get the idea of secret lessons, don't you?" 

Yang Danxuan nodded, seemingly getting the gist of it. And so, Su Chen and Yang Danxuan 'sat' through the night.

The next day, in Beijing on the other side, Qin Yu's physical injuries had completely healed. He had also changed his appearance; now, nobody could recognize him as Qin Yu. The name Qin Yu could no longer be used, as he was now wanted. Before, he was always in the limelight and hence was constantly being targeted, but now with a new identity, hidden in the shadows, it was impossible for anyone to scheme against him. 

"Indeed, only when I'm in the shadows do I feel most exhilarated," Qin Yu thought to himself with a confident sneer. Of course, Qin Yu also realized the seriousness of the situation. Especially being schemed against by Chen Tong, that was a moment he found unbearable. He had regarded Chen Tong as his woman, but in the end, he was still outsmarted. 

Whether it was Lin Qingyan or Chen Tong, Qin Yu was determined to make them regret it. However, for the short term, Qin Yu hadn't figured out how to deal with Chen Tong yet. Chen Tong's capabilities were formidable, and Qin Yu was no longer blindly confident as before. "Now that Chen Tong is gone, it's time to go find Yang Danxuan," Qin Yu smiled. 

He felt confident about Yang Danxuan. They were childhood sweethearts with a marriage arrangement. Even if he had been deceived before, Qin Yu believed that the misunderstanding could be easily cleared with a simple plot. After all, Yang Danxuan's parents had a deep relationship with his own. So, as long as he could gain the support of Yang Danxuan's parents, winning back her affection would be simple. 

And Qin Yu did have plans to do so. That is, to use his current appearance to get closer to Yang Danxuan. First, he would make her feel good about him under this identity, and then, when he revealed himself, Yang Danxuan would surely regret her past actions and ultimately fall deeply in love with him. 

"I wonder how Danxuan is doing now. She must be very anxious inside, after all, she has rejected the person she loved the most and must be regretting it now. Good, at this time, I must intensify my offensive. It seems I also need to buy an entertainment company; that way, I can better interact with Yang Danxuan," Qin Yu thought optimistically. 

As long as he could establish a powerful entertainment company, it would be beneficial whether he wanted to cooperate with Yang Danxuan or threaten her. The thought of surprising Yang Danxuan made Qin Yu excited. However, the best target had originally been Zhang Li's company, but it had been disrupted by Su Chen. 

Qin Yu, having planted a mole close to Yang Danxuan, could hardly wait any longer and directly called to arrange an encounter with her, preferably a dramatic rescue by a hero. Yet, what he received instead was an unacceptable piece of news: Yang Danxuan had left the capital, Beijing.