Su Chen: It Feels Great to Put the Green Hat on the Protagonist

Yang Yuxin was furious, clearly looking like she wanted to go out and give Yang Danxuan a good lesson. Yet just as she reached the door, she didn't even open it but instead returned to her bed under Su Xian'er's watchful eye. First, she sighed, then started scratching her head, and finally lay down with a look of utter dejection. 

Su Xian'er watched her curiously and asked, "Weren't you going to confront Yang Danxuan? Why do you look half-dead now?" Yang Yuxin lifted her head, her eyes misted over as if she was about to cry, "I don't dare, Yang Danxuan is my sister, she has taken care of me since I was little. I don't know what to do if she really has done that kind of thing with Su Chen." Yang Yuxin's words were moving, but Su Xian'er mercilessly exposed her on the spot. 

"You just don't dare to ask Yang Danxuan, do you?" Yang Yuxin felt embarrassed. She gave Su Xian'er a blank look and decided to ignore her. Then Su Xian'er quickly comforted her, placing her hands on her shoulders with a smile, "I understand your situation, just like I wouldn't go ask Su Chen. But we can trick the truth out of her! Just find an excuse to lure Yang Danxuan to your room, then we'll get her drunk; once she's drunk, there's nothing we can't find out."

Su Xian'er's suggestion was immediately rejected by Yang Yuxin. "You think I haven't thought of that?" Yang Yuxin first showed that her wisdom was not inferior to Su Xian'er's, which reassured her. Then she conceded, "I've always wanted to get Yang Danxuan drunk since I was little, to make a fool of her, but no matter how much she drinks, she never gets drunk. So you might as well give up on that method." 

The idea of using drunkenness to extract the truth was indeed not bad. It just wasn't going to work on Yang Danxuan. "What are you scared of, I'm still here," Su Xian'er said confidently. She looked at Yang Yuxin, "No matter how formidable Yang Danxuan is, can she compare to me? Stop wasting time and go!" After speaking, Su Xian'er kicked Yang Yuxin's pert behind in annoyance. She felt immense disdain for Yang Yuxin in her heart. Such a brainless woman indeed. 

"How could my mother ever think of such a person as a daughter-in-law?" "It should be me, not only smart but also 'capable'." Su Xian'er thought to herself, and her face showed a smug expression. To be honest, if it weren't for Yang Yuxin being liked by Su Chen and also seen by Chen Qing as a future daughter-in-law, she would never have cooperated with Yang Yuxin. It was a real brain cell killer.

While Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er were conspiring, Ji Ling had already met with Su Chen on the other side. At first, Ji Ling was wary. Her beautiful eyes looked around, her attention not focused on Su Chen at all. She just wanted to see if anyone had followed them. After confirming that Su Chen had come alone, Ji Ling also breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that it was time to start her plan. Ji Ling's mission this time was quite arduous – to gain Su Chen's trust. That would mean she had to trade on her allure. 

After hesitating for a moment, Ji Ling bit her lip and decided to seduce Su Chen. This was her first mission since becoming a professional, and naturally, she could not fail. The first time was very important, and Ji Ling did not want to ruin her chances. "At worst, it would just be like being touched by a dog a few times." Thinking this, Ji Ling clearly loosened up a lot. She deliberately leaned closer to Su Chen, almost wanting to stick to him. First, she touched his waist, then his hand. Not only that, but she also acted coquettishly from time to time.

Su Chen, however, put on a look of joy, thinking it foolish not to take advantage of what's given freely. And most importantly, he could see that although Ji Ling was very proactive, her eyes did not show any liking for him. 

Not like Zhao Menghan, whose eyes were full of love for him, even to the extent of wanting to tie Su Chen to the bed. Ji Ling's current state was just like the many cycles before with Zhao Menghan. On the surface, she seemed to like him and even seemed to be seducing him, but actually, she was extremely repulsed. 

This pleased Su Chen because it meant he could take advantage without having to be responsible. Freeloading was the ultimate principle. But it had to be said, Ji Ling's acting was really poor. They hadn't known each other for long, and besides, she wasn't in the position of a maid; was there a need to be so proactive? 

This just exposed her intentions right away, showing that she came with a purpose. What was Qin Yu thinking, sending someone like this to seduce him?

If it wasn't for the female lead, such a character setting would probably not survive past the second episode in the storyline; it's too lousy. "By the way, did you come here alone?" Although Su Chen was dissatisfied with Ji Ling's acting internally, he thought maybe his expectations were too high. 

Ji Ling flashed a sweet smile: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have been taken advantage of by a villain. It's because I didn't have any men by my side." 

Su Chen: ??? 

Do you have to be so forward? While it's meant to portray a vulnerable woman, it's a bit too explicit, but I have to say, it feels quite thrilling. "What do you do? Those who come here for a vacation don't seem like ordinary people, how come you didn't bring an assistant or something?" Su Chen planned to see how clever Ji Ling was; if she wasn't smart enough, then he was ready to give her a good bamboozling. Stuffing her mouth with protein, though, could hurt her throat, which is also tricky.

Ji Ling was momentarily stumped by Su Chen's question, palms sweating. "Damn, how did I not think of this question before? How am I supposed to explain now?" Suddenly, a lightbulb went off, and Ji Ling said with an embarrassed demeanor: "I'm actually just a worker. Living under oppression every day, everyone in our company dislikes me, they target me everywhere. I've worked so hard, but in the end, I still don't get any recognition, and when it came time for layoffs at the company, they decided to let me go. So I wanted to come here to relax properly, to experience the life of you rich people. I didn't expect to encounter such a situation, thank goodness you were here, otherwise, I don't know what I would've done!"

Your words are flawless; if I hadn't played along with your performance, with such acting skills, you'd want to come out as a spy? That's a giveaway. But Su Chen also reflected on himself. From the probing he did just now, it proved that Ji Ling did have some brains, at least she could think of how to answer his questions. And although Ji Ling didn't seem reliable, compared to Zhao Menghan or other female leads, Su Chen was quite satisfied. 

"By the way, I heard there's a nice bar nearby, shall we go check it out?" Ji Ling's sudden suggestion took Su Chen by surprise. 

"Let's not, I don't want to drink. Let's go to a restaurant instead; I'll treat you to the most expensive food." Su Chen showed an attitude of trying to win a woman's heart with money. But inside, he was really anxious. Is this how it goes with the female lead? In the future, there's no need for the system to confirm; as long as she asks to go to a bar, she's definitely the female lead.

"Sure," Ji Ling was indifferent to Su Chen's suggestion. No matter where they went, it wouldn't affect her completing her mission. But she was dissatisfied with Su Chen's profligate behavior. Always talking about eating the most expensive things, as if not aware of his wealthy background. 

How can a top-tier rich second generation lose his bearings upon seeing a woman? Disgusting. Ji Ling had thought of having a bit of a good feeling towards Su Chen, after all, he was quite handsome, and we live in an era that values appearance. But she didn't expect him to be nothing more than a playboy. 

Ji Ling snorted coldly, but upon reflection, she didn't dislike it that much. After all, she had captivated Su Chen with her appearance, which made it acceptable.

Of course, Su Chen was unaware of Ji Ling's thoughts; he was focused on completing his mission. "I feel like we get along pretty well, and now that we have each other's contact information, if you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me." Ji Ling was elated in her heart at this proactive offer; she had been worried about how to get close to Su Chen in the future. She didn't expect him to give her an opportunity so readily. 

It seems her charm is indeed boundless. As for why Su Chen would give her his phone number, Ji Ling wasn't naive; she had watched TV. It was nothing more than wanting to show off. When she encounters a difficulty, one phone call for help, and she would fall into Su Chen's trap. Ji Ling chuckled to herself: "Actually, I've felt the same way, but I was too shy to say it. I was afraid of losing face, but honestly, I had a good feeling the first time I saw you. It looks like we really are fated."

Ji Ling also began to think. This was a good opportunity to inquire about Yang Danxuan. In fact, Ji Ling was quite speechless. Her original mission was to gain Su Chen's trust and stay by his side in the future to facilitate her work. But suddenly, Lai En sent her a message to investigate the relationship between Yang Danxuan and Su Chen. 

Ji Ling was speechless at this as well. But she had no choice; it was a task from her superiors, and even if she was reluctant, she had to comply. "By the way, the person with you yesterday was Yang Danxuan, the national goddess, who actually came out to play with you."

Ji Ling put on a very surprised look. Su Chen was somewhat speechless; was she really so concerned about Yang Danxuan? But thinking back to yesterday, Yang Danxuan seemed to be wearing a mask the whole time; yet Ji Ling was able to recognize her, which felt quite overacted. However, Su Chen also knew that now was not the time to be thinking about these minor details. But why was Ji Ling asking about Yang Danxuan? For a moment, Su Chen didn't understand. "That was Yang Danxuan indeed; I didn't expect you to recognize her so quickly with such a sharp eye." 

Since he couldn't figure out the reason, Su Chen just answered Ji Ling's question. He didn't hide it and openly admitted that it was Yang Danxuan. There was no point in concealing it, as Ji Ling already knew that was Yang Danxuan. "It really is Miss Yang Danxuan! I am her loyal fan, I like her the most and have always wanted to meet her. I can't believe you actually know her!" 

Ji Ling acted very excited. Actually, this wasn't an act; even though she was here to help Qin Yu against Su Chen, she truly was a fan of Yang Danxuan. "Can you take me to meet Sister Yang Danxuan? I am her most loyal fan and want to learn from her."

Listening to this, Su Chen was somewhat bewildered. He wasn't clear about what Ji Ling intended to do. Was she not here to infiltrate his side? Now, instead, she had set her sights on Yang Danxuan. What was she trying to do? Sow discord? This was the most plausible explanation that came to Su Chen's mind. 

If so, then naturally he couldn't let Ji Ling meet Yang Danxuan. But he still had to agree, otherwise, it might arouse Ji Ling's suspicion. "No problem, we'll go after we eat." Su Chen agreed to Ji Ling. Later, he could just make up an excuse to tell Ji Ling that Yang Danxuan had gone out. Anyway, he could not let Ji Ling and Yang Danxuan meet. No way, Yang Danxuan was too naive; he had to keep her for himself. Let Qin Yu be damned.

Ji Ling's eyes sparkled with joy; she hadn't expected Su Chen to agree so easily. The rich are just rich, Ji Ling now had full confidence in completing this mission with ease. But she felt it wasn't enough; she needed to dig deeper to find out exactly what the situation was. "By the way, what exactly is your relationship with Sister Yang Danxuan? You're not boyfriend and girlfriend, are you?" 

Ji Ling asked suddenly. Su Chen found this question very strange. So this woman's purpose was that. She was aiming at Yang Danxuan, wanting to see if there was any relationship between him and Yang Danxuan? Su Chen found it odd. Ji Ling had appeared so suddenly out of nowhere. Even though she was the new female lead, she couldn't just completely ignore the script! So that was the situation. 

Su Chen guessed that Qin Yu, knowing that he and Yang Danxuan had gone out to play, was uneasy. So he sent Ji Ling over to see if anything had happened between them. Su Chen thought, "Too bad she's late, last night the two of us had a deep exchange without any protection."

After realizing this, Su Chen felt quite pleased. He thought Qin Yu definitely could not accept such behavior. Now, Qin Yu was focusing all his hatred on Fang Yufan. It was the perfect opportunity to shift Qin Yu's hatred onto himself. It's normal for conflict to arise between the villain and the male lead. What Su Chen planned to do was to tell Ji Ling about his close relationship with Yang Danxuan. Through Ji Ling, this would be conveyed to the male lead. Given Qin Yu's character, he would definitely be furious. With these thoughts, Su Chen smiled and said, "My relationship with Yang Danxuan is very intimate." He didn't spell it out directly. Instead, he let Ji Ling discover it. Only in this way would it seem more authentic.

Upon hearing this, Ji Ling was shocked. Indeed, Su Chen's relationship with Yang Danxuan was not simple! If that was the case, then Lord Qin Yu might have been cuckolded.

Ji Ling silently mourned for Qin Yu for a few seconds in her heart. "If that's the case, then let's hurry up and go eat." Ji Ling was now impatient to go and verify the truth. For some reason, even though Qin Yu was her superior, when she heard about the possibility of him being cuckolded, Ji Ling felt an inexplicable sense of anticipation inside, as if waiting to witness a joke. 

Ji Ling also felt this kind of thinking was terrible, as it seemed like she was becoming an accomplice to Su Chen. Su Chen didn't say anything; he just headed straight for the restaurant ahead. In fact, he was also quite impatient and didn't really want to eat. Ji Ling seemed to be not so smart. Su Chen feared that she might also experience the collapse of her character as the female lead. 

Yang Danxuan was beyond help, already at the point of utter collapse. But Ji Ling was different; she was the new female lead, showing no signs of collapse. Su Chen, of course, had to be careful in dealing with her. The goal was to avoid spending too much time with Ji Ling, the female lead. Su Chen's sudden change of behavior surprised Ji Ling, leaving her completely bewildered. 

What's going on? Wasn't Su Chen leering at her just a moment ago? Why did he suddenly become so distant? What does he mean? Meanwhile, Ji Ling was deep in thought and didn't watch her step, suddenly tripping over something. Her whole body was about to fall. This time, she was utterly unprepared. Just as Ji Ling was about to hit the ground, she was suddenly caught by someone. 

She was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw that the person who caught her was Su Chen. Now she was lying in Su Chen's arms. Ji Ling was shocked; wasn't this a scene straight out of a TV drama? How could this be? Then, according to what usually follows, am I not supposed to fall for this man in front of me? No, that can't be right; he's a wealthy and willful young master! 

How could I possibly like him? In this brief moment, her mind raced with countless ways of how she should face Su Chen.