The Shift in Ji Ling's Mentality

Like a scene out of a TV show, Ji Ling lost her footing and nearly fell. At the critical moment, Su Chen stepped in and caught Ji Ling, preventing her from taking a tumble. Normally, this is when feelings between the two would start to warm up, and even Ji Ling thought so internally. Despite the person being Su Chen, she still harbored some fantasies because she had always imagined such moments. 

"Well, Su Chen doesn't look too bad, and he doesn't seem that disagreeable," she thought. 

"No, how can I be charmed by him? I am here to complete a mission, and I absolutely cannot have even a slight positive feeling towards someone like Su Chen." Ji Ling resolved that no matter what the other party did, she would endure it to prioritize her mission.

However, Ji Ling's thoughts were not mirrored by Su Chen. His reaching out to help her was a reflex. Ordinary people would hesitate to help someone falling, and even if they did, they would take a photo as a record first. Of course, Su Chen didn't worry about this because he was wealthy. He had too much money and didn't know how to spend it. 

But that wasn't an old lady; the woman currently in his arms was the female lead. Even though she was a newly added female lead, she still had her character and aura. Now Su Chen regretted helping her. Such gentlemanly behavior can easily move a girl's heart, especially someone like Ji Ling, who didn't seem very reliable as the female lead, and could be even more susceptible to such feelings. 

"What should I do now?" Su Chen was also bewildered inside and had no idea what to do. But fortunately, solutions always outnumber problems. Plus, Su Chen had faced similar situations with almost every female lead before, so he quickly thought of a way out.

"I can't hold on any longer; my arms are too tired," Su Chen pretended that he could no longer hold up Ji Ling due to the strain, and then he loosened his arms, letting Ji Ling fall onto the ground with a thud. Hehe, with this, she should not have a good impression of him anymore, right? Su Chen put on a concerned expression about his arms. 

Ji Ling indeed was startled by this sudden turn of events. She was unprepared for this, and instantly, she fell to the floor again. Moreover, this time her position was rather embarrassing; Ji Ling almost yelled out, but luckily, she covered her mouth with her hand subconsciously, or she would have lost face in public. Even so, Ji Ling was quite embarrassed.

She couldn't believe she had been treated this way; when had she ever been subjected to such treatment? In the past, no matter where she was, she was always the center of attention, protected by everyone. But now, as soon as she encountered Su Chen, nothing good happened. Ji Ling was about to get angry, but then she saw Su Chen looking very concerned about his arms, which made her pause. 

What's going on? Why does his arm seem to be in pain? Could I really be that heavy? Ji Ling began to doubt her weight, but after glancing down at her nearly slender, perfect figure, she immediately dismissed the thought. Then there was only one possibility left, that Su Chen's arm was already seriously injured. 

Thinking carefully, it was quite possible, especially since he had been confronting Qin Yu, and getting injured was normal. Ji Ling was well aware of the formidable War God's capabilities. With this thought, she suddenly felt a warmth in her heart. Su Chen, despite having such serious injuries, still selflessly reached out to help her. Does this mean he really likes her? This was Ji Ling's first thought.

Coupled with Su Chen's attitude towards her just now, Ji Ling felt this possibility was very high. With this thought, Ji Ling became increasingly uneasy; she intended to entrap Su Chen, to stay by his side and secretly help his biggest enemy, Qin Yu, to harm him. With this thought, she immediately felt remorseful. 

"Should I just leave? Forget the mission?" As soon as this idea emerged, she immediately dismissed it. This was her first mission; how could she give up? And Su Chen's record seemed unreliable, just like any other wealthy and willful young master, who was up to no good. How could she possibly go easy on him? 

"But when I watch TV, female leads usually don't care what the male lead has done; they choose to forgive and silently support them from behind, and that's why they end up happily together in the end."

Suddenly, while Ji Ling was still pondering, Su Chen interrupted her, "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine." Ji Ling lowered her head and hurried away, choosing to keep her distance from Su Chen, and then she left a message. 

"Let's go eat quickly and don't carry heavy things with your hands." Watching Ji Ling's retreating figure, Su Chen had no choice but to follow her in the end.

Just feeling a bit panicked inside. What's going on? Is this what you call 'no problem'? Su Chen was puzzled; was Ji Ling angry just now, or... Why is there an 'or'? Su Chen had a realization, could it be that Ji Ling's character is about to collapse too? He was reluctant to believe it, but the fleeting blush on Ji Ling's pretty face a moment ago forced him to consider the possibility. 

And with these questions in mind, Su Chen entered the restaurant. Initially, he was skeptical, but after the meal, Su Chen had to take it seriously. When he tried to pay the bill, Ji Ling beat him to it, which Su Chen found unacceptable. According to Ji Ling's character as the female lead, she should take the opportunity to fleece him, maybe a meal worth millions. But unexpectedly, it was Ji Ling who chose to pay the bill, which shocked him. 

A girl rushing to pay the bill, what kind of situation is this? Could it be another collapse of character? Su Chen was scared, hoping it was just a misunderstanding of Ji Ling's character.

"Alright, let's hurry up and see Sister Danxuan, I now really want her autograph," Ji Ling's sudden words broke Su Chen's train of thought and made him realize instantly. This is Ji Ling's strategy! The ultimate goal is still to find out about Yang Danxuan. Hm, the payment just now was to ingratiate herself with him. 

In that case, Qin Yu must be quite concerned about Yang Danxuan, and if he knew about her current situation, Qin Yu would definitely be furious. The more intense the hatred the protagonist has for the antagonist, the better. Su Chen said with a smile, "Sure, let's hurry." Saying this, he turned around and led the way for Ji Ling. 

At the same time, Su Chen was pondering how to let Ji Ling find out. I wonder if Yang Danxuan left any crucial evidence behind. Like a bloodstained sheet? Although Su Chen hadn't changed the sheets, maybe Yang Danxuan was planning to. After all, Yang Danxuan is that kind of conservative and traditional girl, which Su Chen could tell from her reluctance last night. She is completely different from Su Xian'er and Zhang Li. 

But it's precisely that kind of conservatism that indeed feels quite exciting. To describe it in one word, thrilling. While walking, Su Chen stealthily sent a message to Yang Danxuan to confirm whether she was in the room. The answer he finally received satisfied him; Yang Danxuan was not in his room, and many things had not been tidied up. 

She even asked Su Chen with a shy expression to clean up a bit to avoid being discovered. Knowing this news, Su Chen was very pleased. A smile naturally spread across his face. But Ji Ling, following behind, felt bitter upon seeing this. Originally, she should have been happy about the ease of completing her mission, since victory was in sight. 

But thinking of Su Chen's trust, she felt unsettled inside. Previously, her thoughts about Su Chen's trust were that he really was a wealthy and willful young master, completely brainless, trusting anyone easily. Her earlier payment was an attempt to make up for deceiving him, considering not only had she tricked him, but she was also planning to help others against Su Chen. 

Thinking of how concerned Su Chen was about her, Ji Ling felt guilty. "What would Su Chen think if he knew the truth? He must be very sad inside, right?" Suddenly, she thought of Su Chen's happy expression just now. 

And then she thought if one day Su Chen knew she was deceiving him, he would surely be very upset. Ji Ling was at a loss. After pondering for a moment, she made up her mind that after completing this mission, she could not continue to harm Su Chen. Otherwise, it would be too unkind and unjust. 

Of course, she wouldn't betray Qin Yu and Lai En either. With this in mind, Ji Ling felt much better. A smile returned to her face. And her behavior was all observed by Su Chen. He thought to himself with a chuckle: It seems she believes the matter is settled. Seeing Ji Ling's happy demeanor, Su Chen felt relieved. He was afraid that Ji Ling's mentality might waver. Otherwise, all his efforts would be in vain. Soon, the two arrived at the hotel where Su Chen was staying.

Ji Ling appeared genuinely happy, she was now focused on hastily completing the task assigned to her, eager to confirm whether or not there was anything between Yang Danxuan and Su Chen, which she also wanted to know for herself. Internally, she was actually scared. As for the mission of being an undercover agent by Su Chen's side, Ji Ling thought it was better to call it off, as such behavior would be too much of a betrayal of Su Chen's trust. 

"I just received a message that Yang Danxuan has gone out to have fun, and she probably won't be able to show up for a while," Su Chen immediately relayed the prepared excuse to Ji Ling upon arriving at the hotel. In reality, Yang Danxuan was still in the hotel, and naturally, Ji Ling would not take the initiative to seek her out. Thus, Su Chen believed that despite the obvious flaws in his excuse, it was sufficient to deceive Ji Ling.

"Ah?" Ji Ling did not expect Yang Danxuan to have gone out, so what should she do now? This meant she wouldn't be able to check on Yang Danxuan's situation. 

Right, this could be an opportunity to take a look in Su Chen's room. "Since we're here, why don't we sit in your room? After walking so far right after eating, I am indeed a bit tired," Ji Ling said, putting on a pitiful look, which Su Chen suddenly found quite amusing. 

What kind of female lead is this, who doesn't think things through? Although she came to investigate whether Yang Danxuan had any relations with him, Ji Ling's boldness to directly go to his room was truly admirable. He wondered how his reputation outside must be. In such a situation, she still dares to venture alone into a potential danger zone. Interesting, Su Chen chuckled and said, "Of course, let's go up now."

Of course, letting Ji Ling go to his room and discover the truth had always been his plan, and he had been setting it up from the start. He was just taken aback by Ji Ling's bold move. Ji Ling was filled with anticipation, "I won't see anything I shouldn't, right? What if Su Chen suddenly takes a liking to me?" Ji Ling suddenly realized a very serious problem. Su Chen had been showing her a lot of affection just now. 

Furthermore, Ji Ling had always heard that Su Chen was the kind who liked to force women. Couldn't be, right? Su Chen shouldn't be like that, I don't think he's that kind of person. The rumors must be false. But what if they're true? Should I resist? If it's true, then it means I misjudged him.

Ji Ling's mind was racing with thoughts, completely oblivious to what was actually happening around her. At this moment, under Su Chen's guidance, she had already arrived in Su Chen's bedroom. As soon as Su Chen entered the room, he saw that there was no sign of it being tidied up. Clearly, Yang Danxuan hadn't cleaned up either. 

As for the cleaning staff, they dared not enter without his permission. The room was in disarray, and at a glance, one could tell what had occurred. The bed was strewn with clothes that Yang Danxuan had worn, which Ji Ling had seen the day before. Moreover, there were various outrageous marks on the bed. The necklace that Yang Danxuan often wore and other personal items were all laid out in this room. 

Even the undergarments. Yang Danxuan and Su Xian'er had similar, very voluptuous figures. Clearly, this was Yang Danxuan. He was sure Ji Ling would report exactly what happened here to Qin Yu. Even if Ji Ling could not confirm, then Qin Yu would definitely be extremely angry. In any case, the goal was to reignite Qin Yu's rage. Su Chen was very satisfied with this plan. The scene didn't require any staging; it was completely real.

 Even if Ji Ling was not the brightest, she should be able to figure it out, right? Su Chen, pleased with himself, turned to look at Ji Ling, only to find her seemingly lost in thought, completely unaware of what had happened in the room. What's going on? Was Ji Ling shocked, or did she have some other idea? Su Chen knew he must be cautious with Ji Ling. He no longer expected all the female leads to develop their characters normally. Just having Ji Ling would suffice. "Could it be because I am here? So Ji Ling can't let go?"

Su Chen thought about it and concluded that it was very likely the case. Thus, he simply decided to create an excellent opportunity for Ji Ling. "You sit here for a while, I'm going to take a shower, wait for me." After saying that, Su Chen went into the bathroom, deliberately leaving Ji Ling alone with the chance to investigate freely. 

In fact, Ji Ling didn't want to delve into these matters at all. Whether Yang Danxuan had cuckolded Qin Yu or not, she didn't even consider it. She also did not pay any attention to the environment in the room. Instead, Su Chen going into the washroom left Ji Ling feeling somewhat lost. A man and a woman alone in a room, and now Su Chen was taking a bath. Could it be? A plot from a novel flashed through Ji Ling's mind.