Feeling a Bit Tired

The purpose of the group chat is obvious; it's definitely a tool for the female protagonists to collude together. However, this is too dangerous. Just think, if Yang Danxuan really were to post some photos to it, it would be truly embarrassing.

Okay, even though Yang Danxuan wouldn't do it now, after spending too much time with someone like Zhang Li, anything could happen. She could be led astray. If that happens, the difficult days will really begin, with every day being a battle. Su Chen shuddered at the thought. He realized he couldn't go on like this without being fully prepared; he couldn't risk exposing themselves.

Thinking about the recent days, when the female protagonists gather, nothing good ever happens. Alas, women really can be petty. It seems like the problems have been solved, but in reality, they are still not forgotten, as they plot to take each other down. No, Yang Danxuan must not be influenced by this attitude; immediate reform is necessary, or it will become troublesome. It was hard enough to find someone gentle and virtuous; she mustn't be led astray by Su Xian'er and Zhang Li. 

It's not that Su Chen has a special preference for Yang Danxuan's gentle and elegant type, but that there are too many sexy-type female protagonists like Zhang Li, and it's nice to change things up occasionally.

Determined, Su Chen immediately corrected Yang Danxuan's posture, held her face in his hands, and seriously said, "Baby, leave the group." While Yang Danxuan had not yet been assimilated, it was urgent to keep her away. Su Chen believed Yang Danxuan would agree. 

"What, shall we go out and have a good time tomorrow?" Then he seriously said again, "I'm not joking, leave the group now." Although it's said that a woman's heart is as unfathomable as a needle in the ocean, Su Chen could easily read Yang Danxuan's mind because it was all over her face.

She waffled and made excuses, obviously not wanting to leave the group, but Su Chen was not to be tricked. He became very stern, not giving Yang Danxuan any chance to resist. Yang Danxuan's cheeks turned even redder, and at that moment, she resembled a ripe, tempting fruit, making one eager to take a bite. She bit her lip and stood up, heading towards the door of the room. That's when Su Chen noticed that Yang Danxuan wasn't wearing pajamas but a very seductive uniform.

To be honest, this was also the first time Su Chen had seen Yang Danxuan in such attire. She lived up to her title of national goddess, as she could easily pull off any look. No, I must remain calm; I am not that type of person, Su Chen began to deceive himself. Time flew by, and Su Chen, exhausted, accidentally fell asleep.

Until five in the morning. Before the roosters even started crowing, Su Chen left his room. This time, he didn't sneak around. He knew that Yang Yuxin would definitely be asleep at this time. Just as Su Chen was contentedly about to return to his room, the door next to his suddenly opened. A beautiful young woman with a perfect figure and delicate features, her eyes sparkling like shining stars, stared intently at him. She was dressed in a long dress, a short white sweater, her long hair draped over her shoulders, and a light green wide-brimmed hat. Su Xian'er.

Su Chen was initially confused, then suddenly regretful. He had been so preoccupied with thoughts of Yang Yuxin that he forgot about his mischievous little sister. 

[Could she have discovered something?] 

[Surely not, she doesn't even know I came out of Yang Danxuan's room. But why is Su Xian'er staring at me?] 

[What does she want to do? This can't be happening, right?] 

Su Chen figured he was probably overthinking it, smiled, and greeted her, "Girl, why aren't you asleep yet?" 

"Can't sleep!" Su Xian'er appeared very spirited. 

"Speaking of which, why are you suddenly wearing a hat, what are you up to?" Su Chen asked as he walked toward his room. 

"Nothing, it's a gift I plan to give someone tomorrow," Su Xian'er said straightforwardly, with no intention of hiding anything from him. 

"No. Who gifts a hat, that's quite an odd thing to do," Su Chen was completely bewildered. There was an air of mystery all around.

Su Xian'er seemed to understand Su Chen's thoughts and rolled her eyes, "Rest assured, this isn't for you."

"I didn't say anything; this is just your own thinking." Su Chen naturally would never admit to this, thinking it would be too embarrassing. If Su Xian'er were to threaten him with this, it would be troublesome.

Wouldn't his image as a brother be completely ruined? "I hate it when people think of me that way. Even if I were the last woman on Earth, I would still choose you. Why do you always have to think so poorly of me?" Su Xian'er said with a shy face. Su Chen did indeed have a strong trust in Su Xian'er. There was never a moment when he was dissatisfied with what Su Xian'er did, she was always perfect, except when she was acting as the female lead.

But on second thought, this isn't necessarily a bad thing; after all, Su Xian'er was like the cabbage grown at home for so long, how could she let any worthless male protagonist think about her now?

The next day, around noon. The sun hung warmly in the sky, marking the best time of the day. For some reason, Su Chen had just woken up when he received messages from the three main female leads.

They had agreed to come to his room for a meal and to have fun. Su Chen was initially confused; he looked around his room and it didn't seem like a place where one could have fun. Could it be that these main female leads wanted to play with him? As outrageous as the idea was, Su Chen felt it was the most likely possibility. If outsiders knew about this, it would be the headlines for the next three days.

At that moment, Su Chen thought of the live streaming industry. If this were broadcasted live, it would undoubtedly garner countless likes and views, especially in this world where the live streaming industry is in a slump; it might even cause a sensation and earn a fortune. But Su Chen didn't have to worry about money now, so he naturally wouldn't bother with it.

He could only watch to see if such an opportunity would arise in the future. Oh no, the room is a mess now, and it would be troublesome if this were discovered. Su Chen had just thought of tidying up when he suddenly remembered that the mess was caused by them, and it had happened just last night. 

Although he was in Yang Danxuan's room at the time, coincidentally, Su Chen had left his clothes here that day. Never mind, let those main female leads clean up for me, Su Chen thought as he sat down on the couch and casually turned on the TV.

Just as he turned it on, Su Xian'er came in with a mischievous smile and sat down next to Su Chen. Su Chen frowned because, until now, Su Xian'er was still carrying that hat, now in her hands rather than wearing it, which made Su Chen feel a bit uneasy.

After a while, Yang Yuxin and Yang Danxuan came hand in hand. Unlike Su Xian'er, both were dressed up carefully, especially Yang Yuxin, whose flowing eyes and demeanor were enough to make a man forget his proprieties and be unforgettable.

Su Chen coughed dryly and did not speak. Yang Yuxin had looked at Su Chen from the moment she entered, then quickly walked towards him, accelerating from a fast walk to a jog. Unfortunately, Yang Danxuan, who wore low heels, was more skilled and managed to take the spot on Su Chen's right, while the left was occupied by Su Xian'er who had arrived earlier.

Yang Yuxin, biting her teeth in anger, sat down next to Yang Danxuan. At that moment, Su Xian'er suddenly said something to Yang Yuxin that Su Chen did not understand, "Congratulations." Yang Yuxin responded with a smile, "Thank you, it's nothing."

Su Chen, sitting between them and seeing this harmonious atmosphere, smiled knowingly. He had thought too much; after all, everyone was a person of status and would naturally maintain their propriety.

Just as he was thinking this, Su Chen saw Su Xian'er pick up that damn light green hat.

Snap! She put it on Yang Yuxin.

Su Chen: O_O

Good fellow, so the hat was waiting here all along.

But Su Chen suddenly felt something was amiss, after all, the first person related to him should have been Su Xian'er. So, as to whom the hat should really belong to remained a mystery.