Returning Home

The next day. It was strange how all three female leads had exhausted a great deal of energy the night before. The following day, before Su Chen had woken up, the three of them had already made a decision. They planned to come to his room to eat and have fun. Su Chen was puzzled as he glanced around the room, which didn't seem like a place suitable for fun. Could it be that these leading ladies wanted to play with him? Although the thought was far-fetched, Su Chen felt it was the most likely scenario.

The domineering police flower Yang Yuxin, the national goddess Yang Danxuan, and the ruthless business queen Su Xian'er appeared together in a man's room. If this were known to outsiders, it would surely become the headline news for the next three days. Su Chen sat on the sofa, and Su Xian'er, who was the first to enter, chose the spot on his left, leaning on his shoulder with a face that spelled out four words: very happy. 

Yang Yuxin and Yang Danxuan also came to the room together, both dressed very beautifully, just like goddesses descending to earth. Especially Yang Yuxin, who was dressed in a way that dazzled Su Chen, was extremely enchanting and tempting.

Of course, there were disadvantages to such attire; it was very inconvenient to move around. As a result, Yang Yuxin did not manage to secure a seat next to Su Chen. After all, there were only left and right sides, so Yang Yuxin could only sit next to Yang Danxuan. Yang Yuxin was extremely dissatisfied, her resentful little eyes seemed to be saying something, giving Su Chen a sidelong glance.

 Goodness, such a sidelong glance, she must have learned it from Su Xian'er, those eyes were too enchanting, and every time I see them, I can't help but want to laugh. Previously, after bickering with Su Xian'er, the girl would always leave behind a meaningful sidelong glance.

But Su Chen had to admit, when Su Xian'er put on such an expression, he always found her very beautiful and cute. Indeed, birds of a feather flock together, and Yang Yuxin has been led astray by Su Xian'er. But when Yang Yuxin made such an expression, it looked somehow frightening. 

"I'll make some tea for you to drink, just watch some TV," Yang Yuxin took the initiative to make tea. Four people, naturally, meant brewing four cups of tea. However, Su Chen's wasn't tea, but boiled water. There was also one cup of black tea and two cups of green tea; the black tea she drank herself, and the green tea was unceremoniously given to her sister and Su Xian'er.

Of course, the two of them were not in the mood to compete with Yang Yuxin at the moment; they were focused on watching the TV. Especially Su Xian'er, who was very bold, resting her head against Su Chen, very close, watching with great interest, and very seriously. The TV drama they were watching had just come out, but it was very popular. 

The success of films and series is all about the publicity, and clearly, this drama had benefited from earlier promotions, with many fans expressing their anticipation. But Su Chen didn't really want to watch it, because it was a palace drama.

Watching the TV series and considering the thoughts of the female leads beside him, he felt it was too fitting. But whenever he wanted to change the channel, he was met with two rolling eyes, so he had no choice but to watch it with a stiff upper lip. 

The storyline of the TV series was quite good, mainly unfolding from a female perspective. It mainly tells the story of the female lead who was originally a modern career woman, but by a stroke of luck, she traveled back in time. And she was endowed with the protagonist's halo.

After traveling back, the female lead naturally wouldn't lead an ordinary life; she lived vibrantly. Several sons of the emperor had inexplicable and indistinct relationships with the female lead. It was mainly about falling in love with one prince, then seeing the good in another and falling for him, and then seeing the good in yet another. 

Thus, in a cycle, the female lead found her true love. Thinking about it, this was quite reasonable, nothing too surprising. Of course, the result was that, apart from the female and male leads, the other male supporting characters ended up very tragically.

Struck by a thought, Su Chen thought of his script. Isn't it the same? The sacrifice was too great. And of course, the most affected was Su Xian'er. She couldn't help but comment, "As expected, the female lead is a vixen, seducing so many men. But what's wrong with that, in the end, you see clearly, right? Who is the one who loves you the most. The first one you fell for is the one who loves you the most."

After her commentary, she did not forget to glance at Su Chen. Su Chen felt offended again. It was like a naked hint, because in this life, the first relationship he established was with Su Xian'er. So now, of course, she was hinting at him in the same way. 

"Ahem," Su Chen stood up, "It's getting late, we've been watching all afternoon, and I think it's time for dinner, I'll go get it for you!" Having said that, Su Chen didn't make any move, while Yang Yuxin, who was almost dozing off from watching the TV series, suddenly sprang up like a 'charged phone', instantly revitalized from the couch. 

"How can I trust you to go alone, so let's go together!"

Yang Yuxin thought to herself, this time she would not make the same mistake again. Su Chen nodded; he had no choice but to agree to Yang Yuxin's request to go together. Yang Yuxin walked ahead alone, seemingly sulking about not getting the seat earlier.

Su Chen instantly understood her meaning. "Wait, let me go to the kitchen and make you a dinner, just for you," Su Chen prepared to cheer up Yang Yuxin again, as such things he did often and it was no big deal. "No, I don't want to eat," Yang Yuxin said, yet she consciously stopped in her tracks.

Su Chen suddenly felt very hopeful. "Now that there's no one here, if you say in front of me that Su Xian'er is annoying, I will forgive you," Yang Yuxin said seriously. "And then you record it and send it to the group?" Su Chen laughed. 

"How did you know?" Yang Yuxin asked in return?

Su Chen thought to himself, group chats are indeed a battleground. The days following were very choppy, and before they knew it, the four of them had spent most of the month there. During this half-month, Su Chen had no system tasks or scripts to follow, and it was very relaxing.

Every day was spent playing at the beach. The place was simply perfect in every way, not only the water but also the scenery and the climate. Mainly, the company was right. Being meticulously cared for by the three female leads every day made life blissful. But inevitably, life must go on.

As the time for the new system script drew closer, it was certain that these good days were coming to an end, and Su Chen would have to go on to complete his tasks. Perhaps because this time was so enjoyable, Su Chen found himself somewhat averse to starting the new script. He even absurdly felt some fear, fearing what would happen if the system completely reversed the plot and the female lead's character settings?

At this moment, Su Chen felt as if he couldn't bear to return to the hard days after experiencing such wonderful times, which seemed absolutely impossible. And no one would want to go back and experience that. Although they had spent most of the month having fun, when Su Chen said it was time to go back, all three female leads showed expressions of reluctance.

Clearly, they didn't want to return so soon. Here it was a competition among three people, but if they went back to the capital, the numbers would not just double, but increase even more. But since Su Chen was insistent on returning, they naturally wouldn't force him to stay.

They all boarded the plane back home. A few hours later, the plane landed at the largest airport in the capital. However, Su Chen was nowhere to be seen.