The Furious Male Lead

At this moment, Fang Yufan had arrived at a shop on the street, intending to drink some liquor, only because of the sudden downpour, there was nobody here. That's right, even amidst such a storm, he actually chose to come out for a drink. What a dog's fart of a storm.

Fang Yufan didn't feel a hint of fear at all. In fact, what Fang Yufan hated the most was Su Chen. He had not anticipated encountering such terrible conditions just after coming down from the mountain. It was a complete case of failing before even having the chance to succeed. "Su Chen really has some skills, it's not unjust for Qin Yu to lose to him," Fang Yufan clenched his fists. In reality, he was dying to kill Su Chen right now.

But Su Chen's strength was obviously not weak, otherwise, he wouldn't have defeated Qin Yu. Once, Fang Yufan had considered Qin Yu his biggest rival. But now, Qin Yu had actually been defeated by Su Chen. Thus, Su Chen had become of utmost importance in Fang Yufan's mind. Even though he regarded him highly, Fang Yufan never imagined that Su Chen could be so terrifyingly capable.

Bai Bing'er was a target he had planned for a long time, but he hadn't expected Su Chen to come out of nowhere and interfere. Initially, Fang Yufan didn't think Su Chen could win against him, after all, he had been planning for so long, and Su Chen had been constantly contending with Qin Yu; how could he have anticipated his situation? 

It just never occurred to him that Su Chen could indeed be that capable, and this made Fang Yufan extremely wary of Su Chen. "Su Chen must die!" Fang Yufan clenched his fists again. Losing Bai Bing'er wasn't important; there would be other prey in the future.

But if Su Chen remained, even if he found new prey he wanted to capture, it would be very difficult. So, if Su Chen died, then everything would be perfectly resolved. However, despite Fang Yufan's urgent desire for Su Chen to die, he was well aware that killing Su Chen would be very difficult. But difficult or not, he had to take action now, otherwise, it would be even more difficult once Su Chen returned to Beijing. Su Chen's arrogance was actually his opportunity.

Of course, under the current circumstances, it was far too difficult for him alone to kill Su Chen. Not to mention whether he would succeed, even if he somehow won, the price he would have to pay would be tremendous. Therefore, he had to find an ally. Soon, Fang Yufan dialed a number. The call connected quickly, but Fang Yufan didn't speak. The person on the other end didn't speak either, and the two of them entered a stand-off.

After a while, Fang Yufan could no longer pretend. "Senior brother, what are you doing? Why aren't you coming out quickly? We agreed that you would help me this time," Fang Yufan said with irritation. Obviously, he was a bit angry now. The person on the other end of the phone was his ally, and Fang Yufan had also informed him about what happened today. Of course, he left out many details; it was too embarrassing, after all. Given Fang Yufan's character, he would never admit to such things.

The main goal was to get the other party to agree to help. Fang Yufan said sternly, "Senior brother, you better not forget what master said, you have to listen to me, I am the real Dragon King." On the other end of the line, upon hearing Fang Yufan's words, there was a moment of silence. His name was Luo Feng, and he was Fang Yufan's senior brother.

Although Luo Feng had the title of senior brother, it was only because he had entered the sect earlier. But in fact, his teacher was very partial, teaching everything completely to Fang Yufan. But he himself ended up learning nothing. Often, Luo Feng would wonder if Fang Yufan might be his teacher's biological son. This time, when Fang Yufan came down from the mountain, Luo Feng was the one dispatched to assist him.

However, there was definitely some dissatisfaction in Luo Feng's heart. Especially when there was a downpour outside, and Fang Yufan thought he could simply summon him with a word. This was something Luo Feng could not tolerate. He was not a slave, after all, why should he obey Fang Yufan? But there was no help for it; Fang Yufan's teacher, who was also Luo Feng's teacher, did not trust him at all.

He had even placed a severe poison in Luo Feng's body, fearing that Luo Feng might harbor any rebellious thoughts.

Only if Luo Feng truly helped Fang Yufan become the Dragon King who could unify all of China would he be able to obtain the antidote. And if Fang Yufan knew even the slightest disobedience from Luo Feng, there was no chance he could get the antidote. Thus, Luo Feng had no choice but to submit. Fang Yufan wanted him to go out and kill Su Chen. Of course, Luo Feng was unwilling; he had heard of Su Chen's deeds.

Even Qin Yu had been defeated miserably at Su Chen's hands, and now Fang Yufan thought he could easily kill Su Chen. It was laughable. He might even lose his life in the process. Luo Feng would never agree to it. He had witnessed for himself how formidable Su Chen was. 

Besides, with the heavy rain outside, if he went to confront Su Chen with Fang Yufan, that would be idiotic. It was an impossible scenario. The most suitable action was actually to sleep at home, not caring about anything else.

Going out to kill Su Chen would be like having a death wish. If it wasn't for Fang Yufan's threats, Luo Feng would definitely have cursed him directly as a fool. But now he really had no choice. Hence, Luo Feng replied with a forced smile, "You see, there's such heavy rain outside right now, Young Master Fang!" 

"Of course, I see it, what are you trying to say?" Fang Yufan was very dissatisfied. He really didn't expect Luo Feng to brush him off like that. "What are you trying to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is that the weather isn't good right now, how about we forget it? We can talk another day." Fang Yufan was already in a bad mood, and encountering this situation made him even more irate. He was filled with immense anger. 

Fang Yufan cursed outright: "Luo Feng, you bastard, you dare to defy my orders, do you no longer wish to live? Su Chen dares to bully me, you look down on me? Today, you must come out no matter what, otherwise, you can forget about the antidote. Remember, I am the Dragon King, you are to serve me. Luo Feng, you get out here now, or I will make you die!!!"

Luo Feng, hearing these words on the other side, turned pale. He hadn't expected Fang Yufan to be so nagging, practically a non-stop talker. But at the same time, Luo Feng also picked up on something. Fang Yufan was originally a stable person. 

But now he had become like this. Suddenly his hatred for Su Chen had become so intense, it didn't need guessing to know there must have been a change in his heart. And the only possibility that could have prompted such a change was that Fang Yufan had encountered Su Chen today and had been severely humiliated by him.

Luo Feng was initially uncertain. But after this thought emerged, he became more and more convinced that it must be so. Luo Feng had also been in Beijing. He was naturally aware of the incidents that had happened those days. 

Qin Yu repeatedly troubled Su Chen. But what were the outcomes each time? They were too horrible to witness. Plus, now knowing that Fang Yufan must have been humiliated, he would want to seek immediate revenge on Su Chen. Wasn't this seeking death? Repeating the mistakes Qin Yu had made.

Luo Feng really didn't understand. Whether it was Qin Yu or Fang Yufan, why did they insist on troubling Su Chen? "Luo Feng, have you gone mute? Don't you really want to come?" Fang Yufan, hearing Luo Feng's continued silence, had completely run out of patience. His eyes were extremely cold, and his tone became icy. Luo Feng could feel a murderous intent through the phone. He knew that if he truly refused, the first person Fang Yufan would want to kill would be him.

Therefore, Luo Feng found an excuse. "You are the future Dragon King, and my junior brother, I would never harbor such thoughts against you. The reason I am reluctant to go is all for you. Young Master Fang, think about it, did Su Chen really come out alone? To my knowledge, these days Su Chen has been out having fun, and he even has several women with him, you know, those women that Qin Yu wanted to fight for, but they all gave their hearts to Su Chen."

Luo Feng's words were meant to remind Fang Yufan not to forget Qin Yu's fate. Luo Feng continued, " Young Master Fang, you need to understand that Su Chen's appearance isn't accidental; he must have noticed you a long time ago. So, it's very likely that Su Chen didn't come out alone, this could be a trap."

Although Luo Feng's words made a lot of sense, they greatly irked Fang Yufan. Coupled with his current hatred for Su Chen, he could not hide his feelings anymore and blurted out, "I understand your reasoning, but tonight I still intend to kill Su Chen. Even if it's a trap, what do I, Fang Yufan, have to fear? But you did remind me, Su Chen is indeed powerful, so we cannot let him return to Beijing. Once he does, it will be like a dragon returning to the sea; it will then become too difficult to handle him. Luo Feng, get ready, we'll make our move tonight."

"Alright, Young Master Fang," initially, Luo Feng thought of resisting. But Fang Yufan didn't give him the chance to continue and quickly hung up the phone. Luo Feng was speechless. He really felt like slapping himself for speaking such absurd words, a classic case of losing more by trying to gain too much. How annoying.

With no other choice since Fang Yufan demanded him to go out, Luo Feng had to comply. But what a pity for the beauty by his side. "Wife, get me a raincoat; I need to go out." The woman beside him looked at him curiously and inquired, "What are you going to do?" 

"I need to step out." 

"You must be crazy to go out in this weather." 

"I don't have a choice; that bastard Fang Yufan insists on me going out to help him," Luo Feng replied helplessly.

The woman became worried, "That fool wants you to go against Su Chen? That's a real big shot; how can you go?" 

"I don't want to either, but what I say doesn't matter," Luo Feng assured her calmly, "Don't worry, I will be careful and naturally won't actually make a move on Su Chen." The woman became even angrier and cursed, "Is Fang Yufan an idiot? It's so dangerous! What's he doing going out, looking for death? It's raining so heavily and he still wants to go after Su Chen. That's the man Qin Yu had no way of dealing with."

The more she spoke, the angrier she got, "Fang Yufan, that bastard, it would be best if he got struck by lightning and saved all the trouble." Luo Feng found it satisfying to hear, but how could such a thing happen? Struck by lightning? That was too fantastical. Besides, if Fang Yufan really met with an accident and died, Luo Feng's days would not be easy either. 

Luo Feng knew his teacher's character very well. Thinking about it, Luo Feng was really not satisfied. He was aware and would not delude himself into thinking that his teacher would pass the position of the Dragon King to him. But it shouldn't be passed to someone like Fang Yufan either.

The man simply had a problem in his head, yet, unfortunately, this person was chosen to be the next Dragon King. It was fate; Fang Yufan was born to receive the best things. Thinking of this, Luo Feng felt helpless; why was he not good enough, why did he have to serve Fang Yufan like a beast of burden? Luo Feng quickly put on his raincoat and left.

Su Chen, accompanied by Bai Bing'er, arrived on the streets. Due to the recent rain, there were hardly any people around, making it very quiet. Of course, Su Chen would not relax easily. Because he knew that Bai Bing'er's eagerness to go out with him meant that things were definitely not simple. There must be some conspiracy. So, the emptier the streets, the more nervous Su Chen actually became. And just as he was on high alert, someone suddenly called out to him.

"Su Chen!" 

Hearing the voice, Su Chen was startled—it was actually Qin Luoyi. But still, he instinctively turned around. Suddenly, a soft body forcefully threw itself into his arms. Su Chen instantly tensed up. As expected, Qin Luoyi was clearly fine; this was a setup the two had coordinated.

"Qin Luoyi, can you pay attention to your image?" Bai Bing'er couldn't stand it anymore. At this moment, she was extremely displeased as she watched Qin Luoyi forcefully jump into Su Chen's arms, feeling quite sour.

Qin Luoyi was aware of her thoughts and quickly got out of Su Chen's arms, smiling and saying, "Isn't it just wanting to get close after not seeing each other for so long?" Three hours is what she called a long time without seeing each other. Bai Bing'er looked on coldly. Then the two of them left Su Chen aside and started to chat. 

Su Chen pricked up his ears to eavesdrop. He saw the two of them fiddling with a camera, which made him curious. What were they planning to film? There didn't seem to be anything worth filming.

Bai Bing'er actually felt it was unnecessary too, she said with a resigned expression, "Luoyi, such things are hardly likely to happen, right? Do you really plan to film this and post it online? Isn't that a bit inappropriate?" 

Qin Luoyi shook her head. How could it not happen? When Bai Bing'er told her about this matter, she believed it completely. What Su Chen said couldn't possibly be false. Then it was certain that Fang Yufan would be struck by lightning. Such a once-in-a-century spectacle, how could she not share it online? And this was also her attempt.

As someone reborn, she knew the power of the internet would be formidable in the future. Now was the perfect opportunity for her to develop along this path online. Boom! Suddenly, a bolt of lightning illuminated the entire night sky. This startled Bai Bing'er. What was going on? Could it really be? Only Qin Luoyi smiled smugly; Fang Yufan hadn't even come out yet, and such terrifying thunder had already appeared. She dared not imagine what the scene would be like when it happened.

Suddenly, she shared the same thought as Su Chen had on that day. It would have been nice if the person being struck was Qin Yu.