Cursing the Heavens in Anger

Qin Luoyi was becoming happier the more she thought about it. Although she had no personal issues with Fang Yufan, Su Chen did, and Su Chen's matters were her matters. Su Chen's enemies would not be spared by her. Mainly, Qin Luoyi thought of Su Chen's enemy, Qin Yu. She was, of course, clear about who Qin Yu was; she used to be under his command. He was a man filled with evil deeds. Clearly, in Qin Luoyi's heart, Fang Yufan was now equated with Qin Yu.

The rain had lessened now, but the thunder was growing louder. Qin Luoyi was very much looking forward to it, as if in her eyes, Fang Yufan was definitely going to be severely punished by the thunder! She said with some schadenfreude, "You say Fang Yufan has designs on you, when he gets struck by lightning, I'll let you go and ask him what his intentions are, how about that? Being struck by lightning should be quite an experience; if Fang Yufan really can say something after that, it would definitely be an interesting thing. If it gets posted online, surely many people would like to watch."

Bai Bing'er had been serious at first, but after hearing Qin Luoyi's words, she couldn't help but laugh. She didn't understand why Qin Luoyi could harbor such great animosity towards Fang Yufan. Was it because of her fondness for Su Chen? However, Bai Bing'er was sure that if Qin Luoyi really did what she said, Fang Yufan would definitely be infuriated to death. 

Although their interactions were brief, Bai Bing'er could see with her insight that Fang Yufan was definitely a person of high self-esteem who would not allow any deviation from himself. Such an outrageous and bizarre event was something that, in Qin Luoyi's eyes, was bound to happen, simply because Su Chen said it. Bai Bing'er found such behavior quite speechless.

But since Fang Yufan was an enemy of Su Chen, why wasn't Su Chen as happy as one might expect? With this thought, Bai Bing'er turned to look at Su Chen, only to find that he was no longer in his original place. Bai Bing'er suddenly became curious about where he had gone. 

Qin Luoyi also found it strange; he couldn't have run away, could he? Boom! A clap of thunder! Qin Luoyi exclaimed joyfully, "The lightning is about to strike, but why hasn't Su Chen come back yet? He's going to miss a great show. If he doesn't come back soon, he'll miss it."

While they were talking, Su Chen returned. He had just gone to the restroom. It couldn't be helped; with the two heroines fluttering around him, he naturally had to go to the bathroom to take care of business for a while. Just as he reappeared, Qin Luoyi, as if mad, pounced at him again, but this time Su Chen was smart and directly put his hand on Qin Luoyi's smooth forehead to keep her away from him. He didn't want to have just come back from the restroom and then have to go again. Su Chen looked at Qin Luoyi, asking in disbelief, "What are you trying to do?"

Qin Luoyi, seeing that she couldn't get into Su Chen's arms, cleverly changed her position and hugged Su Chen's arm, saying, "Isn't it because you were gone for so long, I was worried you left." 

"Heh," Su Chen said mockingly, "I was out for less than five minutes; what's there to rush about, I'm not worried." Qin Luoyi narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Isn't this what you always say, a day apart feels like three years?"

Day what? Bai Bing'er also had a smile on her face. Su Chen thought more and more that something was amiss. The two had just been acting as if they had agreed on something, and now they were all smiles again—what were they really up to? 

"It seems you two are in a very good mood!" 

"Of course," Qin Luoyi replied with a brilliant smile. Then she suddenly asked, "Right, Su Chen, you heard that thunder just now, didn't you? It was so terrifying. We were all startled by it a moment ago. It's really strange, even with the rain, it seems unlikely that there would be such loud thunder, as if it's about to strike right next to us."

Hearing this, Su Chen suddenly remembered—Fang Yufan was supposed to be struck by lightning. At this thought, he almost laughed out loud. This punishment was about to start, wasn't it! But then he thought about where Fang Yufan might be. 

Actually, when you think about it carefully, Fang Yufan, after all, is someone who has the aura of a male lead. He shouldn't be so unlucky. With that thought, Su Chen couldn't help but look up at the sky.

"The thunder is indeed a bit terrifying," Su Chen remarked. Qin Luoyi, hearing Su Chen's words, almost laughed out loud. She knew Su Chen was thinking about Fang Yufan's predicament. Suddenly, she came up with a question and directly asked, "Su Chen, do you think if someone gets struck by lightning, they would die? I'm worried that someone might get struck by lightning out in the street." Su Chen swallowed hard and said irritably, "Aren't we on the street right now?"

However, as he was about to continue speaking, he noticed a very familiar figure appearing. "Oh man, although I don't know who the person next to him is, isn't that other person Fang Yufan?" 

"It really is that Fang Yufan, we had a bit of a conflict with him before, maybe we should hide now to avoid trouble in case he's here for revenge." Suddenly, Qin Luoyi pulled Su Chen to hide somewhere, and Bai Bing'er followed suit. The three of them hid inside a shop, observing everything happening outside through the window. Compared to Qin Luoyi and Bai Bing'er's anticipation, Su Chen was a lot calmer, even somewhat speechless. 

What was happening? Is the system really that powerful? Fang Yufan is still out there. But looking at the two, they didn't seem to be struck by lightning, so it probably hasn't started yet. Initially, because it wasn't Qin Yu, Su Chen didn't have much interest, even forgetting about the matter entirely. 

After all, he considered his conflict with Fang Yufan not to be that significant. But unexpectedly, such a shocking scene had to happen right before him, something Su Chen never anticipated. But since it had come to this, Su Chen wanted to have a good look.

Seeing Su Chen's eager expression, Qin Luoyi and Bai Bing'er looked at each other and then quickly covered their mouths with their hands, fearing they might burst into laughter. At the same time, Luo Feng and Fang Yufan arrived on the street, their target being Su Chen. Naturally, they intended to go to Su Chen's residence to kill him. 

However, they had barely taken a few steps when the sky flashed with lightning and thunder, growing more intense, seemingly right overhead. But Fang Yufan showed not a hint of fear; his master had told him that with Qin Yu's fortune waning, he now had an extremely strong luck himself. Things like lightning strikes simply couldn't touch him. Fang Yufan had absolute confidence. 

Yet faced with such a situation, he felt somewhat frustrated. "I didn't expect such a thing to happen, it really caught me off guard," he mused. "The thunder is too loud, and now that the rain has completely stopped, why is there still thunder? That's too strange."

Luo Feng didn't speak, but his eyes were full of disdain. Internally, he was extremely discontented. Idiot! You have the nerve to complain about the weather, I told you it's not suitable to go out, and you insisted. Now you complain about the weather, how shameless. It would be best if the lightning really did strike you dead. But then, Luo Feng dismissed his own thoughts. 

After all, he was under someone else's control. If Fang Yufan had an accident, Luo Feng's survival would be difficult. Luo Feng thought for a moment and then said, "Young Master Fang, it's inevitable, after all, it's the power of nature, we mortals can't resist it. Just bear with it, it's only a bit of noise."

Luo Feng's original intention was to advise Fang Yufan not to be too impulsive. However, Fang Yufan interpreted Luo Feng's words differently. 

Without considering Luo Feng's feelings, Fang Yufan burst out cursing: "Luo Feng, what do you mean by that? Are you mocking me for being unable to kill Su Chen? What does the Lord of Heaven amount to? Today, I, Fang Yufan, am telling you that there is nothing in front of me that cannot be conquered." "I have such courage, but what about you? You're afraid of everything, simply a waste, and that is why the master did not bestow upon you the title of Dragon King because you simply are not worthy of it."

Naturally, Luo Feng was not convinced. Even though his temper flared from being scolded, he ultimately did not speak out. With Fang Yufan's status before him, he had no ability to resist and could only remain silent. Seeing Luo Feng's silence, Fang Yufan was naturally overjoyed. 

But at the same time, seeing Luo Feng's cowardly appearance irritated him. However, considering that Luo Feng was a formidable figure, Fang Yufan naturally wanted to recruit him under his command.

So Fang Yufan planned to completely subjugate Luo Feng to himself. With absolute confidence, Fang Yufan smiled confidently: "Today, I will show you what it means to be the chosen one." Before leaving, his master had said that even the heavens could not trouble him, for he now possessed great fortune and was an unbeatable warrior, not even the sky could contend with him. 

Today, he wanted Luo Feng to witness what the demeanor of a Dragon King should be. With these thoughts, Fang Yufan pointed at the sky and cursed furiously: "You damn heavens, I, Fang Yufan, am here, how dare you be so presumptuous. I am the chosen one, how dare you disrespect me. Stop this thunder at once, or I swear I will pierce through the heavens, stop it now! If you dare, strike me down, I want to see if you dare! Do you dare!" 

His voice grew louder and more forceful, capable of intimidating others — at least, that was his own belief. To the bystanders, however, Fang Yufan at this moment appeared to be nothing more than a loud madman, prompting them to steer clear.

Luo Feng was taken aback as well. He had considered the possibility that Fang Yufan was different from others, perhaps a little off in his head, but he had not anticipated this level of craziness. It was truly frightening. Luo Feng trembled slightly; he actually wanted to follow the example of the others and distance himself from Fang Yufan. 

But then he thought better of it, considering Fang Yufan's future status as the Dragon King. Offending him now would not bode well for the future. However, Luo Feng was truly at a loss for words regarding Fang Yufan's behavior, struggling to find the right adjective.

On the other hand, Fang Yufan had a different interpretation. Seeing that nothing had happened and Luo Feng was still observing him, he grew even more proud. Fang Yufan believed that Luo Feng must be shocked by his recent actions, now filled with endless astonishment inside. Fang Yufan was pleased with himself, knowing that from now on, Luo Feng would surely obey him and hold him in great respect.

However, the self-satisfaction made Fang Yufan decide to continue cursing the "damn heavens." First, he believed such behavior was very cool and those around him would undoubtedly be impressed by his demeanor. Secondly, Fang Yufan genuinely felt that such behavior was extremely liberating and refreshing, as if he was venting all the anger in his heart.

Once again, Fang Yufan pointed to the sky and arrogantly said: "You damn thing, open your eyes and look carefully, are you scared? Why should someone like Su Chen, that bastard, have all this? He's not worthy of it in my eyes. I am Fang Yufan, and today I will let you understand what a true chosen one is."

"I will defeat Su Chen and Qin Yu; I am the strongest," Fang Yufan declared confidently. "I will show you how ignorant all your actions have been." Just as Fang Yufan finished speaking, another thunderclap roared through the sky. Clearly, Fang Yufan was not at all intimidated. 

But as he prepared to speak again, the sky suddenly erupted with another loud boom! Successive bolts of lightning flashed across the sky, instantly changing the expressions of everyone present, including Luo Feng. Luo Feng, being someone who had cultivated, could see the lightning's swift strike, and to his utter astonishment, he watched as a bolt struck Fang Yufan directly on the head.

A piercing scream filled the air, leaving no doubt about what had happened. And on the other side, watching everything, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but laugh. "That lightning is too fierce; it managed to lift him so high he got stuck on a street lamp, how excellent." Su Chen had wanted to see Fang Yufan's predicament up close, but since Fang Yufan had been cursing at him, he thought it best to stay out of it. 

However, Su Chen also knew that such a spectacle would certainly be deadly or at least severely injurious to an ordinary person, but for someone like Fang Yufan, who was imbued with the protagonist's luck, it was trivial.

At the moment, the most shocked was Luo Feng because Fang Yufan had been struck by lightning less than a meter away from him, and yet he remained unharmed. Luo Feng never imagined Fang Yufan would actually get struck. He had seen the massive bolt of lightning strike Fang Yufan's head and now, hanging from the street lamp, it was uncertain whether he was dead or alive. 

Luo Feng dared not linger or look any longer, especially with the faint smell of burning in the air. If Fang Yufan was really dead, Luo Feng knew he'd be in for a world of trouble. He didn't dare get any closer but shouted from a distance, "Young Master Fang, are you alright? Don't scare me, you are the chosen one!" Strangely enough, he felt a compulsion to laugh as he said this.

After a while, the previously quiet street erupted into chaos. A myriad of voices filled the air. "Hey bro, come out and see this, someone was cursing at the sky just now and got struck by lightning." 

"The scene is shocking, this will be tomorrow's headline news." 

"The guy flew up more than ten meters high, it's hilarious." 

"What, you think I'm drunk?" 

"Cut the crap and come out for some fun, this is a once-in-a-century event!"