Preparing to Return to the Capital

Not lingering any longer, Su Chen promptly left the scene with Qin Luoyi and Bai Bing'er, heading back home. Originally, Su Chen had thought that things might not go so smoothly, given the two women were quite a handful, but to his surprise, they were quite cooperative, a situation far from what he had anticipated. 

Once home, Qin Luoyi was the first to collapse onto the sofa, murmuring, "That was terrifying, I never expected such a horrifying event to actually happen right before my eyes, I dare not go out anymore." Initially, Qin Luoyi appeared extremely scared, but then she laughed, "But it's normal, for someone like Fang Yunfan to be struck by lightning is better than us taking action, it's too satisfying. Right, Bing'er?"

At this moment, Bai Bing'er was just slumped on the sofa, her eyes void of expression, clearly shaken by the recent spectacle. Inside, she was tumultuously processing the event, unable to maintain the same composure as Qin Luoyi, who had witnessed Su Chen's strength. She was consumed by disbelief, pondering over the reality of the incident. Could it all truly be as Su Chen had said, that Fang Yunfan was struck by lightning? 

The notion was beyond belief. Did Su Chen truly possess such eerie powers? Bai Bing'er was aware of the supernatural forces in this world and knew of martial artists who were impervious to weapons. But Su Chen had shown her the real thunder, a force of nature, something beyond human. At a loss for words, Bai Bing'er didn't know how to describe it.

Su Chen, on the other hand, was indifferent, considering it wasn't his concern, and it was Fang Yunfan's misfortune. He got himself into trouble by provoking Bai Bing'er, and now he had to face the horrific consequences of a collapsing plot. Su Chen began to contemplate, "Fang Yunfan really got the short end of the stick this time, encountering such a terrifying event. It's frightening. I'm just glad it wasn't me, I have to be careful and cautious from now on, lest I disrupt the plot and suffer the consequences." 

He thought about his own past experiences, which seemed trivial compared to Fang Yunfan's current situation. Although Su Chen knew that the lightning wouldn't fatally harm Fang Yunfan, the agony was undeniable. It was as if Fang Yunfan had indeed endured a thunder strike. Just the thought was frightening. These female leads are too terrifying. With that in mind, Su Chen glanced at Bai Bing'er, thinking about how to dodge her advances.

However, Bai Bing'er noticed Su Chen's gaze and became even more panicked. "What does he mean by looking at me like that? Does he like me? He wouldn't be expecting that from me, would he?" Bai Bing'er was very flustered. What should she do if Su Chen indeed made an excessive request? She truly didn't know what to do. "He wouldn't strike me with lightning, would he?"

Feeling tired, Su Chen said, "I'm quite sleepy after all that happened today," and then looked at Bai Bing'er. He actually just wanted Bai Bing'er to leave quickly, not wanting her to bring any harm upon him. But Bai Bing'er's thoughts were different. Tired, wanting to sleep? What does that mean? Is Su Chen suggesting that I stay with him? Bai Bing'er bit her lip and then suddenly stood up with reddened eyes, exclaiming, "Su Chen, don't go too far, I won't agree to your demands! Don't even think about it."

Su Chen was baffled. What on earth? He had said nothing of the sort. Was she having some sort of a misunderstanding? As Su Chen raised his eyebrows, about to clarify, Bai Bing'er loudly interjected, "No matter what you say, it's useless. I won't agree to what you're proposing," and then she looked at Su Chen defiantly, ready to die before yielding.

In fact, Bai Bing'er was quite frightened. The words she had just blurted out were spoken impulsively, without a moment's hesitation. And, after having spoken, she was genuinely scared. The image of Fang Yunfan being struck by lightning kept flashing through her mind, as if constantly reminding her of Su Chen's terrifying power.

Su Chen, for his part, was completely baffled by what was happening. Qin Luoyi, however, had a look of amusement and watched Bai Bing'er with an expression that suggested 'a teachable young girl.' She had merely reminded Bai Bing'er that whatever Su Chen said, it might be wise to consider the opposite. 

But she hadn't expected Bai Bing'er to take her advice so completely to heart. Bai Bing'er's acting skills, complete with tears in her eyes, seemed as convincing as Su Chen's. Qin Luoyi couldn't help but laugh; she knew it was her turn to step onto the stage.

Qin Luoyi said with a smile, "Su Chen, how can you just send us girls away like that? That's where you're wrong. We're staying over tonight, no matter what," she said, leaving Su Chen at a loss for words, even utterly speechless. Good grief. 

The original reason for Bai Bing'er's anger was apparently that I wanted to send her away. Was it really necessary to collapse her character setting so drastically? I really can't stand it.

The female lead is angry to the point of crying because she can't stay in my house, what an honor! At that moment, Su Chen didn't know whether to be angry or pleased; he could only describe his feeling as speechless.

On the other hand, Bai Bing'er had a different set of thoughts. At that moment, she was extremely shocked. Why? Why would Qin Luoyi insist she stay? Was she really intending for her to roll in the sheets with Su Chen? No way. What was this girl thinking?

Bai Bing'er certainly didn't want to stay; she felt it was dangerous here. Su Chen was the big tiger, and she was the little white rabbit, always eyeing her hungrily. But after some thought, Bai Bing'er decided to stay, albeit with a changed mindset. She was no longer daring to provoke Su Chen but became extremely cautious, fearing to offend him.

Of course, Qin Luoyi didn't notice the change in either of them because she was completely engrossed in her phone. "Hahaha, as expected, my video on the internet really got a lot of views, I became a big influencer overnight, with tens of millions of followers!" she exclaimed, then glanced at Su Chen as if to say, "See how impressive I am?" hoping for his praise.

However, Su Chen was somewhat astonished. He hadn't expected Qin Luoyi to become a big influencer overnight because of such an incident, essentially pioneering the then-unexplored live streaming industry in this world. Su Chen asked, "When did a video platform come out?"

Qin Luoyi proudly responded, "I founded it. I feel that this kind of short video and live streaming will soon become mainstream."

Su Chen was surprised. Wow. Is this what a female lead is? With such sharp instincts, she could spot such business opportunities. Wait, is there a possibility that Qin Luoyi is also a transmigrator? Should I give a secret signal?

"The court's jade liquid wine, one hundred..." Bai Bing'er suddenly noticed a change in Su Chen's expression. She was alarmed because she could tell that Su Chen seemed quite intrigued, even interested, in what Qin Luoyi had just mentioned.

At that moment, Bai Bing'er deeply understood Su Chen's capabilities and naturally paid attention to a product that he seemed to favor. But Bai Bing'er didn't think it would have much of a future. She knew about the product Qin Luoyi had made and even had an offer to invest in it.

At first, Bai Bing'er didn't think much of it. But now, seeing Su Chen's reaction, she guessed that it might be a lucrative product. But why would Qin Luoyi know about it?

Idiot, of course, she knew from Su Chen. Bai Bing'er mentally scolded herself. Does this mean that Qin Luoyi knew all along that this product was going to make a big profit? That's why she deliberately let me invest in it. Bai Bing'er hadn't been paying much attention to this matter before. 

But now, piecing together a series of events led her to this conclusion. Suddenly, Bai Bing'er felt guilty towards Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi had been so good to her, yet Bai Bing'er had just been suspicious. Suspecting her best and only friend might harm her. Bai Bing'er felt remorseful.

But quickly, her inner guilt disappeared, replaced by resentment. Because the Qin Luoyi who had been so kind to her was going to be taken away by Su Chen in the future. This immediately made her feel imbalanced.

No, Bai Bing'er resolved that no matter what, she would not allow this to happen. She decided to fight Su Chen to the end. Right now, she didn't know where this immense courage was coming from.

Su Chen suddenly noticed Bai Bing'er's hostile gaze and was instantly alert. Goodness, does this woman's emotions fluctuate so greatly? No, Su Chen resolved to be cautious with Bai Bing'er. Anyway, he was about to return to Beijing. When he got there, he would let Su Xian'er and the others teach Bai Bing'er a lesson. See if she dares to be arrogant then.

Meanwhile, Luo Feng in the hospital had even more complex feelings. Looking at Fang Yunfan lying on the bed, barely hanging on to life, he actually wanted to laugh out loud. It was too ridiculous. Especially when recalling the earlier scene, it was even more laughable. Fang Yunfan had actually been struck by lightning.

That wasn't the main thing, though. The most important part was that he had been cursing at the sky. Was this a punishment bestowed upon him? Initially, Luo Feng felt a bit of joy because he had long been annoyed by Fang Yunfan. But he had no way to punish him; seeing him in this state now, Luo Feng's mood was exceptionally good.

But before he could enjoy his schadenfreude for long, he received a grave message. Fang Yunfan had suffered serious injuries and might be permanently disabled. It was very severe, especially to the brain, which had suffered a terrible injury. Now he was awake but couldn't speak a word. He was like an idiot.

This plunged Luo Feng's mood into the depths. He just wanted to see Fang Yunfan's joke, but he had never anticipated such an outcome. Now, this result was definitely not good news for Luo Feng.

How could Fang Yunfan become the new Dragon King in this condition? It was over.

Luo Feng knew that although this incident had nothing to do with him, his teacher would not let him off the hook. Luo Feng was afraid.

But at the same time, he was relieved that he had kept his distance from Fang Yunfan; otherwise, he too might have been severely injured.

Luo Feng now detested Fang Yunfan thoroughly. If this fool hadn't insisted on coming out to kill Su Chen, none of this would have happened.

"Okay, you can curse the sky anywhere," Luo Feng thought. It seemed like with Fang Yunfan's brains, trouble would have occurred no matter where he was.

Thinking it over, Luo Feng was truly speechless, especially after hearing the doctor's words. "Such a terrifying lightning strike, and your friend didn't die on the spot, it's truly a new miracle of mankind."

This... Luo Feng didn't know what to say anymore.

Muttering to himself, "Teacher, oh teacher, even if you didn't want me to be the Dragon King, there was no need to choose Fang Yunfan."

"If you had chosen someone like Su Chen, how could this have happened?"

"The matter of the Dragon King would have been easily resolved."

While Luo Feng was speechless, the door to the hospital room opened, and Luo Feng's wife walked in. Her face was clouded with worry as she asked with concern, "Luo Feng, are you alright?" Luo Feng frowned and sighed, "I'm naturally fine, but Fang Yunfan's situation is troublesome." 

Hearing this, the woman quickly furrowed her brows and said with dissatisfaction, "Why are you even bothering with him? If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been in danger. I wish he would just die quickly!"

"Keep your voice down!" Luo Feng glared at her, annoyed, "Be quiet, if this gets out, it could be trouble. Besides, Fang Yunfan can't die; if he does, then I'll be in trouble too. We have to figure out a way to distance ourselves from this situation." 

If Fang Yunfan's problem arose, then he too would be implicated. Worse, his teacher might come personally to punish him. That would indeed be troublesome.

The woman spoke loudly, "What does this have to do with you? It's all because Fang Yunfan suddenly went mad, cursing at the sky, which is why he was struck by lightning. The whole incident doesn't really have much to do with you." Luo Feng thought about it carefully. 

It did seem to be the case, but he also knew that the old man was very fond of Fang Yunfan. Now that Fang Yunfan had such a serious condition, he would not let it go. Although the whole incident was Fang Yunfan's own doing, Luo Feng, as a bystander, was bound to be involved somehow.

Soon Fang Yunfan regained consciousness and curiously asked, "How come you know so much about the whole incident? Were you there too?" After the woman confirmed her husband was alright, her tense emotions also eased considerably. 

At his question, she burst out laughing, "Of course, I know. Now not just I know, the whole country knows. You should check the internet yourself!"

Hearing this, Luo Feng's mood plummeted. He had a bad premonition and quickly took out his phone. Sure enough, the entire internet was abuzz with the incident. A mysterious man cursing at the sky was struck down by divine punishment. Damn it! Luo Feng was scared, the situation could ruin him if it spread further, especially since the video captured him standing by doing nothing. Luo Feng was frightened.

But then, he heard Su Chen's voice in the video. Yes. Although Su Chen's face wasn't shown, Luo Feng would never forget his voice. "Could it be that this incident was orchestrated by Su Chen? Impossible, that's too fantastical. But no matter what, the blame for this incident can only be placed on Su Chen's head." With that thought, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief and then called his teacher.

Meanwhile, Su Chen, who was oblivious to all this, was about to start his journey back to Beijing!