Qin Yu's Stroke of Luck

"Xiaoqi, were you okay last night?" Qin Yu's mention of the previous night's events immediately displeased Qu Xiaoqi, prompting a slight frown. The despicable Qin Yu was evidently trying to use those events to make her submit. It seems that her retaliation last night had been too mild; Qu Xiaoqi chose not to respond, leaving Qin Yu increasingly anxious. 

After a tense silence, he could no longer hold back and blurted out, "Last night, I saw those thugs bullying you, and later I took them down, did you know that?" Qu Xiaoqi nodded, showing little interest in engaging with him, which vexed Qin Yu. He internally protested her attitude; he had saved her, after all! 

Qin Yu's carefully prepared excuses and plans were thrown into disarray at that moment, leaving him somewhat dazed, but he persisted, "But didn't you shock me with something yesterday? I remember it clearly; it was you." Qu Xiaoqi apologized to Qin Yu. Her demeanor seemed sincere, but her tone was cold and she didn't even look his way, which she felt was generous enough considering her regret for being too timid. 

She should have confronted him boldly like Zhang Li would have done, instead of hesitating. Qin Yu was immensely troubled by Qu Xiaoqi's disregard; he couldn't bear her indifference towards him. In a fit of anger, Qin Yu slammed the table, startling everyone in the classroom and shifting their attention to him. His aggressive pursuit left a bad taste, prompting whispers about his intentions with Qu Xiaoqi. 

Qu Xiaoqi, watching Qin Yu's rage, scorned him even more. It was as if he saw himself as the victim. Emboldened by her thoughts, Qu Xiaoqi loudly challenged him, "What exactly do you want to do? Last night I wasn't harassed by thugs; it was you who recklessly fought with them, causing my fear. Didn't I already apologize? What more do you want? Are you not satisfied?" 

Qin Yu, in desperation, bluntly declared, "Yes, I'm not satisfied. I kindly saved you, but this is how you treat me. I won't be happy unless you agree to be my girlfriend for a month; only then can I forgive you." His demand shocked the onlookers, who couldn't believe he would dare coerce her into a relationship. 

Qu Xiaoqi, her face flushed with anger, was appalled by Qin Yu's shamelessness and wondered what to do next. Resolutely, she found a solution and declared, "I cannot agree to your demand." Qin Yu, sensing her difficulty in refusing, was determined not to let go of such an opportunity. 

He imagined triumphantly claiming Qu Xiaoqi in front of Su Chen. But then, Qu Xiaoqi approached Su Chen and leaned against him, revealing, "Don't you understand? Su Chen and I have been a couple for a long time." What a revelation!

Such remarks immediately stirred another wave of shock. Wasn't Su Chen engaged to Lin Qingyan? Wasn't he ambiguously involved with Yang Yuxin? How come he is now in a relationship with Qu Xiaoqi? Everyone wondered what he was really up to. 

Some might have thought that Su Chen was using his powerful family background to coerce Qu Xiaoqi, but seeing her joyfully nestled in Su Chen's embrace, it became clear to everyone that this was not the case. 

It seemed obvious that the two were in love, at least judging from the current situation where Qu Xiaoqi appeared genuinely fond of Su Chen. Hence, no one could really say anything more about it.

Su Chen, seeing no one come forward to speak, suddenly felt like a terrible villain. If that was the case, he might as well be worse. Thinking so, Su Chen began to make a move, leaning Qu Xiaoqi's delicate body towards him, and a fragrance wafted over, invoking envy among the onlookers. 

They all turned their heads to observe Qin Yu's reaction, curious to see if he still had the audacity he had earlier after pressuring Qu Xiaoqi and now seeing her actively lying in Su Chen's arms.

"Damn bastard, I didn't expect Su Chen to mess things up again," Qin Yu thought, furious yet quickly calming down. Based on past experience, he anticipated that something bad was about to happen, and the situation was turning against him. He needed to leave quickly, lest it got worse, as such incidents never boded well for him. Deciding to avoid the spotlight this time, Qin Yu swiftly left the room, finding no reason to stay.

Qu Xiaoqi, her face flushed, stepped away from Su Chen, feeling a bit anxious. It was mainly because Su Chen was too outstanding, and although she considered herself quite capable, she felt she didn't measure up to him. That's why she had always been hesitant to interact with Su Chen directly, fearing that others would be shocked to know that she avoided Su Chen out of a sense of inferiority.

[Did something happen last night that I'm still completely clueless about?] 

Su Chen pondered if Qu Xiaoqi had somehow recognized Qin Yu, but dismissed the thought as unlikely. However, he couldn't understand why she changed so much. 

[Could it be that she was smart enough to realize that any perfect man around a great beauty like herself must have issues? It was possible.] 

Su Chen didn't expect Qu Xiaoqi to be so astute.

Qu Xiaoqi was pleased to hear herself praised by Su Chen, surprised that he could commend her when he usually called Yang Yuxin "brainless" and a "big fool." She suddenly felt a surge of confidence, thinking that perhaps she was indeed quite excellent after all. Although Qu Xiaoqi didn't directly seek Su Chen to talk, her newfound pride made her decide to leave things be for now, as there would be other opportunities. So she let Su Chen leave without further interaction.

Meanwhile, Qin Yu walked away, his mood far from joyful as he passed by lush greenery, his heart heavy with frustration. He hadn't expected to be disrupted by Su Chen yet again. As he mulled over this, he wondered if the world indeed had a will of its own, seemingly opposing him at every turn. This notion he later found in ancient texts, having once believed someone was manipulating everything behind Su Chen. But now, it seemed there was indeed a mysterious force thwarting him.

Qin Yu was greatly annoyed. With a cold laugh in his heart, he clenched his fist, telling himself that no one could stand against him, not even the heavenly path. The more it tried to suppress him, the more it showed its fear. "You may be afraid, but when have I ever been? Come at me with all you've got, I have nothing to fear! When I grow strong, I will tear through the heavens," he declared, unafraid and determined to fight against whatever was trying to hold him back.

After this declaration, Qin Yu suddenly felt a surge of strength fill his body, as if something miraculous was continuously welling up inside him. This unexpected boost to his spirit made him move to an open area, where he sat down to meditate, feeling a strong energy swirling around him, elevating his power to a new level. Satisfied with his progress, he was confident that it wouldn't be long before his cultivation broke through to an incredibly powerful realm. Even the dogged heavenly path couldn't stop him from becoming the strongest.

Just as Qin Yu was reveling in his newfound happiness, a cold reprimand came his way. "Zhou Mingjie, what are you doing?" demanded Long Qingya, looking furious but still giving Qin Yu a strong sense of conquest. 

"Weren't you busy today?" he asked her, surprised. "Never mind that, get down from there. What you're doing is dangerous," she advised, though she was puzzled and stopped mid-sentence as her body suddenly started to sway, clearly unwell. Her face paled, and her breath quickened as she muttered about her ailment coming on sooner than expected.

Qin Yu, seizing the opportunity, approached her and said, "Teacher, you've been feeling unwell lately, haven't you? With a lack of appetite, a constant state of confusion, and bouts of weakness?" Long Qingya was shocked and turned to ask how he knew about her condition. 

Qin Yu was thrilled inside, having recognized the symptoms she suffered from earlier but had been too focused on Qu Xiaoqi to pay attention to Long Qingya. Now, due to Qu Xiaoqi's dismissive attitude and this chance encounter, he planned to make good use of the situation. 

He knew that Long Qingya's condition was like a time bomb, ready to explode with intense pain or even unconsciousness with just a little meddling from him, and now he knew his plan had succeeded.

"Teacher Long, your condition isn't ordinary, and regular doctors won't be able to diagnose it. You've had many check-ups, haven't you?" he inquired, knowing full well that she had been troubled by this illness for many years without finding a cure. Despite her worries, she had been helpless. But now, this young man in front of her seemed to understand her medical condition.

Qin Yu felt a surge of joy in his heart, but he casually spoke, "Teacher, don't worry, I happen to have a way to cure your current illness." As he said this, he promptly began to work on her, gently tapping a point on Long Qingya's wrist.

In no time, Long Qingya was astonished to find her body gradually regaining strength, even more vigorous than before, which surprised her greatly. She had not anticipated this at all.

Qin Yu, smiling, said, "I just released a lot of blood energy from an acupoint on your wrist. Do you feel much better now?"

Long Qingya nodded, "It really does feel much improved."

Seeing her reaction, Qin Yu was overjoyed and continued, "However, considering the current state of your health, it's still quite poor. If it's not treated, there could be trouble. Why not find some time, and I will treat you properly?"

After a moment of hesitation, Long Qingya agreed. After all, her health was genuinely in a terrible state, and if it continued like this, she feared there might indeed be serious risks.

Qin Yu, having seen his scheme succeed, couldn't help but let a sly smile cross his lips as he left, pleased with the completion of his plan.

On the other side, Su Chen had witnessed the entire scene and thought to himself, "This guy, Qin Yu, is planning to make a move on Long Qingya!"

As Su Chen was pondering what to do, Long Qingya suddenly called out to him.