A Slap in the Face

Qin Yu has absolutely no sense of shame. Despite being rejected many times, he still persists, which really frustrates Long Qingya. Especially after seeing Qin Yu, her originally good mood instantly turned sour. But at this moment, Qin Yu is completely oblivious to the changes in Long Qingya's demeanor, as he still wants to penetrate deeply into her heart and make this beautiful woman his own. 

Moreover, the most important point is that Long Qingya is a person of status, especially within the official ranks where she holds significant influence, otherwise, she wouldn't have been entrusted with managing those noble offspring.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu is in high spirits and quickly approaches Long Qingya. As he sees Long Qingya about to reject him again, Qin Yu preemptively says, "Long Qingya, you have to be clear, your current health condition is not to be neglected, there is a possibility of a relapse at any time." 

Qin Yu does not care about Long Qingya's rejections, because to him it's insignificant. He just assumes that Long Qingya is being shy, which is nothing out of the ordinary for him. He believes that after his persuasion, she will obediently entrust her body to him. This is Qin Yu's method - after all, it's a matter of life and death, and he believes no one would dare to risk their life when he is the chance for her survival.

However, upon hearing Qin Yu's words, Long Qingya frowns deeply, clearly unhappy. Through the recent insights from Su Chen's inner voice, she has understood that the person before her is indeed Qin Yu, a selfish individual who also seeks to take advantage of her. 

Long Qingya, irate, coldly responds, "There's no need for your concern. I have my own ways to deal with my illness, you should just focus on your studies! Yes, that's right, I have already found someone to cure me," she adds. Qin Yu is taken aback, cured by someone else? 

Impossible. Qin Yu refuses to believe it. He is convinced that the illness isn't something just anyone can cure, except for him. Could it have been Fang Yufan? Impossible. He even laughed at the recent news about Fang Yufan for quite a while. Therefore, Qin Yu firmly believes it's not possible.

Su Chen? Qin Yu scoffs internally, dismissing the idea that Su Chen could handle such a serious illness. Consequently, he immediately assumes that Long Qingya must have been deceived, likely thinking she's been swindled by someone using her illness as a ploy to extract money. 

Qin Yu feels he must convince Long Qingya of this and assertively says, "Long Qingya, you must have been tricked. Your condition isn't simple. I believe no one but me can cure it. You should be careful not to be fooled, let me take a look at you." Qin Yu is confident, mainly wanting to gain Long Qingya's trust. Currently, he has no opportunity to get close to her and thus no way to treat her. So, he must showcase his prowess to Long Qingya to earn her genuine trust.

But as Long Qingya listens to Qin Yu's words, her face changes and she starts cursing inside. He's just too arrogant and presumptuous, isn't he? What does he mean he's the only one who can cure her? Besides despising hypocritical gentlemen, Long Qingya loathes such haughty individuals even more. 

Unfortunately for Qin Yu, all these flaws are vividly apparent in him. He even dares to suggest that others are swindlers, insinuating that Su Chen is? In her eyes, it's Qin Yu who's wearing a mask and is the real swindler. Initially, Long Qingya didn't want to confront Qin Yu too harshly, as it would make catching him later on much easier. But now, she can no longer tolerate his shamelessness.

"Enough, you can go back. I don't want you to treat me, I am well aware of my illness. So if there's nothing else, you can leave now," Long Qingya tells Qin Yu. Hearing this, Qin Yu is bewildered. He doesn't understand why the situation has turned out like this. He hasn't done anything, yet Long Qingya's attitude toward him has changed so drastically. Why is that? Qin Yu is annoyed and clueless about why this is happening. But it's clear that this is not good.

Qin Yu is not willing to leave so easily because walking away now would complicate any future attempts to get closer to Long Qingya. Moreover, this is one of the rare opportunities. However, just as he is about to say something, someone suddenly stands up next to him and roars angrily at him: "Kid, can't you see? Teacher Long doesn't want to see you right now. Don't think that your family background impresses us here; it won't work."

Qin Yu hadn't expected that aside from Long Qingya, there would be others here. With this in mind, it seemed his plan was doomed to fail from the start. Moreover, after being yelled at like that, Qin Yu was somewhat stunned. But soon he figures that maybe Long Qingya really is busy, and that would explain everything. Thinking this, Qin Yu suddenly smiles.

Long Qingya, after some thought, realizes she can't let Qin Yu off so easily. There might be information to be gained from him in the future. Given Qin Yu's character, it's likely he's involved in criminal activities. Arresting him won't do much unless she decides to execute him right now, which clearly would be against the rules. 

Therefore, Long Qingya decides not to confront Qin Yu directly for the time being. Smiling, she responds, "You go back first. If I really feel uncomfortable, I will come and find you right away."

Hearing this, Qin Yu is reassured. His frown instantly relaxes, and he leaves with a smile, saying, "Okay, I'll go first. If you really need anything, you can call me directly. I will definitely come to help with anything." After saying this, Qin Yu stands up to leave. 

He's confident that no one else can cure the disease that Long Qingya has, so eventually, she will have to seek him out, but next time, he won't agree so easily. Qin Yu makes a firm decision in his heart.

With all this figured out, Qin Yu leaves in high spirits, even feeling triumphant. However, as he laughs and walks out the door, he suddenly sees someone in front of him. Seeing this person, Qin Yu's good mood disappears instantly, and anger surges within him because the person is Su Chen. 

Qin Yu looks at him coldly, it's clear that Su Chen has come to see Long Qingya. Thinking that Long Qingya definitely wouldn't meet with Su Chen if she had something important to do, Qin Yu decides to take the initiative to humiliate Su Chen: "Teacher Long is busy today and doesn't have time to meet with you. Please leave."

But Su Chen just smiles, planning to put Qin Yu in his place. After all, he knows about the incident between Long Qingya and him. Without paying further attention to Qin Yu, Su Chen walks past him and enters. Soon after, Long Qingya's joyful voice can be heard from the office, "Su Chen, you're here, come in quickly." 

Su Chen says nothing and just walks in, while Qin Yu is left standing there, completely dumbfounded and in turmoil, thinking, "Su Chen, it's always you."

Qin Yu doesn't leave. He stands quietly outside the door, listening to the laughter and conversation between Su Chen and Long Qingya, clenching his fists in anger. 

The night deepens, but someone can't sleep. In a courtyard in the center of the capital, Long Qingya lies in bed, unable to sleep, thinking about Su Chen all night long. The more she thinks, the less she understands. How can Su Chen have such formidable abilities? Could it be that the Su family cultivated him? But Chen Qing had told her that Su Chen shouldn't have such abilities and that he is a genuine profligate son.

But when she thinks about it, if he really was just a wastrel, how could such outstanding women like Yang Yuxin be so enamored with him? There must be something unknown at play. Long Qingya is helpless and rolls around on her bed in frustration. Su Chen's transformation has been too drastic recently. 

Previously, whatever he did, Long Qingya found him very repulsive. She hated such a wastrel young master the most. If not for her relationship with Chen Qing, she wouldn't even want to be near Su Chen, let alone speak to him. But now, Su Chen inexplicably evokes a good feeling in her, as if he's become a different person overnight.

"Could Su Chen's charm really be that great?" Long Qingya mused, her cheeks flushing at the thought. However, she found it incredibly strange that she could hear Su Chen's inner thoughts, and even more curious were the bizarre things his inner voice would often say. Long Qingya was genuinely curious about what secrets Su Chen might be hiding.

Long Qingya actually wanted to spend more time with Su Chen, realizing that his company made her mood very pleasant and she felt relaxed around him. Looking over at the empty space beside her, she blushed from cheek to ear. Maybe it was the curiosity in her heart that kept her awake, pondering how to uncover Su Chen's true face. She soon thought of a perfect plan, and a smile crept across her face.

Meanwhile, Chen Qing, Su Chen's mother, had just finished taking a bath and was getting ready to put on a face mask when she received a phone call. Picking up, she saw that it was Long Qingya, her good friend. But Chen Qing hesitated to answer, feeling a bit uneasy inside. If outsiders could see her now, they'd be stunned. How could Chen Qing, a queen in the business world who had defeated numerous adversaries, be nervous to take a call?

Frowning, Chen Qing hoped that Su Chen hadn't gotten into any trouble. If that was the case, it would be a real hassle. Long Qingya frequently called to report on Su Chen's antics, and it was never good news. Yet, despite this, Chen Qing couldn't express too much frustration since Su Chen was old enough to be responsible for himself. So, she had instructed Yang Yuxin to talk to Su Chen.

Chen Qing wanted her son to learn skills from Long Qingya to better prepare him to take over the Su family in the future. Moreover, if Su Chen didn't have the capability, Chen Qing worried that someone like Yang Yuxin, an excellent potential daughter-in-law, could easily be lured away by others. 

Although it was unlikely, it was not impossible, especially now that Su Chen had an adversary like Qin Yu. Chen Qing knew how terribly Su Chen had been treating Qin Yu recently, but she didn't believe her son had the skills to do so; she was sure it must have been Su Xian'er's assistance.

Chen Qing pressed the answer button and brought the phone to her ear, but Long Qingya on the other end hesitated, unsure of what to say. She couldn't just say to Chen Qing, "Sis, I'm interested in your son; could you possibly..." The thought made Long Qingya's face turn red with embarrassment. 

How would Chen Qing view her if she were to say that? Long Qingya found herself at a loss for words. Not speaking felt like a betrayal of Chen Qing's trust, as she had entrusted her son to Long Qingya's care. But then again, this could also be considered taking good care of him.

While Long Qingya was deliberating, Chen Qing only heard her sigh over the phone, which immediately caused her to worry. She feared that Su Chen might have committed some illegal act or forced himself on a girl, or even committed murder. 

Chen Qing's thoughts went wild, and she hoped it was something that could be solved with money. If it was a matter of money, then there was no problem at all.

Chen Qing was no longer the calm businesswoman she was known to be; she was somewhat frightened. "Qingya, has Su Chen gotten into some kind of trouble? It's okay, you can tell me," she said urgently.

Long Qingya paused, realizing Chen Qing had misunderstood. Given that she often called Chen Qing to complain about Su Chen, her assumption was natural. As Long Qingya was about to explain, Chen Qing interjected urgently, "Did Su Chen cripple someone, or did he do something that harmed the government?"

"Not that," Long Qingya managed to say before Chen Qing could finish, "Sister, what are you thinking? Su Chen hasn't done anything, and he's actually quite capable."

This left Chen Qing at a loss for words.