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The Start of the Never-Ending Part 1

In the city of GuildenBerg in the country Xylopia there was a 24 year old man named Roman who was famous for his name as "Raven Blackthorn" in the underground. He was willing to do anything for me and would go much farther than just killing a child. He was an assassin for hire whose real identity isn't known by anyone that is still alive. He is what people would call and utter scum. an evil individual. He has no family or friends and has no care for lives that are lost in the mission. He is willing to do anything to be successful in his mission.

A pact was signed with all countries about all of them becoming a single country of the world which was called "UniTerra" and it is still unknown how everyone agreed to such a thing though after some time UniTerra was turned into two countries due to the "War of Independence" between 2 sides and many cultures sided only with one side rather than having their own side for their own freedom and the reason to this is also unknown. After the war the 2 countries were formed which really showed that UniTerra was impossible and the new countries were "Xylopia" and "Chromaterra".Xylopia still wanted Chromaterra to join it and create UniTerra once more but Chromaterra declined and then Xylopia started an all out war with Chromaterra.

Xylopia's capital is GuildenBerg and it has one of the countries two richest families called "Vanderbilt Family" and "The House Of Harrington". These two families have never liked each other and there ancestors have always tried to bring the other on down and have always tried to humiliate each other from generation to generation. The current head of the Vanderbilt Family is "Vincent Vanderbilt" and his successor is said to be "Victor Vanderbilt". Vincent has lived a life in which he hasn't really needed to work very hard though he has a reputation of making his opponents have the most cruel fate. He has no boundary that stops his actions and the line that limits how far he will go to achieve what he wants to desire just like Roman. The current head of Harrington Family is "Henry Harrington" whose successor is predicted to be "Harrold Harrington". Henry Harrington was born an orphan and due to his unique ways of exploiting companies and taking what isn't rightfully his, he became one of the richest families of the entire country of Xylopia. Due to him being an orphan he feels deep sympathy for those who don't have any parents and hence he opened 29 orphanages in the entire country and visits each of them once a year.

Vincent says to his butler Jameson," Hey, call Raven Blackthorn I want to give him a job." to which the butler responds," Yes I shall try my best to contact him good sir." , "Tell him that his job will be to burn down the H.H Orphanage. He will know its location." said Vincent to his butler to which he was shook and found the courage to ask," My good sir, If I may so humbly ask." "You may ask" says Vincent, "Why must you burn down the orphanage my kind sir? Innocent lives will be lost.". Vincent looks at Jameson and smiles and then proceeds to say, " Oh those lives can be lost. Its not like they are contributing to the society on any sorts and when they will grow up they will be exploited by the government for their own personal gain. It doesn't matter what happens to those innocent lives. I am just doing them a favor." The butler looks at Vincent surprised, He knew his masters ways were cruel and he would do anything for it but he never imagined that he would go so far. The butler then says, " But what's the point of burning the Harrington's orphanage? Can't you start the action to some other means?" Vincent looks at the butler with a glare in his eyes and says, " Who are they gonna complain to? Are those orphans gonna complain to their parents? Don't you dare speak without permission Jameson. You should learn that your place is under my feet and you are nothing but my pawn!" Jameson doesn't utter a single word and then Vincent says in a calm voice," Get out of my sight Jameson. You have disappointed me enough." Jameson leaves the room and continues to call "Raven Blackthorn".

Jameson tells another servant named Jamal to go and give Vincent his burner phone so that he may text to Raven Blackthorn who is on his burner phone for 2 minutes top. Jamal knocks on the door and after permission gives Vincent the burner phone. Vincent tells Jamal to leave and come back after 2 minutes to which Jamal responds " Okay sir, I shall do what you require me to do." and leaves the room. Vincent texts Raven, " I think that you know the location of the first ever orphanage created by the Harrington's in GuildenBerg. I require you to burn that orphanage. Harrington will be going to that orphanage and I want you to burn down the whole building when Henry Harrington is giving his speech to the orphans. I don't care if anyone from the orphanage other than Henry Harrington survives, just burn the place down and ensure his death." after this text it says "Anonymous is typing..." and then the text message is sent saying," What are you going to pay me?" to which Vincent texted back saying, " 300k Xylopinies is what I am going to pay only if Henry dies and the orphanage is burned and if Henry survives from the burning orphanage you won't be paid anything." To this text a simple 2-word answer was sent saying," He won't" to which Vincent replied, " According to my sources Henry will be there today at 5:45 pm approximately. I have heard stories about your success in your industry and I trust you with this mission. I will get the cash ready and it will be sent to you by a person at the Family Park#2 at 2:30 a.m. You can kill him if you want." To this Roman( Raven Blackthorn) responded with a simple "ok".

At the 5:00 time Roman goes inside the building with his forged ID and Forged security uniform. The buildings gate is filled with reporters waiting for Henry Harrington to arrive and give his speech. The speech would be monitored through a big TV outside the building as Harrington knows not to go public with the situations as they are so he will be giving his speech at the 8th floor which will be broadcasted to every single orphanage he has opened and this speech will be played on every single channel. The H.H Orphanage is a 8 floor building considered to be the best orphanage in the entire world. The building has 5-8 security guards at each floor and there are separate rooms for every single guard so they can eat and sleep without paying and getting there salary with all these profits. All of these innocent lives were about to be lost without any warnings. Roman goes inside the building with a mask and sunglasses on while dressed in a black and blue security guard uniform with a hat on saying "Sike" with a cross "X" logo next to it. He walks straight into the security room at 2nd floor which has all the camera projections showing and he just opens the door and throws a poisonous smoke grenade inside that double functions as needle thrower and closes the door and the security team dies with poisonous needles pierced inside their bodies without being able to turn on any alarms leading to a death that ensures that they aren't left alive and the poison lets the brain and consciousness stay leading them to a death in which their blood pops out of their veins and that blood is boiling causing them to die in extreme pain and struggle as they are not even able to move because the gas paralysis them and blocks air passage way of the body leading to suffocation and they get the sweet gift of death when their brain stops functioning due to intense pain and lack of oxygen.

Roman then turns of all the security systems and plants bombs in the security room and then goes to plant bombs in every single floor except for the 8th floor in which Henry Harrington is supposed to give his speech. he then goes down to the first floor and ground floor and plants his bombs there as well. After all this he goes outside the building through the back entrance where there aren't any reporters as they are of the idea that Henry Harrington will come in through the front gate. Raven Blackthorn (Roman) then goes to exit the building but at the back entrance he knows he can't leave with a security guard uniform so he takes down the dress and throws it in the trash without leaving any finger prints as he is wearing black gloves as that was necessary for the mole that Vincent had put on Roman's demand had the only way to recognize him was a man without any security uniform going to the exit as there were way too many security guard's so it would've been hard to identify Roman.

Roman is a white man who is 6ft 4 and he is wearing black sunglasses with a black mask and a black coat with black socks and black shoes. He knows that the back entrance is guarded but he had already planted a man there with the help of Vincent who allowed him to exit and while exiting Roman shakes his hand and leaves a piece of paper in his hand. The man later goes to the bathroom when Roman leaves to check the message but it was actually telling him to go to the security room at 2nd floor and when he goes there he sees the bodies but at this time another man enters the room and shoots the man who went after seeing the message on the paper and says with tears in his eyes and continues to say," shit! that bastard is sick in his fucking head! He could've given them a painless death! Oh Fuck!" and then put the bodies in a large bag and then managed to put the bag in a box saying " Old Equipment" by tilting the box and then rolling the big plastic bag into it and then tilts the box back up as there were only 4 people he managed to do it and then he bleached the whole area erasing any evidence and after that he continues to walk to the exit but then a loud "BOOM!" noise is heard and there is fire everywhere and as the man was exiting the place where the bombs were put he knew he was about to die and his last dying words in the midst of people crying and running around shouting for help were," Fuck this industry. This wasn't fucking worth it. My Family is gonn-" but then he died a burning death.