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The Start of the Never-Ending Part 2

In the city of GuidenBerg the house of Harrington's founder and head "Henry Harrington" was a man who was born an orphan and he had to struggle all his life to exploit companies that exploited other companies. He was no hero. He just went after those exploitative companies because that made him feel better about his actions. He could understand the loneliness of the orphans because he himself was an orphan and so he created many orphanages around the country and these orphanages took care of the orphans with extreme care and fulfilled all of their dreams.

My name is Olivia Silentstrike and I am on orphan who was taken in by the H.H Orphanage created by Henry Harrington and I don't know who my parents were or why and how I was taken in by the orphanage but what I do know is that my friends at the orphanage are enough to complete the void in my heart for having no parental figure. My best friend is "Isabella Roseheart" and my second best friend is "Jonathan Jacob". I usually spend most of my time with them but Jonathan is kind of a slow learner so we basically get taught by Isabella who is the smartest of us all and she is a really good learner and has a reputation because of this in the orphanage. Today we were told that all of us will have to gather at the 8th floor of our home because we have to listen to a speech of the kind man that created this Orphanage. His name is Henry Harrington and I hope to be like him someday.I want to create my own orphanage and help kids like me.

Isabella is the smartest person I know and she is really beautiful. She is 12 years old just like me and she has white skin, beautiful blue eyes and blonde long hair and has a mole near her lower lip and right cheek. She usually wears black framed glasses which I think look really good on her. Jacob is a kid that has black skin, brown eyes and an afro. He and I are usually very talkative and have similar interests and hobbies. He wants to work in a company that I open because I told him that my dream is to run the biggest company in the world and he told me" I don't really know anything I wanna do because what's the point and don't you think that your dream is a bit too grand?" but this comment hurt my feelings like I can be whatever I want and I will work hard for it but the next thing he said made my heart feel a bit weird, I don't know why I felt that feeling but I sometimes still get that feeling when I am around him. He then said,'' Well when you start that company I will work with you and I will make sure to see your dream till the end." and then he smiled and the moment I saw his smile the weird feeling in my heart started and it sometimes still does.

Today at around 3:00pm. We were told that we will need to go to the 8th floor and this meant that there will be no more studying today which was really good news for me and Jonathan Jacob but I usually call him Jacob because saying the name Jacob suits him much better than Jonathan but he disagrees but I am still of the opinion that his last name should have been his first name because " Jacob Jonathan" sounds much better than Jonathan Jacob but he doesn't like it when I call him that because he was abandoned by his family at the age of 6 and was sent to the orphanage and because of this he hates the name "Jacob" so I always call him Jonathan but in my mind he is always Jacob. Well at around 5:25 pm. We were all gathered at the 8th floor.

"Sir, would you like to enter from the front gate or the back gate? There is a lot of rush at the front gate and I would usually never ask you this but the way situations have been nowadays I think tha-" Henry Harrington interrupted his servant and looked him in the eyes and said," Choose the back gate. I know how crazy that Vanderbilt is. He must have hidden his own men in the reporters as suicide bombers and assassins. I am not trying to die at the hands of those Vanderbilt's.""As you wish" the servant said and told the driver to go in through the backgate.

At 5:30 pm. Henry had arrived to give his speech and was on the 8th floor. Looking at all the orphans he got teary eyed and in a shaky voice he began to say, " You guys have suffered a cruel fate that should not have been bestowed down upon you. I know the difficulties you guys have to face because I am one of you. I am not different from any of you. We are all humans. We all breathe, we all eat, we all laugh, we all cry, we all feel nervous, we all feel confident and most importantly we all live and are ALIVE! I want you to kno-'' Suddenly the floor beneath started shaking violently and I was about to cry but then suddenly a loud "BOOM!' Noise was heard. Jacob and Isabella were sitting right next to me. Suddenly Isabella got up and suddenly held my hand and shouted at me and Jacob to run at the top of her lungs. I was about to get up but then suddenly Jacob tackled me and as Isabella was holding my hand she fell down with me and things after that I couldn't make out anything that was happening. I could hear Isabella crying and people screaming. I could hear a lot of people crying but then everything went black.

The next thing I know is that I woke up in a hospital feeling immense pain and on the bed next to me was Isabella who was covered in bandages but her legs were covered in large bandages and she was already awake. I looked at her and asked, " What happened?" but the answer I was told from Isabella who looked at me with a straight face and said in a monotonous voice was " Jonathan is dead."I was utterly shocked when she said this and in a shaky and trembling voice I said, "What do you mean? He can't be dead" but she looked at me and I could see her gritting her teeth as hard as she could and her lips were closed as hard as she could and suddenly tears started rolling down her blue eyes and she after about half a minute said, " He…He died…. He died and because of that…..Because of him!" She bursted out into tears and my heart was feeling immense pain even though I wasn't hurt in my chest area. I didn't know what was happening and before I knew it, tears started rolling down my eyes and Isabella continued to say," Because of Jonathan…. We are alive and it's all because he pushed you…. He sacrificed himself to save our lives…" and then she stopped talking and tried to hold her tears from coming out of her eyes. Suddenly I felt like I couldn't breathe. It felt as if I had been hit with a truck moving at the speed of light. I looked at Isabella and asked her,"Did anyone else survive? What about our teachers? Are they still with us?" to which Isabella replied after 2 minutes to calm herself and said to me, "There are only 6 survivors including us in which only we have the highest chance of... They are all badly injured and I don't know if they can make it... All of our teachers are dead… Everyone we loved is dead!" and then Isabella continued to try to hold down her tears but then suddenly I couldn't breathe anymore and the pain in my chest made me feel that my heart was about to explode any second and then suddenly everything went black.