Weirdo guy as he walks down pain staken
As he walks down the sidewalk with the sharp pain on his back he sticks his hand out back to to try to rub away the pain.
But to his horror he felt an object as if it was injected onto his back.
As he realized what was going on he ran
But then passed out.
After a few hours later he then woke to where he was in some sort of a basement.
He was tied up, as he tried to use his powers, nothing would budge.
He then heard footsteps coming towards him as the figure got closer and closer
It was a woman wearing a black dress
And a white skull mask.
Weirdo guy could only stare not knowing what his fate could become.
As the woman got closer she whispered to his ear.
Weirdo guy did not understand what she said so he tried to use his powers once more, but then the woman chuckled.
Confused by this weirdo guy looked behind and to his shear belief his arms were cut off.
The woman then showed weirdo guy one of his arms, she then started licking it and teasing weirdo guy with the arm.
Weirdo guy feeling in disbelief then screamed like no other man had ever done before.
The woman then started tormenting him about his past and how he killed "him"
And how he couldnt save everyone back then and this couldve been avoided if he had done the right thing.
The torments went on for a few days
Until one very specific torment that the women lit the final flame by mentioning the word "taco bell" which then enraged him and started red flames from his legs.
The very highly secured chair he was tied up to got destroyed.
The woman then got surprised.
Weirdo guy then quickly stood up and savagely ran to the woman
And tried to kick her with his feet imbued with ultra hard hit.
The woman then quickly tried to slash weirdo guy with what it looks like his other arm whom she turned into a sword.
Weirdo guy then bit the sword and instantly broke it with his teeth with red flames.
The woman then backed off as weirdo guy was about to tackle her.
She then ran off to the top to notify others in the building
The berzerk weirdo guy then jumped so high he broke the ceiling and jumped onto the first floor.
To everyones surprise on that floor a bunch of goons with guns started firing but to no avail, weirdo guy swooped and sweeped all the bullets at once with his feet.
The bullets then got reflected back to the shooter.
Some of the goons got injured some died
But the remaining uninjured fought back as weirdo guy went into a craze.
But unfortunately for them they were instantly killed.
As the piles of dead bodies piled up the woman stood up some stairs staring at weirdo guy on the ground floor.
The fight was just starting
The woman then charged first
Weirdo guy followed up next
The woman slashed weirdo guys weaponized hand but weirdo guy blocked it
Weirdo guy with rage filled in his eyes then screeched like a banshee and started
Slashing the living crap out of the woman with his feet as she blocked the attacks.
As the woman grew tired she did one last attempt to escape she then pulled a pin in weirdo guys arm subsequently exploding it.
Smoke was filled everywhere
The woman then fleed while weirdo guy was savagely flailing his legs around
To sweep of the smoke.
As the woman is about to reach the exit
Suddenly a gunshot was fired.
The woman fell to her knees as if she was about to break down
As she saw in her last moments she saw what was infront of her that shot her.
The figure was shadowy and shrouded in the mist of smoke but the figure said to her
The word
The woman then collapses
Weirdo guy also then collapses in the floor
The building then catches on fire caughting the attention of the police
Weirdo guy then awake in a hospital bed all recovered and with arms
i woke up to be in the hospital but i dont know why, then i saw a doctor came in my room.
He asked if i remember anything, i then told him i just fought off a mafia called the skull mafia.
The doctor then told me that i collapsed on the way out of the warehouse.
The doctor then told me to take some rest and he would keep in touch with me later.
He then left the room.
The doctor then walked to his office then
Talked onto a walkie and said that the drug
Worked to the person on the other line.
Weirdo guy was then discharged out of the hospital
As he was walking out he was then greeted
With a
In a calm and somewhat usual tone
As he sees what was infront of him he sees
A young man in a black overcoat popping a smoke leaning on a street light.
The man then called over weirdo guy by beckoning his hand to come over there.
Weirdo guy then joined the man
As they were looking up at the sky
The man then said
"If you look up at the stars, what would you see?"
Weirdo guy then replied whilst staring
*just an endless void staring*
Weido guy then heard a whisper
As weirdo guy stares at the night sky
He then turns around to see that the man had disappeared.
He then looked down to find a note with an adress to it.
Weirdo guy then went to the adress
Weirdo guy then arrives at said address
The designated location was a mansion
But not an ordinary one, this one looked like it was very old and had not been used for a long time.
Weirdo guy then enters the property,
As he walks through the path to the main door, he sees overgrowned bushes
Old stuff on the ground and dead trees.
As he was infront of the front door he then opens the door without hesitation.
As he opened and looked inside he was surprised to be greeted with a very
Esquisite enterior as if the inside of the mansion was well kept and brand new.
He was then greeted by butlers and maids,
A man wearing a suit then approached him and told weirdo guy to follow him.
He then led weirdo guy to a huge door.
Upon opening the door he was greeted by a
Man in a huge office room still in his office chair sitting backwards.
Upon the office chair swivelling back he was greeted by the very same man he met outside of the hospital.
The man said
"I heard your investigating the skull mafia."
I then said
*is that so?*
He then told me that he knows some vital information.
So i asked for exchange
He then told me that he doesnt need anything in return
So i then asked what information was it
He then told me what information he knows
Surprisingly to my shock he told me the exact location of whats possibly the location of their real hideout
Among all of the information he revealed this was one of the most important pieces
As i was about to head out he called me out
"Hey" "you forgot this"
He tossed a mask to me
Which was the mask that the skull mafia wears.
He then also told me to go get myself a blue suit.
After doing what he told i then proceeded to the told location.