The scene starts of with weirdo guy in disguise standing right infront of the told location.
This must be the location that guy said
Weirdo guy then rang the door bell
He then heard a voice
"Come right in pete"
as weirdo guy entered
He was greeted with the place filled with goons doing mostly business activities
Some where slacking around some where doing their work.
Weirdo guy unsure of what to do next heard a guy announcingly said
"May i have your attention people"
As everyone gathered to where the guy was
I followed as they go.
I then saw where the guy was he was standing in the main stairway
It wasnt just one guy but 3
The guy then said the following
Goon 1: As of right now among the friends we have lost during that faithful night
Tonight we shall take them back
Everyone then cheered
Goon 2: we should do as our plan follows
Goon 3: first we infiltrate the hero headquarters and find the information about the others, then teams A and B
Scattered shall go to that designated location.
Goon 2: depending on what area is closest
The nearest team goes first and the farthest goes last, then after we break infront the farther team surrounds the back.
Goon 1: do you understand everyone?
Everyone then understood
Goon 3: before this plan initiates we shall have a word from one of our special sponsors come right up pete
Before you know it he was pointing at me
I then slowly walked up to him.
He then told me what to say a message for their captured comrades as i think of what to say next and when i was about to say what i just improvised footsteps would then be heard.
As the foot steps got closer and closer
Everyone cheered on who was behind me
As i turned around it was none other than
Skull face.
Skull face then told me
"We got this pete"
I then nodded
As i was standing there skull face then speeched out about how this mission and the average speech stuff.
After that diarr speech that i was forced to listen to they then formed 3 groups.
As time was just running out i decided to choose the middle group
As the group i was in started moving
We then entered a truck.
After a while we stopped as i stepped out
The place was none other than the headquarters itself.
The guy upfront then said
"Okay, everyone scatter around in four groups and we'll meet up at the main hall at the lowest floor"
I then called 3 other people to join me
As we all scattered i told the three people with me to head to a certain group.
I then went to the room as we walked in
It was dark but then as we got farther in and then i closed the door
Then the sounds of falling down were heard.
Weirdo guy then turned on the light revealing that 4 men in suits were inside.
The guy in a suit then said that the other guys are also waiting to knock out the people inside the other floors
The scene then cuts out to earlier
Whilst in the crowd of people listening to the plans weirdo guy then puts his hands in his suit pockets it turns out that he had a tiny hidden communications device inside
His suit.
Whilst the goons were talking weirdo guy was busy informing head quarters.
The scene then shows a bunch of goons being knocked out by the neck and apprehended.
the next scene then shows the other goons being knocked out at their waiting points
The screen then pans to a headquarters guy with what it looks like a satellite device.
"Mission accomplished"
As we headed out the night continued as usual.
The scenario then switches to skullfaces situation.
Skullface bewildered at what just happened then said
End of chapter 8 first half.
Start of chapter 8 second half.
As i was walking down the busy streets
I heard someone say
In a calm and casual tone
I then looked to my left and say
The guy from the hospital.
He gestured me to go over to him
I then approached with curiosity
He then told me
" how was the operation?"
I told him it was a success
He then said in a calm and a normal tone
"Is that so"
*it is*
As he was about to say something
The communications device rang.
" you should better answer that. Who knows who could be calling"
I then told him to wait there
As i answered the call
I was greeted by the voice of the supervisor
He then told me something about all of the people we have captured so far.
As he continued to tell me i was then shocked.
He told me about how all of the skull mafia members we have captured had mysteriously died.
After the call ended i then turned back to the guy.
He then told me
"How unfortunate"
As my mind went into shock he then pointed to the nearest fastfood chain
"Salt prices are going how"
My mind went back to normal
We then had our usual conversation and i then head off.
I then went back home.
As i went to bed i then awoke
To a black figure right infront of me standing right there besides the door.
Before i could move the thing said
In an unrecognizeable voice
He pointed at the window
As i was about to turn to the window
I suddenly woke up to the sound of the tv buzzing
As i was about to stand up i then fell on the ground i felt it as if my bones were very weak.
I then had to pull myself to the tv
The tv was talking about how
Gas prices were rising, nothing out of the ordinary until i saw the date.
The date was actually 4 days after i have slept meaning i have been somehow sleeping for 4 days.
I then had the urge to drink water and eat
So i rushed to the fridge whilst pulling myself on the ground to let myself eat.
I was so hungry i ate and drank almost half of everything in the fridge.
At least i had the energy to crawl right now
Anyways as i crawled to my room i then saw a paper note on the window
It then said.
"Come to _________ the moment you wake up"
I then decided to go, after i got the energy of course.
I then headed to the designated location they were talking about.
It was an abandoned warehouse in a slum part of the city.
Before i entered it i prepped up my ultra hard hit beforehand.
I then entered the building
As i walked from the bottom to the top floor
As weirdo guy steps from each stair step the screen flashes glimpses of the skull mafia
As i was at the top floor
I was greeted with slow clapping
Each clap got nearer until i got to the point were i lookes at my left.
It was non other than skull face himself
"I never thought you would get rid of my men, so i did"
I then made the expression for hin to continue.
He then walked to the window at the right,
He then looked at the sky and said to me
"Ita about time this has started"
Stepped back
Then goons came out from the other stairs
As skull face gazed at the night sky
The goons headed towards me.
As the first goon ran up i pretendes as i was about to hit up left, as he dodged i turned right and knkocked him out cold clean.
The 2 other guys then charged up
As i leaned to the right at the perfect timing
They both crashed into each other head on.
The remaining guys then pulled put pistols and started firing, i then used ultra hard hit
To deflect them in one swoop,
The bullets deflected back at the goons
Specifically their guns, the guns then got
Destroyed i then swept kick the guys.
As i turned to skull face he then
"This has now gotten interesting"
As i was slowly moving towards him
And as skullface turned around and before he made a step
skull face falls down to the left
As his head spills out blood
To my shock as i froze there
I heard footsteps from behind
They got close until i heard behind my back