The second i heard that hey
I definetly knew who that was.
I then said
"Your the one whos behind this"
He then said
"Indeed. How did you know?"
I then said
"The more the merrier"
His calm smile then made a smirked and a heh sound.
I then asked who are you
He then replied
" the name peter randalson was just a cover up i am what you call 'skull face'"
I then calmly asked
" the guy i fought was a decoy was that so?"
"Indeed." said the man
As i moved away from him
He then said
"You may leave but at the cost of more damage"
I then questionly asked
He then raised his hand showing what it looks to be a remote.
I knew what he was talking about
I then replied
"I guess theres only one way out of this"
He then said
I strike up a fighting posture as he stood still.
I made did the first blow but when i hit him it was like i was punching air
I then grabbed something from behind me
As i touched it, it was a gun
The guy then let go of the gun and walked back
He then replied: i wouldnt hold longer if i were you.
I then threw the gun away
the second it was in midair it fired.
It was a rigged gun
As i then ran up to the guy he then started moving around at fast paces.
The guy then said
"Tiring isnt it?"
I then replied
"This is just the beginning"
As he was moving at fast paces circling around me, at the perfect spot i raised my leg to trip him at the right spot, but suddenly he stop as he was inches away from getting tripped.
I then hooked a punch with ultra hard hit
But he dodged.
This went on for a few seconds
Me hitting and him dodging
As we fought and fought at the right moment this gave me the oppertunity to snatch the remote from his secret pocket.
I then held the remote up high and told him,
Im pressing it right here right now.
He then looked at me with a calm face and smile.
As i pressed the button nothing happened.
I then said
"You really think this would work didnt you?
He then replied
"No not at all"
As i was about to lunge at him
A helicopter then crashed into the building.
Then someone came out of the helicopter.
It was none other than cash
The guy then said
"Your pupil is here, how convetional"
As cash was about to crash onto him full fly speed.
The building suddenly explode
The last thing i saw before the building was about to collapse was the mans face smiling with that chilling casual face on his look.
Cash the quickly grabbed me and flew out of there
[For those wondering about the helicopter pilot he ejecting out of the chopper before giving cash the wheel]
As cash and weirdo guy looked from about the building then set on fire.
They then both descended to the ground
As weirdo guy and cash investigates
Headquarters then soon pulled up
As head quarters quickly rushed up to the scene a guy in a suit then told them that their mission is complete.
A few days then went by
So far so good the skull mafia has now been officially abolished
Were now doing the usual and normal crimes we do nowadays
During the clean up at that warehouse
They found a body all charred up but fascinatingly enough it was still smiling.
Aside from the other dead bodies the unconscious goons unfortunately died
But autopsy reports that they might have died before the building even collapsed.
And as for the skull face decoy all we could find was a decapitated corpse, as gruesome as it was and so far so good new york is already doing-
[We interrupt you with this breaking news
Villains plounder new york city as-]
"Its show time"
Cash: turn it back on
[ as a bunch of superheroes fight these erronious villains we-]
Weirdo guy: what the!?
Weirdo guy: hello?
He was then greeted by the super visor
Super visor: as you may see on tv
New superheroes and villains have arrived,
So as the matter of that. You have been assigned to fight crime on Los angeles.
Pack your bags
The scene then shows weirdo guy listening on what else the super visor is saying
Weirdo guy: Cash were movin to L.A
The door bell then rang and when they opened it was a group of men in suits
They then packed all of their belongings
And were escorted inside of a black van.
They were then escorted to an airport
And then escorted to a private jet
As the jet flew to the sky.
Weirdo guy glanced at the window saying one last goodbye to he city he spent his entire life all while cash is reading a magazine.
As we arrived we were then escorted to our designated new home, we then arrived at the place and to our surprise.
It looked exactly like our home and as we went inside it wasnt exactly lile before
But it was absolutely big.
I decided to name it the weirdo cave
Since the interior and outside much resembles a cave.
[After 3 days]
The scene then shows weirdo guy and cash
Standing outside of what it looks like to be
A headquarters and then escorted inside.
[The night before]
The scene then shows the screen of a tv on the news channel
[This just in weirdo guy a super hero from newyork has just been seen fighting crime at the streets of- [tv turns off
The camera then zooms out revealing a dark sillhouette sitting in a tall sofa chair
the mysterious person then said in a
Happy tone
End of volume 1