[The year 2006 has ended to top it all of
Heres what i could say so far, i got my long time enemy arrested, abolished a mafia then moved to L.A that year was alright]
L.A Supervisor: weirdo guy, captain cash
As yoy may know now you two have been officially appointed as L.A heroes.
Due to the amount of villains transferring to new york and new heroes transferring to newyork.
we have decided that its best for you to be here, in other words this is your new home.
Weirdo guy: the new york supervisor told me about this artificial human sort of thing,
what is that all about?
L.A supervisor: Oh that, its for cash
Now that hes officially graduated from being side kick to a seperate hero, he now has the oppertunity to have a
Captain cash: not interested
"I see."
"Anyways we shall escort you to the location"
Weirdo guy and cash were then escorted to some sort of lab
as they were both standing outside we then entered the facility
We were both greeted by scientists
They asked us to follow them
We then followed them to some sort of white room.
As we were left inside the door infront of us opened
I scientist and a kid came out
The scientist introduced himself and said
"Greetings fellow weirdo guy and cash
As you may know the supervisor has
Brought you here"
Weirdo guy: state your business pal.
Scientist: anyways now that you are here
I was tasked to explaining what artificial heroes are
Kid: wait are these my-
Scientist: not now, they dont know yet.
[The scientist then proceeded to do his boring ass lecture the only things that were actually interesting were
1st of all their not artificial humans
Their just children taken away at birth
To be specialized at a certain power
2nd of all their overall purpose is to serve as heroes they could either be first a side kick
As a kid or wait till their skilled enough to become a full fledged hero (they mostly get skilled enough at the age of 17 or 18)
So far only 11 have been made
And another note side kicks can only be recruited as young as the age of 11]
Weirdo guy: wow... I didnt understand a thing
Scientist: FUCK YOU
Weirdo guy: No fuck you and fuck your gay ass glasses
The scientist then went to a corner sad as he is
He then told weirdo guy and cash to take him.
Weirdo guy: what?
"Hes all yours cash"
The kid in white then smiled
As all three went out
The communicator rang
"So did you get him"
* yes. But what am i supposed to do with him?*
"Hes not yours hes cash's"
* cash thats yours not mine*
The door from behind opened
Scientist: oh you forgot his suit case
He then threw the suitcase it opened when it landed on the ground
It revealed a blue suit
And there was a note with a name in it
"Crypto Currency"
Weirdo guy: Crypto what now?
Kid: thats the name i was given
Weirdo guy: crypto?
Kid: yes the one and only name given to me crypto currency
Weirdo guy: no,no,no what exactly is crypto?
Crypto: its some kind of money thing. i dont know
"Anyways lets just go home"
"Fly us away cash"
Cash had no choice but to accept his fate
As they arrived at the weirdo cave crypto
Went into fascination
He was going all out checking the entire place room by room
" you know they did say theres extra rooms here"
It then cuts to a montage of the three exploring the entire premises they found a basement a secret attic a hidden back yard and most of all a secret underground meeting area which can only be entered through the basement
Weirdo guy: look at all this a huge screen,
A huge table
Crypto: even these
Weirdo guy: wait whats that
Crypto: a fork
Weirdo guy: hey dont put that in there
As weirdo guy rushed to crypto whilst cash is just watching there with a blank face
Crypto then stuck the fork to the socket
Weirdo guy: What the heck?!
Weirdo guy was shcoked to see the electricity circling around crypto
As if he was immune to all of it
crypto: What the heck this is awesome
What do you call this?
Weirdo guy then had to explain what he was doing
Crypto: oh so thats a socket, its my first time seeing one
Weirdo guy: Who the hell has never seen a socket in their life?!
The screen then turned on and showed a detailed map of the streets
"Whats this?"
Captain cash: detailed replicas of streets
We can use this to study the place by then
Weirdo guy: what for? And how the hell do you know how to use that?
Captain cash: Muscle memory
Weirdo guy: is it for both questions or what?
Captain cash: "both"
Weirdo guy: "anyways lets just go for it"
As so they did their first meeting
Weirdo guy discuss to both cash and crypto that they split up to do some easy crime fighting
of course crypto has to stay with cash while weirdo guy has to go solo.
And so they set off
as cash and crypto split with weirdo guy
They both began to observe the streets
Cash then signals crypto to jump over to there.
They both observe a dead end alleyway
To their surprise there was a drug deal
And so on they jumped down and landed on the dealer and buyers heads knocking them out.
They then proceeded to hand them over to a nearby cop.
Next off they did normal stuff like control traffic and give cautions to people littering and stuff, as they were scouting cash got a call from the headquarters.
They told them that a high government official is around the corner and they were both tasked to scout if there are any assasins near them.
They both went off
Cash: the task giver said hes around the bar in the corner
Cash then dashes
Crypto: Wait up!
Crypto then catches up
As they arrived they saw the guy they were tasked to defend
so they watvhed as he went off
Then suddenly they heard guns cocking.
They turned around to be greeted with men
Pointing guns at them from a far.
Cash: guns wont do a thing to me,
Its either you surrender yourselves or prepar for the consequence
Guy with a pistol: hah! If you say so
the gun struck cash but it deflected
Cash: Now
Crypto then does something unremarkable
He then unleashes an electric surge from his hand shocking all the guys till their skin was
Black as a [my lawyer has adviced me not to continue this joke]
Crypto and cash then headed back home
They then saw a note in the table reading
"I might come home late, i already ordered dinner its on the table"
end of chapter 10