Chapter 1 Married, the Groom is a Dog_1

"Yan Zao, what's it like marrying a dog?"

Dressed in a champagne-colored wedding gown and stepping in silver crystal high heels, Yan Zao's naturally pretty face, adorned with bridal makeup, was even more striking.

The wedding had just ended, and she was leading a pure white Samoyed dog that Lan Mu had sent to complete the wedding ceremony with her, ignoring all the mocking and scornful gazes. She walked toward the 'doors of happiness' with composure and grace.

Behind her suddenly came a girl's ridicule.

That sparked uproarious laughter.


In fact, they had wanted to laugh earlier. This wedding, more than ninety percent of the guests disagreed with it. What made the Yan Family think they were worthy of the Lan Family? How did Yan Zao qualify to marry Lan Mu, the Young Master of the Lan Family?

This era still had arranged child betrothals, utterly ridiculous.

Yet the Lan Family was one to honor promises. From a young age, they had arranged for Yan Zao to attend the same elite school as Lan Mu, to be together day and night. What infuriated people even more was that three years ago, Yan Zao eloped with someone else, and this time she was forced to come back to marry.

Lan Mu was a favored son of heaven. Setting aside his origins, he was also a basketball star with millions of fans. How could he suffer such an insult?

So bringing a dog to get married to Yan Zao seemed quite merciful to them.

Yan Zao paused, her lips curling into a half-smile.

With a mocking smile, she turned back and looked at the girl who taunted her. She scanned her disdainfully from head to toe, and said in an unhurried tone, "Why don't you go marry a dog yourself, sister? Then you'll know exactly how it feels, won't you?"

Idiot, so many people wanted to make a joke of her, all holding back, yet she thought she could?

Yan Zao cursed the girl in her heart and continued walking with the dog.

The girl, stung by her retort, became furious and her words grew sharp and bitter, "Right now, Brother Lan Mu should be training on the basketball court with Sister Yu. It won't be long before they come back with the championship trophy from the Asian League."

"Shut your mouth."

The girl was a relative of the Lan Family, and members of the Lan Family quickly reprimanded her.

Yan Zao didn't turn back. With her back to the girl, she replied lazily, "Then half of that championship prize money should belong to the communal property of the husband and wife, which means half for me."

After saying that, she even raised her hand and made a 'yeah' gesture.

She left without looking back, leaving behind a crowd of muttering guests.

"The Yan Family is just lowly, they only have eyes for money."

"I heard they demanded a whopping ten percent of the Lan Family shares before agreeing to come back for the wedding."

The sound of her high heels on the marble floor of the corridor echoed 'clack clack', and as she arrived at the dressing room, she was greeted by a full-length mirror. In the mirror, the girl in her bridal gown with a train, her makeup impeccable, with the Samoyed dog wagging its tail beside her.

The girl's eyes dimmed suddenly, and with it, the lights in the entire dressing room seemed to darken as well.

It had been three years. Even normal friends would want to know if they had lost or gained weight.


One month later.

The quadrennial Asian Basketball League finally came to a close. LY Club broke the millennia-old curse of being permanent runners-up in the men's entertainment basketball league, returning home with the trophy for the Asian League championship.

The news was everywhere. Because Lan Mu was from River City, the largest screens in the CBD of River City broadcasted the live scene of his congested return at the airport.

"Congratulations to Team Blue on returning home."

"Idol, idol, idol."

Fans crowded the airport so densely that they caused a severe traffic obstruction.

The LY Club uniforms were sponsored by a famous domestic sports brand, emblazoned with the brand logo and the LY Club logo, with purplish-red sleeves connected to a white tank top.

More than a dozen young men around their twenties, all over 195 centimeters tall, dressed in the LY uniforms. Each one of them was handsome and shining brightly, their status as champions making them sparkle even more.

Surrounded by fans, the young men waved back enthusiastically. Only the leader of the group wore a baseball cap, the brim pulled down low to cover the upper half of his face, revealing just a half-length of his high nose bridge, his lips pressed together in a hard line, bereft of any curvature.