Chapter 3: Return, Still the Youth in Her Heart_1

She reached out to snatch back her driving license but hesitated, fearing the sacred uniform of the traffic police officer.

Eventually, she pouted and reluctantly withdrew her hand.

The traffic cop did not cut Yan Zao any slack for her plight, and asked while writing the ticket, "How did you even pass your driving test?"

Yan Zao replied righteously, "Of course, I passed it with my own skills."

Today, LY returned home with the championship trophy, causing congestion on the roads leaving the airport; there were hardly any cars entering the airport. Zhou Sicheng, feeling exasperated by the traffic jam, took out a cigarette and was about to smoke when his gaze unintentionally swept over Lan Mu in the passenger seat. His eyes were fixed outside the window, looking at something with such a serious expression.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhou Sicheng followed Lan Mu's gaze, "Huh?"

"Isn't that Yan..." Zhou Sicheng, seeing Yan Zao, was surprised and, halfway through speaking, remembered something and his tone turned teasing, "Isn't that your 'wife'?"

It always drizzles during the summer in River City, and today was no exception, with light rain falling. The girl's simple white T-shirt became gradually soaked by the delicate rain, her simple ponytail, and the wisps of hair on her forehead sticking to her skin.

Compared to having her license suspended and worrying about no one to drive the car back later, getting caught in this light rain was nothing.

Upon hearing the word 'wife,' the man in the passenger seat's brows fluttered like a tickled feather, a very light movement, and he looked across the road again.

At that moment, the car window rolled down.

It was clearly Zhou Sicheng controlling it from the driver's side.

"She seems to be in trouble," he said. "Should we go over and check?"

Zhou Sicheng's tone remained teasing.

Lan Mu indifferently withdrew his gaze, and his lips finally moved, "Drive."

The past month-plus of tournament schedule wasn't just about playing soccer; he also had to take on half the coaching duties during training. His energy was long spent, and even his voice was hoarse from exhaustion.

Zhou Sicheng pointed ahead on the road, a face of helplessness, "If it was possible to drive, would we still be stuck here now?"

As he said this, his gaze shifted back to the opposite side. Although they were too far to hear what the girl was negotiating with the traffic cop, he could tell she was pleading earnestly, "I figure, this is fate, the fate between you and your 'Lady'."

The more tense and grim Lan Mu's face became, the more Zhou Sicheng took pleasure in his misfortune.

He looked ahead, judging that the jam would last a while, and simply opened the car door to get out.

"Yan Zao!"

Yan Zao was playing the sympathy card with the traffic cop when she heard someone call her. Instinctively, she turned her head, and without realizing it, she plunged into the man's deep eyes, as if falling into a sea of stars. She flailed her arms for help, but no sound came out.

She was stunned!

In an instant, the memory of the young man's clean, handsome face flashed through her mind, as cold as it was now.

A mere road's distance away, yet it felt to her like she could sprint all she wanted and still never get close enough.

The drizzling rain seemed to draw a curtain between them; Yan Zao raised her hand to push it aside, only to find her hand trembling violently. She felt like she suddenly woke from a dream and quickly lowered her hand.

"Yan Zao, long time no see."

Zhou Sicheng had gotten out of the car, standing on the other side of the barrier, waving warmly at Yan Zao.

He wore the LY team uniform, as sunny and handsome as ever, with rimless glasses perched on his nose, instantly elevating his sense of style.

Interrupted from her thoughts, Yan Zao lifted her hand again and smiled, waving at Zhou Sicheng, unable not to sneak a glance at the man sitting in the car.

The traffic cop beside her finished writing the ticket and handed it to Yan Zao along with her driver's license, "Three points deducted, license suspended. Have a family member come to drive the car."