Chapter 5 Rational Chase of Stars_1

Zhou Sicheng's laughter became more and more schadenfreude.

The traffic police really couldn't take it anymore and scolded Yan Zao, pulling her back, "Young lady, be rational in your pursuit of celebrities. You'd break your parents' hearts if they saw you behave like this."

The uncle traffic officer had turned into a parental figure, deeply distressed by Yan Zao's irrational 'fanaticism,' thinking if it had been his own child, he would have slapped her across the face by now.

From a distance, it wasn't clear what was happening on the other side, but a middle-aged traffic cop was grabbing a girl's arm while she struggled vigorously, a scene of tugging and pulling.

Zhou Sicheng looked concerned, "Your wife isn't going to get taken away by the traffic police, right?"

But in reality, it was with the mood of someone enjoying the drama.

He had barely finished speaking when the man in the passenger seat suddenly lifted his hand, took off the hat on his head, and sat up straight.

It was a big movement.

It felt like something significant was about to happen.

Zhou Sicheng had been teasing the whole time and was very aware that Lan Mu wouldn't help Yan Zao. Wasn't it common knowledge amongst their circle how much Lan Mu disliked Yan Zao?

So when he saw Lan Mu opening the car door to get out, he was worried he was going to cause trouble for Yan Zao and tried to stop him, "Lan Mu, don't do anything rash."

Throwing Yan Zao into a ditch, hanging her up in a tree, Lan Mu had done these things before.

Luckily, Yan Zao had thick skin.

Lan Mu ignored Zhou Sicheng, got out of the car, adjusted the brim of his hat, and with long strides crossed the median barrier, heavily walking toward the other side.

"Heavens... my god, Team Blue."

Yan Zao was still tussling with the middle-aged traffic cop when a young traffic cop suddenly covered his mouth, hopping excitedly and speaking incoherently.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

Yan Zao turned around, and the tall figure of the man had already approached, wearing the familiar LY Team jersey, the familiar face...

She was stunned.

The young traffic cop had forgotten he was on duty, even forgotten that he was a traffic cop, and had completely transformed into a fan of Team Blue, excitedly approaching Lan Mu, "Captain Lan, I've watched every single match of yours. You're really amazing."

Lan Mu glanced at the traffic officer, didn't pause in his stride, and walked past the officer expressionlessly, approaching the woman.

They stood a step apart, he looked down, and she tilted her face up slightly.

Their eyes met.

Yan Zao's gaze dodged for a moment, emotions flickered through her eyes, and as a breeze blew by, she instinctively shrank her neck and shivered.

She lowered her head, then raised it again, sporting a long face instantly transformed into a playful, mischievous smile, "Honey, my driver's license has been suspended. Could you please drive the car back for me?"

As she spoke, she took a step forward towards Lan Mu, reaching out and hooking her arm through his.

Her tone was as natural as if she often behaved this way, the move as adept as if she were used to hooking onto people's arms like this.

Lan Mu furrowed his brow and coldly scoffed, "I'm not Cheng Xingzhi."

His voice was very low, audible only to Yan Zao.

Yan Zao was slightly taken aback, and then Lan Mu pulled his hand away from hers. In the eyes of the traffic police, Yan Zao was still a crazy fan of Lan Mu, and Lan Mu looked at her with nothing but disgust.

Thinking about it, this was normal. Stars were human, too, especially basketball stars who exhaust a lot with hectic schedules, so it made sense for them to be irritated by such crazy fans.

"Young lady, Captain Lan cares about all you fans, but you should also understand how hard they work. Let him go home to rest early, and you should hurry up and call your family to take your car back home."