Chapter 6 Too Much Favoritism to Fans_1

Yan Zao wasn't paying attention to what the traffic officer was saying.

Over and over in her ears, Lan Mu's words echoed, "I am not Cheng Xingzhi."

She looked down at her hands, lifted them, trembled slightly, and then put them back down, a trace of self-mockery curling at the corner of her mouth.

She wasn't Yu Ye Sang either.

"Team Blue."

The traffic officer suddenly cried out in surprise at Lan Mu.

Yan Zao didn't know what had happened as she looked up and found Lan Mu was no longer beside her but had strode over to the driver's door of her car.

Not just the traffic officer, she herself was surprised.

What was he doing?

Startled, she came to her senses, her footsteps hurrying after him, "Lan Mu, you...?"

Lan Mu opened the car door and got into the vehicle, a pink sports car that, in both color and interior space, was quite cramped for a man over 1.9 meters tall.

Yan Zao realized Lan Mu was about to drive her car. She wasn't slow to react and swiftly took the passenger seat. The car had barely started before she could close the door properly.

With a 'vroom',

the two traffic officers jumped in fright, instinctively leaping aside to clear the way.

Watching the pink sports car driven away by Lan Mu, the younger traffic officer said incredulously and enviously, "Captain Lan really spoils his fans too much."

He actually helped a fan drive.

Suddenly, a voice came to his ear asking him, "Envious, huh?"

The traffic officer nodded dreamily, "Deadly envious, okay?"

Huh? Who?

The young traffic officer turned his head and saw Zhou Sicheng. He blinked, then blinked again, ensuring he wasn't mistaken and then excitedly jumped up, "Zhou... Vice-Captain Zhou."

Zhou Sicheng smiled, "There are lots of tickets still waiting for you guys to issue, get going."

The traffic officer pursed his lips, nodding vigorously, "I will always be a fan of LY."

He even made a fist and gestured enthusiastically.

He looked kind of cute.

Zhou Sicheng chuckled, his gaze following the direction the pink sports car had gone. It was already out of sight, but he could still faintly hear the high-pitched sound of the engine.

He squinted, puzzled.


"Cheng Xingzhi doesn't want you anymore?"

It was only when the car had circled around to the adjacent return lane that the man in the driver's seat finally spoke.

Even in a mocking tone, his voice was still as pleasant as ever, deep like the strings of a cello. In the past, the girls' comments about Lan Mu were that just hearing his voice was a treat.

Caught in traffic, the car came to a stop.

Yan Zao withdrew her gaze from the window and met the man's handsome peach-blossom eyes. Even with a cold and sarcastic gleam, she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter.

Just like when her affection first blossomed, when she saw the boy on the basketball court for the first time.

Since then, a new worry had been entwined in her life, bothering her up to this day.

She curved her lips into a smile but did not respond.

And continued looking out the window.

Her clothes were wet, so she hugged her arms close, leaned back, and fell asleep against the seat. She didn't know when the car started moving again. She slept soundly, the familiar man's voice echoing as if right beside her ear.


'Just arrived.'

Listening to this voice, Yan Zao curved her lips and turned her body to face the driver's seat. It was uncomfortable, as it always is in a car. Finally, she picked a position that was marginally more comfortable. She lifted her legs up, her face against the back of the seat, curling up into a small ball.

The familiar voice suddenly stopped, causing her to furrow her brows, "Lan Mu."

Lan Mu was on the phone. Hearing Yan Zao calling him, he turned his head and saw her with her eyes closed, frowning and pouting her lips, clearly dreaming.

"Lan Mu, I really want to..."

The girl murmured again suddenly.