Chapter 14 The Day You Leave with the Money_1

Yan Zao's thoughts drifted unintentionally into the distance when once again, a pleasing male voice came from ahead, "Come over and sign this."

Her reverie broken, Yan Zao noticed that Lan Mu had already moved to the coffee table. Following the direction of his hand, she saw two pieces of paper on the table, a document for her to sign?

She walked over, puzzled.

Before she even reached it, she saw the document's heading: 'Divorce Agreement.'

Her complexion instantly turned as pale as paper, and the sharp pain in her heart was unrelieved. She could only clench her hands into fists behind her legs, struggling to control the trembling, but her eyes, disobedient, became sour.

Her dense eyelashes moistened after fluttering a couple of times.

Heaven knows the joy she felt when she received the call that Lan Mu had agreed to the marriage. All the fake pride she had, the thoughts of not wanting him if she couldn't have his heart, were cast aside.

Even when people who disliked her told her that Lan Mu had agreed to the marriage only because his grandfather coerced him with surgery, her mind was still filled with the thought of becoming Lan Mu's wife, and her heart was joyful.

After holding her breath for what felt like an eternity, her lips quivering, she opened them and said, "Wait a minute."

Yan Zao didn't look at Lan Mu. She turned around, darted into the bedroom, into the bathroom, shut the door, turned on the faucet, and splashed cool water on her face over and over with her hands.

After pretending for over a decade, she couldn't keep it up any longer.

The cold water helped her control her tears. After turning off the faucet, she raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes bright red. She curved a corner of her mouth upward.

Like a childhood curse, she was doomed to love but not be loved in return.

No matter what kind of love.

Outside, someone was waiting for her to sign the divorce agreement. That day... it was bound to come eventually.

Yan Zao composed herself, opened the bathroom door, and detected a hint of cigarette smoke.

She was surprised.

After all, in her memory, Lan Mu was always a clean-cut young man, someone who would never be associated with cigarettes. She stepped out of the bedroom and was startled to see the man leaning back on the couch, his head tilted in exhaustion, a lit cigarette pinched between his fingers and resting on his leg.

Having apparently heard Yan Zao's footsteps, Lan Mu lifted his head and saw that her hair was half-damp and her eyes were rimmed with red. His gaze flickered and his hand trembled slightly, causing ash to fall.

The heat startled him into sudden alertness, his face regaining its cold indifference.

Yan Zao blew her nose to make sure she didn't sound nasal, then stepped towards the sofa with a detached voice, "I can sign this agreement, but I will not give back those ten percent of shares to your family."

She walked to the coffee table, casually picked up one of the agreements, skimmed through it, tossed it back down, and sat down next to Lan Mu.

She looked at him sideways, her eyes still slightly red, but her glance was icy cold, detached.

Lan Mu's expression was frosty. He threw the remaining half of his cigarette into an ashtray and ground it out firmly, then raised his head to face Yan Zao with a loathsome look, "After my grandfather's surgery is over, you can take the money and get lost."

He reached for a pen and passed it to Yan Zao.

Then he handed her both copies of the agreement. Yan Zao didn't take them, speaking leisurely, "Before I sign, I want to add a clause to the agreement."
