Chapter 13 She Actually Wants to Blow-dry Lan Mu's Hair_1

Since the last time she saw Lan Mu at the airport, a week had passed, she got used to it, yet seemed... not quite.

Yan Zao pushed open the door, her soul seemingly drawn out, dragging her feet toward the bedroom.

The empty room, the neatly made bed, it felt cold as if no one had lived there for a long time, even though she hugged the pillow every night, she couldn't catch a whiff of his scent.

He had given everything of his to Yu Yesang, including the scent on his body.

The automatic curtains opened as she approached the window, the moonlight and the streetlights outside were brighter than inside the room.


Why are the lights in the room on?

She suddenly remembered she hadn't turned on the lights when she entered; they were already on, sending a chill down her spine.

She whipped around.


The man stood in the doorway of the bedroom, wearing a bathrobe, his hair damp, still sporting that indifferent and cool face. Her scream didn't seem to affect his coolness or aloofness.

He stood there immovable like a statue, always looking at her with the disdain of someone owed millions.

Yan Zao collected herself from the scare, then asked with a trace of surprise, "Lan Mu, when did you get back?"

"Do I need to report to you?"

Yan Zao bit her lip and shook her head, wishing she could cut off her own tongue.

Knowing Lan Mu, it was indeed a bit stupid to ask such a question. How could he ever answer such a 'boring and meaningless' question?

She didn't speak again, but gave Lan Mu a quick once-over, her expression gradually cooling, "You're back, then... I'll go sleep in the guest room."

With that, she walked toward the door.

Lan Mu suddenly lifted his foot, taking a step forward; Yan Zao didn't anticipate his move and failed to stop in time, almost bumping into him. She was caught mid-step, frozen in place.

Looking up, the man gazed down at her, his cold breath seemingly mixed with a hint of alcohol, like a wisp of fragrance brushing past Yan Zao's nose unexpectedly, sending an unguarded shiver through her heart. Her hands instinctively drew back behind her legs, yet her eyes forgot to move away, blankly staring at the man's handsome face.

"Come here."

Lan Mu spoke, the tone commanding, then he shifted his gaze away and turned to walk outside.

His hair was still wet, seemingly dripping water.

Watching him, Yan Zao blurted out, "Lan Mu, let me help you..."

Blow-dry your hair...

The remaining four words almost slipped out before she snapped back to reality. Had she gone mad?

How could she even think about blow-drying the hair of Lan Mu, the proud and fastidious Team Blue captain, who had a goddess in his heart? Was it the courage given by the ancestors of the Yan Family from beyond the grave?


A sound came from the man ahead, carrying a faint nasal quality, almost gentle.

It was so gentle that Yan Zao thought she was hallucinating; she looked up blankly, meeting the man's profound gaze. The soft lighting seemed to soften the lines of his features.

Heat uncontrollably rose to Yan Zao's face, and she hurriedly looked away.

Her fickle nature made her lose interest quickly, but if asked what the most enduring thing in her life was, it was definitely her liking for Lan Mu, for twelve continuous years. Whether it was him sleepy-eyed early in the morning, him tanned from military training, or him dripping with sweat after coming off the court.

She liked every bit of him, and he possessed every quality she liked.