Chapter 62: There's an Insider Story in this Draft Event_1

The girl said, "Unless Lan Mu speaks up, I'll give him face."

Then she opened her mouth and burst into a loud laugh.

Zhou Sicheng: "..."

Doesn't he want to save face?

At this moment, Lan Mu, with even an eye mask on, seemed not to have heard the conversation between Zhou Sicheng and the random girl. He had no intention of speaking up.

Yu Yesang turned her head to look at Lan Mu, and seeing him like that, a shadow passed over her eyes. The real leather handbag was deeply indented by her fingernails.

"Ms. Yu, hello."

The first-class flight attendant called out to Yu Yesang twice with a gentle tone.

Yu Yesang finally reacted, "What is it?"

With considerable annoyance in her voice.

This startled Zhou Sicheng, because Yu Yesang had never been angry except in dissatisfaction with work; she had always been gentle and patient with people.

The flight attendant, embarrassed by Yu Yesang's retort, apologized, "Sorry to disturb you, may I ask what you would like to drink?"