Chapter 61 I Want to Sit with Lan Shen too_1

First-class cabins in domestic flights are all pretty similar—double-row seating, a bit more space, seats that can be reclined all the way back. Their boarding passes had them seated together: Yu Yesang and Lan Mu side by side, with Zhou Sicheng alone in the row behind them.

Ladies first, Yu Yesang walked ahead of the two men and sat down according to the seat assignment on her boarding pass. Lan Mu, without stopping at their row, went on to sit in Zhou Sicheng's seat in the row behind.

Zhou Sicheng pointed to the seat beside Yu Yesang, reminding him, "Lan Mu, you've got the wrong seat, you're supposed to be here."

He intended to go over and switch with Lan Mu.

Lan Mu gave him an annoyed look, "You talk too much."

No intention of getting up to switch seats.

Yu Yesang watched Lan Mu, her expression changing, her hands clutching her bag tightly.