Chapter 76: Didn't We Agree Not to Scold Me?_1

After pondering for a moment, Lan Mu turned to Zhou Sicheng and asked, "What's it like?"

Talking about such a topic, Zhou Sicheng was full of enthusiasm. He said with a smile, "It's like waiting for a message from someone you like, looking around anxiously, not coming the first time, not coming the second time, really eager and anxious."

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, forgetting his fear of Lan Mu, and he leaned closer to him, "You're waiting for a message, aren't you..."

Before he could finish his nosy question, he received a dangerous glance from Lan Mu.


Zhou Sicheng frowned, "You said you wouldn't curse at me, right?"

He felt extremely wronged.

Lan Mu pointed his finger in a warning, "From now on, if you say one more word, you're out of the car."

Zhou Sicheng got angry too, straightened his back, and his voice was louder than Lan Mu's, "What does your not getting a message have to do with me? This is my car!"