Chapter 77 Going to the Capital for a Blind Date_1

She deliberately sent that provocative message to him because she wanted to infuriate him into continuing their chat, but he didn't reply at all. Was he...not afraid of being "cucked"?

Or was it inconvenient for him to text her back?

After taking a shower, she picked up her phone, and the conversation with Lan Mu was still at the last message she had sent. Her heart sank, and the corners of her mouth turned down in disappointment.

She lay down on the bed, spreading her arms out.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

She excitedly picked it up to look, and as she saw the caller ID, the stars in her eyes faded once more.

Pressing the answer button, she spoke listlessly, "What's up?"

"Zao, I'm drunk and don't know where I am, blegh... "

Over the phone came Dai Xinmeng's voice, slurred with drunkenness, and before she could finish, she was constantly retching.

Then she heard the sound of running water.