Chapter 107: Just Show Off

Butler Lu was like a surveillance monitor, constantly watching her, leaving her no chance to think things through.

She changed her shoes and entered on her own.

Li Sufen was sitting on the sofa with Yu Yesang, chatting and laughing.

The servant was crouched beside the coffee table, making tea for them.

She walked over and consciously sat down on the small sofa nearby.

After the servant poured tea for both Yu Yesang and Li Sufen, they brought the kettle and cup over to Yan Zao, "Miss Yan, please have some tea."

"Thank you."

Yan Zao thanked them; she didn't want to drink, but it was really awkward to just sit there watching Yu Yesang and Li Sufen show off their relationship. So, she picked up the cup and sipped the tea in small gulps.

Listening to Li Sufen and Yu Yesang chatting.

"Amu promised to come back for dinner with me today, but he stood me up again."