108 Chapter Why are you my love rival?_1

"Sangsang is here."

Lan Sizhen, who had eyes only for the food just now, finally noticed Yu Yesang, and, delighted, happily took a seat next to her before turning to Li Sufen, "He Feng and the others have been dragging me to card games until now, and the losses have killed me."

She sat down beside Yu Yesang.

After sitting down, she saw Yan Zao, and her face fell, "Oh, look, my formidable niece-in-law is here too."

Her tone dripped with sarcasm.

Yan Zao curled her lips into a smile and greeted, "Hello, auntie."

Lan Sizhen snorted, "I'm fine as long as I don't see you." She couldn't wait any longer and picked up her chopsticks to start eating.

As she ate, something occurred to her, and she turned to Yu Yesang to ask, "Sangsang, your cousin's shop is opening on the seventh, right?"

Yu Yesang nodded, "Mhm."

Lan Sizhen, with a rib clamped between her chopsticks, gnawed and said, "Make sure you reserve a spot for me then; I'll bring a few friends to show some support."