Chapter 114 Turns out Lan Mu is Afraid of Dogs_1

"Woof woof woof..."

The golden retriever outside suddenly started barking wildly.

It surprised everyone, and Yan Zao's emotions were interrupted.

This kind of bark usually means a stranger has come; Yan Yuanjing knew it best. He took Yan Zao's hand and led her out, "Sis, never mind Mom for now, let's go see Little Huanhuan."

Yan Zao was being pulled by Yan Yuanjing, and she rubbed her eyes with her other hand and sniffed.

"Who's there?"

At the entrance, Yan Yuanjing asked into the yard.

Though there was light in the yard, it wasn't as bright as inside the house; they could only see the silhouettes of objects.

The large golden retriever was hopping and barking at the gate.

Then, Yan Zao saw a person at the entrance and stared in surprise.

The man hunched up against the gate was... Lan Mu?

Was she seeing things? She blinked uncertainly again.